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2.8 How to prepare for your viva

Nov 06, 2023

Have you got your PhD viva coming up soon? Or is it something that you're already starting to dread even though it's a few years away? If so, this is the perfect episode for you. We're going to be thinking about all the stories about PhD vivas, how we can prepare for them, and how we can look after ourselves in that process. You get to decide how we do this and I'm going to help you figure out how.

Hello and welcome to episode eight of season two of the PhD Life Coach and this week we are talking preparing your viva. Now this is a topic that's at the top of my mind at the moment because in my membership program at the University of Birmingham where students have access to two sessions a week of online group coaching, I've got several students who have either got their vivas imminently or who've got them coming up in the next month or two.

 Been coaching on this a lot recently and really getting an insight into the thoughts and feelings that people experience in this period. I want to contextualize first of all that this does depend to some extent on what country you're doing your PhD in. There's very different structures for vivas or defences in different countries. In some countries, some parts of mainland Europe, for example, you've essentially passed your PhD before you go into your defence and it's more of a public display, you do a talk and answer some questions, but the idea is to share and celebrate.

Now I'm not saying that's not stressful, there may be other thoughts around that, but in the UK, the viva is the point at which your examiners really decide whether they're going to give you the PhD or not, and how many changes they're going to ask you to do in order to pass. You can, of course, get an outright fail. It's highly unusual to get that in your first viva. But what this means is it feels like a really high stakes assessment, and it's something that is different than people have done before. It's something that you've been working towards for three to four years, often even more if you're a part time student, for example, or who've taken leave of absences.

And so it can feel like this massive, massive thing. And if you're feeling that at the moment, that's really understandable. There is nothing wrong with you. I did a little shout out on my social media and also within my membership. So within my membership, we have a Slack channel where we can all talk to each other and there were so many thoughts that people were having about their PhD viva. They were worried they were going to get defensive when they were criticized. They were worried that maybe the process wouldn't be fair because different people have different examiners. They were concerned that they didn't know what they should be doing in this gap between handing in and doing the viva and that they might do the wrong things. They're worried they're not good enough, that they'll say something stupid.

They talked about a rollercoaster of emotions, going from sort of the elation of handing in their PhD, through to feeling really anxious about the viva itself, and also a sense of loss that they were finishing this period of their life. This thing they'd looked forward to finishing, suddenly feels like a gap in their life now it's not there anymore.

And then people have these perceptions of what the viva is going to be like as well. We all hear disaster stories of when it went on for eight hours and the person got major mods anyway, and all of these things. We hear all the big stories and we worry that it's going to be terrible. I've had clients talk about dread, that they actively are dreading their viva. 

There's also all these thoughts around whether the people around you have done enough, should your supervisor have supported you more, should your thesis be in a better place than it was by the time it got handed in because you didn't get the support that you needed, about whether you've even got the right examiners, whether you should have had more input into who those examiners were, whether your supervisors have picked the right people. There's so many thoughts and so many stories. 

We have people who get really worried that they won't remember things, that, you know, they, they understand their work, but they don't necessarily trust that they'll be able to recall details and they believe they're going to really need to do that in the Viva.

And then we have people who worry about the emotions they'll experience. They worry now that they'll get really anxious in the viva. Maybe they're worried they'll panic in the viva. Maybe they're worried they just won't say anything because they'll go into like a freeze stress response.

All of these things are very, very normal, but as usual, they don't have to be inevitable, it doesn't have to feel like this. The problems don't come when we have these thoughts and feelings, the problems come when we unquestioningly accept them, take them as truth and believe we have to just fight or experience all these emotions. 

And what we're gonna think about today is some alternative ways that you can think about this period of time so that you can decide what you need to spend it doing. Because depending on what you're feeling, and depending on what your thoughts are, and depending on your beliefs about your thesis, there are very different ways that you can spend this time.

There is no right answer. You get to decide what works for you. But let's figure out how we can decide that in a way that's really got your best interests at heart rather than a sense that you "should" be doing something in particular.

As usual, I'm going to finish with some tips from me based on my experience as an examiner, a chair in PhD vivas, and as a supervisor of a bunch of PhD students who have got successfully through their vivas. So let's get started.

First, I'd really recommend you figure out where you are at. And by you, I don't mean your thesis. I don't mean looking through and figuring out what you did well and what you did badly and how you're going to defend it in the Viva. I mean you. How are you at the moment? What are the feelings you're experiencing?

What are the thoughts you're having? Let's try and identify those before we do anything else because what we need to prepare more than anything for the Viva is to prepare you. We've talked about thought downloads in these podcasts before. Take a moment to really write about how you're thinking about the viva at the moment. Just keep writing. Don't judge anything you're writing. Try and get really get into what thoughts you're having and what emotions you're experiencing and do it from a place of compassion. All of this is completely normal. You are not feeling anything that other people aren't feeling. Let's figure it out because different people do worry about different elements of this. It is all completely normal, but you'll find you've got particular things that you're worrying about.

I want you to also think about how you're feeling right now. Are you tired? You're probably tired. It's understandable to be tired. You've just done this massive push to get your thesis written. And there's a real comedown from that. You have this sort of elation of handing in, and then it's this sort of, and your body gets to relax for the first time in probably a long time, and that can feel really weird.

So how are you feeling right now? Spend a little bit of time writing about that. And what I want you then to think about is not how do I prepare for this terrifying vibe, or what do I even need to do? Because then we spin off into these big stories. But instead I want you to ask yourself, what do you need right now?

Now, some of this will be, what do I need practically there in the defence? So, I need a printed copy of my thesis perhaps, that might be one thing that you think you actually need. You might need, in your mind, to refresh your memory of some of the key references, for example.

So you may have some things like that, where it's actual topic based needs that you identify. However, I really want you to focus more on you as a human being. What do you need?

 And for a lot of you, What you need is some rest. And I know the immediate thought that's jumping into your head is I don't have time to rest, I've got to get ready for my viva. But trust me, the periods of your life where you don't have time to rest are the periods that you need rest more than ever. 

Another thing you might really want now is some clarity. You might want to really understand what you're going to be doing over this period of time. That's totally understandable. Whilst a PhD can feel really unstructured while you're doing it, at least you know usually what the next steps of your research are and what your next tasks are. This period of time between handing in and the defense can feel even more unstructured, than the beginnings of our PhDs feel.

And so if you're feeling like you want some clarity, that's really understandable too. Write that down on your list. So you probably want some rest. You probably want some clarity. You probably are saying, and I'm now guessing the things that you're going to thought download, you probably also want to feel secure.

You want to feel like you understand what's going to happen and that you're going to be okay. Some confidence that you're going to be okay. And then what we can do is, as we start to figure out what do I need right now, we can then start to think, okay, how can I meet those needs? What would help those things, and from there, we can really action plan.

So if you need rest, we can think about how much rest, what feels like good rest for you, because all rest is not created equal. Rest where you're blobbing on the sofa, scrolling on your phone and three hours later, just feel a bit groggy, is not the same as rest where you go for a short walk and then actually nap. You know what type of rest feels restful for you, and what type of rest makes you just feel worse than when you started. We can plan for what sort of rest will help us most. 

And then we can think, what am I going to need to think in order to be willing to rest? Because we can action plan all we want, but if we don't look at the thoughts we have about it, then we ain't going to do the things that we intended to do.

So what thoughts would you need to think in order to be able to follow your rest plan? You probably need to think that rest is important. You probably need to think that you have enough time to rest. You probably need to think that you deserve. to rest. And I want you to really ask yourself whether you believe those things, because if you don't, you're not going to rest with all the best intentions.

So we either need to work on building your belief in those thoughts, or you need to work on identifying thoughts that you do have, that you do already believe. Maybe you already believe that people generally deserve to rest before their viva. There are very few of you, I think, who would tell your friends that they didn't deserve to rest before their vivas, having just handed in their thesis, but somehow we tell it to ourselves. So find a thought that feels true for you, that enables you to actually get that rest that you want. One of my students also let me know that she'd been listening to one of my earlier podcasts, episode 11, I think it is, on how to rest over the Christmas holidays from last year, and was finding that really useful in this period of time before her viva. So if you're feeling like you need to rest, but you have a lot of thoughts about whether you deserve to rest, whether you've got time to rest, that would be a really good episode to check out.

In terms of clarity, if you feel like you need clarity, what do you need to think in order to get that clarity? And I think this is a combination of thoughts. I think you need to think that it's possible to have some clarity. You need to believe that that is something that you can have. A lot of people see the viva as this big mysterious thing that I can never have clarity about until, because you never know what might happen when you go in there. That's kind of true, but you can get a bunch of clarity about it. So you need to believe that it's possible to be more clear on how it's going to go.

You need to believe it's okay to ask questions. So to talk to people from your department who've had vivas recently, talk to people who've examined vivas in your department recently, examined them elsewhere, talking to your supervisor about previous experiences with their students, you need to believe that it's okay to ask those questions.

Everyone does their viva for the first time. Everybody has been in the position where they didn't know and sometimes supervisors forget what things we don't know, you know, it's really easy once you've done it, however many times, you know, I got to the stage where I would forget some of the basic things that people doing this for the first time didn't understand. So let's nurture the belief that it's okay to ask for clarity.

The other thing that I think is really important though for you to think is that you get to decide some of the clarity. There isn't a right way of preparing. If our result is that we have a clear plan for the period between now and the viva, and that's what we want to end up with. And the actions we need to take are to work out what we're going to do in that time. What thoughts help with that? One thought that helps. is I get to decide. Other people have done vivas before, but only I have done this viva before.

Only I have had my PhD experience and having this viva experience and I know what I need in this period and I get to decide. And often, that's a really challenging thought. Because we believe there's a right answer out there somewhere, that if only we could find it, we'd know how to prepare.When in reality, like with so many things, you just get to pick. You get to pick and you know yourself as well as anybody, so there's no one better qualified to pick what you need right now.

Another thing that you might have identified that you need is confidence, belief, that sense that you are going to be okay. Now, this is a really interesting one because people think that confidence comes from having done things before and confidence comes from knowing that you are going to pass the viva.

, The trouble is, you haven't done this before, and we don't know if you're going to pass the viva. Now most people, when you hand in your thesis, it's very unusual for you to fail on a viva. It's very unusual for it to be anything other than some degree of modifications, and then here's your PhD.

However, you don't know. We don't know. We can't be sure. And the trouble is, people try and reassure us by saying, you know, you'll be okay. It's like, what if I'm not? I might not be. Something might go wrong. I might end up with some horrible examiner who's feeling really unreasonable, and they find something in my thesis that I didn't know about. It might happen. And so trying to get confidence from saying it's not going to can be a bit of a losing battle. What I would really encourage you instead is to build confidence from knowing that you will be okay, whatever happens. From knowing that in that viva, you are going to look after yourself and that after the viva, no matter what happens, you are going to be kind to yourself and you are going to put the support in place that you need to be okay. 

I once, and I can't remember if I ever talked about this on the podcast before, I once took part in a competition called FameLab, where it's a science communication competition. I was on stage at the Bloomsbury Theatre and I forgot all my words. I hadn't anticipated it happening. I wasn't even that nervous about it, to be honest. But I completely forgot my words and just froze on stage in front of hundreds of people, and streaming live on the internet. It was a joy. I think I might have mentioned this before. But anyway, what made that okay wasn't that I stopped something awful happening, because something awful did happen.

It was pretty embarrassing. But what made it okay was that I was really kind to myself afterwards. I didn't beat myself up about how I'd made a fool of myself. I didn't tell myself terrible things about myself. I didn't beat myself up about how much more rehearsal I should have done or any of those things.

I just said, well, that sucked. How can I look after you? And I was nice to myself. I actually ended up making a video about the experience. You can find that on YouTube if you look. And you can do the same. Whatever happens in your viva, you can choose to be really nice about yourself and to remind yourself that you did your best here and that you worked really hard for this. And that whatever happens, you're going to keep being kind to yourself, you're not going to say terrible things to yourself, and you're going to sort out whatever you need to sort out after the viva, whether that's minor typos for your minor modifications, or whether it's a bigger piece of work that you still need to complete. We can decide in advance that we're going to be nice to ourselves throughout the whole process.

So far, we've really been thinking about what do you need in this period between handing in and going to the viva. So what do you need over this preparation period? What I want you to also spend some time thinking is what do I need on the day? How do I want to feel? What do I need to set up in advance so that I can feel those things? And one thing I would really encourage you to do is to plan in advance what you're going to think on the day. And again, we've, we've talked about to think lists before, and they could sometimes be a bit of a weird concept for people because obviously action is useful.

We know that. We know we have to actually do things to get anything done. But pre planning what you're going to think on the day can be really, really helpful. Having a little sentence that resonates with you that you go back to when you feel anxious is really helpful. I will chuck some in for you. 

I know this work better than anybody else and I guarantee you that's true. Your examiners might know some of the background better than you do, or at least as well as you do. But your work, you know better than anybody else. 

Another thought that I would recommend, it doesn't have to be perfect. Which is true. Often people have this feeling that if there's anything they don't know in the viva, then they're gonna get major modifications and it's gonna be horrendous and it's gonna take another year and blah, blah, blah. It's not true. You are allowed to have bits in the viva where you just don't know the answer. You are allowed to have bits in the viva where you say. Yeah, I can't actually remember why we did that. I mean, this would be logical, I guess, but I can't really remember. That's okay. You're allowed bits where you are not perfect. In fact, one of the roles of a viva is for them to be able to see that you know, your work has some flaws. You understand the flaws, and you understand how you could maybe mitigate them in the future or why they were kind of inevitable with the design that you used and therefore just what the implications of those flaws are.

They're not looking for a perfect piece of work. They're looking for a piece of work where you understand its strengths and why you did it that way and you understand its flaws and you can explain them and discuss them in the context of other work. So a thought, this doesn't have to be perfect, can be really useful.

This is a conversation, not a defence, can be a helpful one too. And in an awful lot of viva experiences that I've overseen during my academic career, people have come out going, that was actually really nice, who knew? And it's like, hmm, tried to tell you that, you didn't believe me. But it's okay, because I didn't believe people before mine either.

But reminding yourself this is a conversation. I get to have a conversation with two people who care about this field, about my work. That's pretty cool. Okay, so you get to think whatever you want in the run up to that viva, in that day of the viva, but let's decide it in advance.

If you're really worried that you're going to get stressed, you can take two approaches. You can have one where you have thoughts that help you to be less stressed. So those kind of calming, it doesn't have to be perfect. This is just a conversation. I know my work better than anybody. You can have those calming thoughts that we've talked about, but I'd also recommend a thought.

It's okay if I get stressed because I can just take a moment. Okay. Sometimes we get more stressed worrying that we're going to get stressed and it will be a big deal than we would actually if we just got stressed in the moment. 

So reminding yourself, if I get stressed in the viva, I can just take a second and breathe. I can also just ask for a couple of moments. That's okay too. You can in the viva say, can I just have a couple of seconds? I'm feeling a bit nervous. And your examiners will understand that. Vivas aren't about testing how you respond under pressure. This is not Celebrity SAS. Okay, they're not there to torture you.

If you say, can I just take a moment, then that will be okay. If you feel really uncomfortable with that, you can always ask to go to the toilet. That's a sneaky way to go and get yourself a moment without having to tell them that you need a moment. So if partway through you're feeling, you know, you can feel your heart rate going, you're getting a bit sweaty and you're a bit like, okay, and you're really uncomfortable to say, can I just take a moment, ask for a bathroom break because that's acceptable too. 

So we get to decide what we want to be thinking and feeling in the run up to it, we get to decide what we want to be thinking and feeling on the day of, and we get to decide what we're going to say to ourselves after it. And I'd be really cautious around your interpretation of the words, I did my best.

Because people often have this notion of what your best is, which would be answering every question eloquently and quickly and thoroughly and blah blah blah, having no critiques. That's not your best. Your best is whatever you do on the day. Because your best is what you're capable of doing in that moment.

So even if you get a bit stressed and even if afterwards you think, Oh, I should have mentioned that paper. Oh my God, I'm so annoyed. Whatever you did, that was your best. And you get to decide that after this, I am telling myself I did my best, no matter what happens in that viva. I'm telling myself I'm proud of myself, no matter what happens in that viva. Okay, you get to decide that now. 

So we can think in this time, what do I need now? What do I need on the day? What do I need afterwards? And start to plan thoughts and actions that help with those things. I think this is also a really important moment to start talking about something that in my form of coaching we call the manual, which is our expectations of others.

And it's really easy, particularly when we're under stress ourselves, to have expectations about how other people should be behaving. So how much support our supervisors should be giving us, how our examiners should behave on the day, how our family and friends and partners should be supporting us in the run up to our viva.

There's no issue with having expectations of other people. We all have expectations of other people. We all have hopes as to how people will behave. In some situations, you may be able to request things you want from those people. So if sitting down and doing a mock viva with your supervisor would be useful, ask. If your partner bringing you hot drinks while you look through your thesis and make some notes would be useful and just make you feel looked after, ask. You can make requests of other people, but the reason we call it a manual is because ultimately, our manual, for other people, they don't have to follow it.

Unfortunately, every individual in this world gets to decide what they're going to do. And that's driven by a whole bunch of things, and sometimes that can be really annoying. Because sometimes you might look at your supervisor and think, you should be supporting me differently right now. Or thinking to the examiner, you're being really mean and you shouldn't be. Or thinking to your family, you should understand how stressed I am and you don't. What we teach about the manual is the more you can accept that other people will behave the way they behave and that we get to choose how we respond to that, the easier it gets. Because there's nothing more painful than spending loads of time wishing somebody was anything other than they were.

We talked about this a little bit in some of my episodes about getting on with your supervisor and having a good supervisory relationship. So if in the run up to your viva you're still struggling with that, those could be some useful episodes to do. 

So really think about what are your expectations for the people around you? What requests are you willing to make to them? But what are you also just going to accept? Because you can make requests, but people are not going to start being people they're not. If your supervisor is not the warm, fuzzy type, they're not suddenly going to start checking on you every day to make sure you're OK and patting you on the head and telling you you're brilliant.

So when you can accept that, we can think how else to meet those needs. Because that's essentially what we're doing with a manual, is we're expecting other people to meet our needs. And it's not that they shouldn't, maybe they could, maybe they should. But if they're not going to, how can we meet those needs ourselves?

If your supervisor's not the warm fuzzy type who will pat you on the head and tell you you're brilliant and you want to be patted on the head and told you're brilliant, who would? How could you pat yourself on the head and tell yourself you're brilliant? 

So figure out why do I want these things from people? Why do I want my family to understand how stressful this is? Because I need validation that it's okay that I'm stressed? Cool, where can you get that from? You can get that from other people who've been through it. You can get that from yourself. Yourself is always a good source of these things. The less time we can spend wishing other people were different, the more time we can spend actually meeting our needs so that we're supported during this period.

Another technique I want to introduce you to is conscious self talk. And I talked about this in one of my favorite episodes that, in my opinion, has not had enough attention. So I think you should all go and listen to it and it's about why Winnie the Pooh can help you manage your mind. And I encourage you to go and listen to the entire episode 'cause it's wonderful and I love it and I use it all the time.

But in brief, what I talk about in that episode is that if you are hearing your brain saying to you lots of things that are perhaps not helping. You know, your brain saying, oh, I don't think you're good enough. You don't know how to prepare, you know, you should have done more by now and all of those sorts of things that we know don't help us. You get to assign them a Winnie the Pooh character, assign those voices a Winnie the Pooh character. And the reason we give it a character is because then we get to talk back to the character, but in a compassionate way. Because the thing with Winnie the Pooh, we love all of these characters, okay? They're all awesome. They're lovely, cute characters. They all have your best interests at heart. Owl just values cleverness and wants you to be amazing. Eeyore, he wants to be happier than he is, but he really struggles and he's a lovely little donkey, he just gets a bit down sometimes. And Winnie the Pooh just worries that you don't get enough rest and you don't give yourself more treats and so he tries to remind you that you do deserve that. 

And so we don't get to just go, okay, I'll do what Winnie the Pooh says. Okay, you must be right. We get to talk back to them, but we get to do it in a compassionate way because we like these characters.

So we get to say to Eeyore, I know it does feel like that sometimes, doesn't it? But actually, we've done some quite hard things. We actually, we finished our thesis when we didn't think we would. You know, you get to talk back and reassure Eeyore. 

Or if Winnie the Pooh is saying, Come on, you deserve to sit on the sofa and eat chocolate, then you can go, I know I do. I really do. But when we planned today, we decided that we were going to do two hours of preparation work first, and then we'd sit on the sofa. So I am going to sit with you, but not till later. So you get to respond back to these voices and reassure them that you're on this. You have a plan.

So you really get to think about what you need right now and how you can meet those needs, either yourself or by making requests from the people around you. You get to decide what you need to think and feel at the moment, what you need to think and feel in the viva itself and on that day, and what you need to think and feel after the viva in order to be able to take all the actions that you want to take and achieve the results that you want to achieve.

I know that's a lot of thought work, and I know a lot of that isn't the kind of concrete advice of this is what you need to do to prepare. And that's because all of you are different. You don't need the same things. And it's really important that you channel into what you need, and you then make the plans as to how you can do that and that's why I've focused on that so far. 

However. I know you all love a tip, so I'm also going to give you some tips. Things that I would really recommend. Schedule your rest, schedule your work time. I talk about this in the how to rest episode. So, decide in advance, at least a day in advance, usually a week in advance.

When you are going to do different things so that you aren't resting while thinking you should be working and working when you think you should be resting and actually not really achieving either. Okay, so try to schedule that stuff out so that you know when you're doing the different things.

I would highly recommend having a copy of your thesis that you will be taking into the viva with you, whatever format you decide to do your viva in, whether it's face to face or online and consider putting tabs down the side if it's a physical copy, so that you can really quickly flick to the right page.

There's nothing worse than somebody saying, you know, oh, figure one of chapter two, um, I noticed that, blah, blah, blah, and you're thinking, which one's that? Get it so that you can just put tabs in and really quickly find them there in the moment. It can really help you not feel so flustered because you're not kind of doing flustered actions looking for the pages.

Another tip is, and this is kind of getting back into thought work, bit is remember that your circumstances don't dictate your feelings. So some people get very worried about

whether their viva's online or whether it's in a room, and if they have the choice which they should choose or if it's been imposed on them, whether that's a good thing or not. Your circumstances do not create your feelings. The thoughts that you have about them do. So just decide, or just accept what you've been given, and think the thoughts that this is the best decision ever.

So if your viva is going to be online, or you decide you want it to be online, tell yourself all the reasons why that's the best thing you've ever done in your life. Why that's going to be so much better. If it's going to be in a room, tell yourself all the reasons why that's the best thing. The circumstances don't dictate it. Who your examiner is does not dictate how you feel. It's the thoughts you have about that person. You could have a super experienced examiner and your thoughts could be, Oh my goodness, they're so amazing. , This is terrifying and just feel terrified. Or you could have this super experienced examiner and tell yourself, they're really going to see the big picture and I'm so lucky to have two hours of their time where they get to experience my work and I can chat with them about it. I'm going to learn so much. And you could feel excited or prepared or those sorts of things. 

So remember, circumstance doesn't drive your feelings. The thoughts that you choose to nurture, not just the ones that pop up, but the ones you choose to nurture, dictate how you're going to feel.

Another tip, identify the flaws in your thesis that you can see now and be able to explain why you made those decisions and how you mitigated the flaws and what you might do differently in the future. One of the things, when we can be calm about preparing for a viva and accept that it's okay that there are flaws in our work, then we can actually start to be able to talk about them like academics.

It's when we feel defensive about our work that we don't want people to find the flaws and what if they spot flaws and there shouldn't be any, that actually we end up not preparing for those questions. So spend a bit of time identifying what are the flaws. How could I have done this differently? Why didn't I? And what would I do differently next time? Okay, that's perfectly fine. 

Find the lists of questions online. If you go online and search common viva questions, there's hundreds. Pick 10 and try and jot down a few notes for those. It's not a case of memorizing, but just sort of getting stuff into your mind of the sorts of things that people are likely to ask.

Things that always came up in the ones that I was involved with, was, you know, why did you pick this 10? topic. Why these methods? So the sort of why questions, um, what does your research contribute? What is unique about your work? Those sorts of things. , If you were going to do a postdoc in this topic, what would your next experiment be or your next study be? Those sorts of things. 

So. Google. Google is your friend. Search for some of these questions, pick a few, and try and plan a few answers to them. You don't have to memorize these. Especially if you're going to be online, please don't have post it notes of all the right answers to everything all around you. It will freak you out. But do pre think some of these questions and remember that there will always be some questions that come completely out of the blue. 

Another tip, people get really worried about remembering authors and dates of research that you've read. As long as you can show that you know the research, you don't have to know the details. I don't remember the dates of my own papers, for goodness sake. There may be some people that can suddenly remember all this, but this isn't a memory game. This is an understanding game. So as long as you can say there was some really interesting research done where they did blah blah blah blah. In my opinion at least, supervisors let me know whether you disagree with me or not, but in my opinion at least and certainly when I did investigations about this in my old university, the vast majority of staff don't care whether you can say, Oh, this is from 2011 or whatever. Focus on understanding rather than memorization.

My final tip. Is remember, as with all things in life, you hear the stories of the dramatic ones. So you hear about the people who went through with no changes and, oh my goodness, could I do that? And you hear about the ones where it was a huge long viva and the person was awful and they asked questions that weren't even fair and so on so forth.

You don't hear about the vast majority of vivas that are absolutely bog standard. They go through, they have a nice conversation, they have a few bits that are somewhat uncomfortable because the examiners ask something that they're not quite clear on. They tidy up, they move on to something else, they talk it through. It takes two to three hours, something like that, might vary a bit between disciplines. And then you come out with minor modifications. That's the vast majority, and you never hear those stories because they're just bog standard and boring. And so it can really create this impression that either you're going to soar and you're under pressure to get no changes, or you're going to crash and burn and it's going to be terrible, because they're the stories you hear.

My final final tip... is really remind yourself that once this is done, it just doesn't matter anymore. I was an academic for 20 years. I've worked with hundreds, if not thousands of academics in various capacities, you know, collaborators, co teaching modules, committees, leadership, all sorts of things.

I have no idea how long they took to do their PhDs. I have no idea whether they got minor modifications or major modifications, whether the examiner said something mean to them or not. No idea. No idea. Because they got their PhDs and they did their thing. 

If you actually ask people, there's a huge variety, but it doesn't matter. And that's within academia, where people know what that means. Outside of academia, people haven't got a clue. Once you've got it, you've got it. So reminding yourself that the stuff that feels incredibly important now, won't be in a few years time. You'll have done this thing, and that's amazing.

That's not to underestimate how tough it is in the moment, but keeping that perspective. Do you know how long your supervisor took? I bet you don't. Keeping that perspective can really help. I think back through my cohort, so the people that graduated around the same time as me. And firstly, I can't really remember many people's PhD experiences, but I also know that it really didn't dictate their careers either. You know, there are people who I have vague recollections of flying through their vivas who are doing fine now, other people who had a real struggle, who are now absolutely amazing sector leaders in their area and so on. It really doesn't matter in the long run. 

The important thing is it's another opportunity to learn to look after you while you do something challenging and important. So think about what you need and figure out how to meet those needs between now and then. And I look forward to hearing all of your success stories in due course.

Thank you so much for listening and I'll see you next week.
by Victoria Burns 20 May, 2024
Do you have things on your list that you should be doing, but you're not? Are you finding yourself getting distracted by anything and everything? Whether it's distracted by doing other admin y easy tasks, whether it's getting distracted by television or social media, whether it's even getting distracted by cleaning. I'm seeing this all the time with my clients at the moment, and even experiencing it a bit myself, so let's get into it. Hello and welcome to episode 36 of season two of the PhD Life Coach, and to date, we are thinking about what to do if you get distracted. It feels like at the moment, there's so many things to get distracted by. Some of them are fun, some of them feel really important, some of them are just distressing and take your mind away from the things that you actually want and should in your mind be doing. Those of us who work from home, we've got things all around us that can distract us. If you work on campus, you have your colleagues, and interruptions, and temptations. We always used to interrupt each other to go for a walk to the shop to get something to eat, or whatever. Wherever you are, it feels like there are distractions. Yet at the same time, I hear people all the time being super judgmental of the fact that they get distracted. They think it means that they're lazy. They think it means that they lack self discipline. They think it's something that is going to stop them achieving the things they want to achieve. So today, I want to think about why we need to start by accepting that distraction is completely normal and completely human, and then go through some really specific tactics as to how we can address it. First of all, let's get really clear what we mean by distraction. For me, getting distracted is where you're intending to do one thing, and you end up either thinking about or doing something that is not what you intended. Sometimes it can be for a relatively short amount of time, your mind wanders and then you come back to what you were doing. Other times it can be really intrusive and we can end up moving away from and maybe even never coming back to the thing that we intended to do that day. We get utterly sucked in to doing something else. And when we think about distraction as either thinking about or doing things other than what we intend in the moment, we can really see how absolutely everybody gets distracted to a greater or lesser extent. There is nothing about getting distracted that means that we can't succeed, that means that we're lacking self discipline, that we're lazy, that we're weak, any of these things that we often make it mean. It means that we're human beings and we're human beings that are living in a highly distracting world. And as academics, whether we're PhD students or full professors, we're living in a world where the thing that we intend to do is often quite difficult and requires some cognitive effort and some concentration. So it's not a big surprise that most of us will struggle with distraction at some point in our careers. For some of you it might feel like a big issue though, and some of you will be listening to this going, yeah but I get distracted all the time, always, no matter what, whatever I'm doing, I get distracted by something else. And it's true. Obviously, there's huge variation in the extent to which people get distracted. If you have things like ADHD, this will make it even more challenging or even more likely to get distracted. But regardless of whether you get distracted a little bit sometimes or a lot often, we still start from accepting that this is a very normal part of the human condition. And that it doesn't have to mean anything about your brain or your future. I am immensely distractible. So much, it's a joke in my family, how distractible I am. Thankfully, my husband's just as bad. I don't know why I say thankfully, maybe that's a bad thing, but it means we have conversations that start out about one thing, pass through about 14 different things and end up on something else entirely. And then we're like, yeah, we still haven't worked out what we're having for dinner though, have we? I utterly, utterly empathize with the challenges of getting distracted. The reason it's so important to recognize that everybody does this, and it doesn't have to mean anything about you, your abilities, or your future, is because as soon as we make those extrapolations, as soon as we make the fact we're distracted, into a big deal, capital B, capital D. You know, it's a big deal that we get distracted. Then we start layering in a whole other load of emotions. We start layering in frustration and disappointment and shame and hopelessness, all these different emotions that actually make us much more likely to get more distracted. Because all of a sudden, doing the work we intended is associated with a whole load of really negative emotions, and we're even more in need of going and doing something that feels fun and interesting in the moment. We often think that if we shame ourselves about doing something, it will make us less likely to do it in the future. And it's not true. It's never true. When we're shamed about doing something, it ironically, and often inevitably, makes us more likely to end up doing it. Because the reason we're getting distracted in the first place is we're associating negative emotions with the thing that we want to be doing, that we're intending to be doing. And when we feel shame, we just layer that all up some more. So, first step, you remind yourself, getting distracted is normal. Does that mean we just accept it and don't bother to not get distracted, or to manage our distraction? No, obviously not. And I'm going to give you some really useful strategies that you can use. But, having to use these strategies, completely normal, okay? I want to compare it to a tightrope walker. I miss circus. When I was in Birmingham, I used to do lots of different circus things, and I'd see people doing all their different things, including tightrope walking, and I miss it. So I'm going to bring circus analogies in whenever I can. But I want you to imagine somebody who's tightrope walking. Anybody who walks on a tightrope or something like that will wobble a little bit. Yeah, it's a difficult thing to do, especially, you know, you're a bit nervous, your legs are shaking, you know, the wire itself moves. Anybody from beginner to expert will wobble a little bit when they're on a tightrope. If we expect that we will only be able to tightrope walk when we don't wobble, then we're never going to be able to tightrope walk. The difference between beginner tightrope walkers and expert tightrope walkers is that when a beginner experiences that wobble, they either don't notice they're wobbling and so they've kind of wobbled a really long way and they fall off, or they notice they've wobbled and they overcorrect the other way and so they fall off the other side. Okay, they don't notice effectively, and they don't make appropriate corrections when they wobble. An expert tightroper will sense tiny wobbles. They'll notice there's a little bit where their balance is off, and they'll make a tiny movement, to correct for it. They'll nudge themselves back. They don't think while they're up there performing, oh no, I wobbled, I must be a terrible tightrope walker. They think, oh, slightly to the left, let's go slightly to the right, center of gravity over my feet, let's keep going. They learn to notice the wobbles and correct for them subtly, proportionately, and without overthinking it. That's the difference between beginner tightrope walkers and expert tightrope walkers. In time, do they learn to wobble less? Yes, absolutely, but even at their best, they will always be making tiny corrections as they go through. The same is true for distractions. There is nobody in the world who doesn't get distracted. But the people who are less impacted by distractions are the ones that are able to notice more quickly that they've got distracted and to nudge themselves back to what they were going to do. Those of us that struggle with distraction are the ones that don't notice for ages. We wobble further, we get more distracted and all of a sudden we're out there clearing out the kitchen cupboards or whatever when we're meant to be recording a podcast. Or, when we do get out there, we make it such a big deal that we end up actually making the thing we want to do feel really negative and really awful and we don't want to get back there. So, what we are going to think about today is how do we notice more quickly and how do we make small corrections, so that when we do get distracted, it's not as big a deal. We're also going to think about how we can think proactively to make it less likely that we will get distracted. So there's going to be some things you can do there in the moment while you're trying to focus, and there'll be other things that you can plan . Quick interjection. If you're finding today's session useful, but you're driving or walking the dog or doing the dishes, I want you to do one thing for me after you've finished. Go to my website, theasyourlifecoach. com and sign up for my newsletter. We all know that we listen to podcasts and we think, Oh, this is really, really useful. I should do that. And then we don't end up doing it. My newsletter is designed specifically to help you make sure you actually use the stuff that you hear here. So every week you'll get a quick summary of the podcast. You'll get some reflective questions and you'll get one action that you can take immediately to start implementing the things we've talked about. My newsletter community also have access to one session a month of online group coaching, which is completely free, but you have to be on the email list to get access. They're also the first to hear when there's spaces on my one to one coaching, or when there are other programs and workshops that you can get involved with. So after you've listened, or even right now, make sure you go and sign up. Vikki: In order to understand either of these tactics, though, we need to think about what distraction actually is. And I like to think about the push and the pull of distraction. What I mean by that is the push of distraction is the things associated with the task that you have planned to do that push you away from it. So these might be a lack of clarity of what the task actually is. The task feeling difficult, or you telling yourself that you're not able to do it. The task requiring effort. The task being associated with shame, because maybe you should have done it before in your mind. There's a lot of things that push us away from the task that we're intending to do. There's then the things that pull us towards the distracting thing. So have a think what distracts you the most. Mine is a kind of constant balance between either social media y stuff or sorting things out in the house. So, I'll either get distracted scrolling Twitter, or I'll decide that now is the exact moment that I definitely need to clean the bathroom even though I haven't done it for three weeks, but now is the moment right when I'm meant to be recording this podcast, for example. So, we have the things that pull us towards things. Now, with some things, it's quite obvious what pulls us towards it. Social media is inherently engaging. It's been specifically designed to attract you in and keep you there. It's interesting, it's short, you don't have to concentrate. So sometimes the pull can be as simple as that, just the pleasure of engaging. Even the devices have been designed so that they're pleasant to hold and pleasant to make that scrolling process. You might wonder though, what's the pull of cleaning? Yet so many of you, cleaning and tidying will be one of your distractions. And the pole there is a sense of something tangible. It's a sense of something that you definitely can do and you know how to do and where you will see an immediate benefit. Cause the thing with cleaning, we grab something to clean with, we clean something, it looks cleaner. We get an immediate like, Oh, that's nicer. Happy days, in a way that often when we're writing or planning a study or doing analysis, we don't immediately get. Not naturally anyway. So there's the push away and the pull towards. Another thing that you see in the pull towards, the distracting thing, can be things that you will do for other people. And there the pull is somebody seeing how hard you're working, somebody being grateful, somebody thanking you, suddenly you feeling useful because you're doing something that's getting recognized. That can be a pull as well. And I'm going to do an episode in a few weeks about all the different things that are procrastination that we don't often count as being procrastination. So we have the push away from the thing that you have planned to do, and the pull towards the thing, the distraction, that's tempting you. And when we can understand that, suddenly we have a whole bunch of strategies that we can take. There in the moment, let's think about that first, there in the moment, you notice that you're getting distracted. And remember, the challenge here is that we have to notice, but minimize the shameful thoughts around it. So we get to go, Oh, look at me, I'm getting distracted. Yeah, that happens. Okay? One thing I find helps with making that real is saying it out loud. It's actually rather than just thinking, Oh, look at me, I got distracted. It's saying, Oh, look at me, I'm distracted. I am choosing to tidy my office instead of editing that newsletter. So we really kind of make it real that we've noticed that we're distracted. And from there, the skill is we just nudge ourselves back. We don't need a new system. We don't need to investigate what emotions have dragged us off over there. Those of you who are into the self coaching with me, I love that you're thinking about all that stuff, but right there in the moment, we don't need to get into exactly what it is that's putting me off doing my piece of work that I intended to do. Exactly, what is it that's attracting me so much about this distraction? It's like, Oh, look tidying again when I'm going to be doing something hard. Let's get back on with this. Okay, so I think tightrope walker, a nice Simple, steady correction back to the path that you were intending to be on. There's a tendency to either make it a massive deal, and this is where we over, overcorrect, make it a massive deal and have to uncover why it is that I'm so worried about this piece of work, blah, blah, blah. Or, to allow ourselves to wobble. Oh, I'm distracted now. I'm so useless. I always get distracted. And so now I'm going to watch the rest of the program. Or so now I'm going to scroll for another half an hour. We notice, we correct. And you might find yourself getting distracted every 30 seconds. That's okay. Because as long as we notice and we only spend 10 seconds over there and we come back, then it's fine. We're still staying on track. We're still engaging with the piece of work that we're intending to engage with. So this is what we do there in the moment. We notice, we bring it back. We notice, we bring it back. And in doing so, you remind yourself, this is the piece of work I'm doing. My brain may wander, but I bring it back. Those of you who are into meditation, it's never been something that I've kind of got into. If any of you think I should, maybe message me, let me know. Tell me what practice has worked for you. I know a lot of people say that if you think you aren't good at meditating, you probably really need to meditate. But anyway, those of you who do, It's a very similar process. You know, your mind wanders off from your meditative practice, and you bring it back non judgmentally. We don't have to make a big deal. We don't have to stay over there. We just bring it back kindly and gently. And it's very, very similar with distractions. That's the bit there in the moment, how we deal with distractions. However, we also talk a lot about boss mode, putting ourselves in a position where we can actually make it easier for ourselves to engage. So the second part of what I want us to think about today is how can we, as our own best bosses, create an environment in which we are less likely to get distracted so that we have to do that nudging back less often. So we notice ourselves wander off less, we have to nudge ourselves back less often. And that's where we go back to this idea of the push and pull factors, because if you've got things that are pushing you away from the piece of work you intend to do, we can look at that curiously and compassionately and figure out how can we reduce those push factors and how can we increase the pull factors to the thing we want to be doing. So let's have a think. What was pushing you away from it? A lack of clarity was pushing you away from it. Often the thing we should, in inverted commas, be doing is getting on with my writing, or whatever, okay? Really vague, really hard to know exactly what you should be doing, and induces feelings of confusion, overwhelm and so on. So one thing you can do to reduce the push factor is to make it much clearer exactly what it is you're intending to do. What specifically are you writing? What needs to go into it? What's it going to look like? All of those things. So we reduce the confusion, we reduce the lack of clarity that pushes us away, in order to make it more likely that we'll stay. What else pushes you away? Sometimes what pushes you away is the sense of shame that you should have done it before. Well that's something, again, we can clarify that in our own minds. We can tell us that it's perfectly understandable I haven't done this before. I've got a lot on. I'm a busy person. Completely understandable I haven't done this before. I'm a human being who sometimes procrastinates things. That's okay. And we reduce the shame associated with doing the piece of work. If you're pushed away because it's difficult, you get to ask yourself, why is it a problem that it's difficult? I don't think any of you got into academia to do easy things. There's a lot about doing difficult things we enjoy. There's a lot of reasons why people do puzzles and stuff for fun. Why is it a problem that you're finding it difficult? And how can you sort of reduce some of the sensations around that that feel so bad? And sometimes those negative sensations come from the fact that we're telling ourselves not that it's difficult, but that it's too difficult, that we're not able to rise to that challenge. So again, you can reduce that push factor by reminding yourself that that's actually not true. that you are able to do the next step, that you've done difficult things in the past. Every single one of you, I know you have done difficult things in the past. You don't get to be a PhD student or an academic without having done difficult things in the past. So how can you remind yourself of those things to reduce the push away from the piece of work that you're trying to do? We also get to increase the pull to that piece of work. Reminding yourself why you wanted to do it. Why is it important? Why would it be so good to get this done now? Why does it fit with your bigger goals? Why is it something that just, once it's off your plate, you don't need to think about anymore, depending on what it is. How can you increase the pull to it? How can you make it feel pleasant while you're doing it, so that it feels like somewhere you want to be? Another thing we can do to increase the pull to the things that we want to be doing is to make them more like the things that are attracting us. So especially if you're finding yourself getting distracted by things like doing cleaning, doing jobs for other people, sort of small tasks that are easily bitten off that you know you can do and where you get reward afterwards. How can you make the thing you want to do more like that? How can you make it feel more like you can just chip bits off it? How can you make yourself feel like you're more able to do it? How can you make it so that you recognize that you've done it? So we get to steal ideas from the things we're finding distracting and make the things we actually want to do a bit more like that. We then also get to think about our typical distractions. We get to think about how can we make them less attractive, so there's less pull towards them and more push away from them. Some people talk about real environmental manipulations like keeping your phone in another room. That increases the push away from that because you've got to actually move and go and get it. One thing I've seen, and I do play with occasionally myself, is you can, on many devices, turn off the colour, which can make it much less attractive to be scrolling Instagram or whatever it might be. If you find yourself getting distracted by other people, we can try and reduce the pull of that. You can ask people between certain hours not to interrupt you. You can turn notifications off. It always amazes me, I always feel like that's really trite advice, turn the notifications off on your emails. And I always feel like it's really obvious advice that you've all been told a thousand times and that you don't really need to hear from me, but many, many, many of you will still have those on. So, instead, what I want you to think about is why. Why do you feel the need to have those on? Why do you feel the need to be able to see it? And often it's something around control. It's something around, if people need me, I have to reply immediately. I like to know what's going on. Sometimes I can just answer things quickly. There's lots of reasons, but when we've identified them as something that pull us towards something that we don't want to be pulled towards, we get to really question all those assumptions, all those reasons why you haven't reduced the pull factor before. Is it really true that you have to be there at all times? The analogy I often offer for this, is if you were in a meeting with a vice chancellor, would you be checking your emails and answering them there and then? And if you wouldn't, because, no, you would put your full attention into that meeting with the Vice Chancellor, why is it different when your meeting is with your own writing? Because if you could take that hour out and the world will just have to cope without you, why is it different? So you get to think, how can I reduce the pull? How can I make it so that I'm less attracted to do these things, and I spend less time over there. The final thing you can do, and this is kind of when you're in boss mode and when you're in implementer mode, is know your weak points. Know the things that you specifically get sucked into. So one that I'm still working on, I have to say, this is still a work in progress, but the one I'm still working on is social media before work. I know that if I sit down. So I try and get up, go and have my breakfast and things like that. I take my phone back upstairs with me and I'm intending to go in the shower. And I know if I sit down because I'm just going to scroll for a few minutes, that's a pit. I am then stuck. Okay. I struggle. Now I'm getting better at noticing that I've done that and getting myself back out. But the best thing I can do is just decide I don't do that. Okay. Okay, like I say, still a work in progress, but I know my mornings go much better when I accept I just don't do that. If I go back upstairs, I do not sit on my bed, I get straight in the shower and I get on. And that's because we can coach ourselves out of anything. We can notice we've been distracted and nudge ourselves back, but all of that takes effort. It takes cognitive thought, and sometimes just avoiding that entirely can really help. Know what your thing is. One that I have quite successfully managed is the tidying up thing. So I get quite distracted if my desk's a mess, my study's a mess. That doesn't mean it's not a mess, but I get quite distracted by it. And sometimes I get the, I'll just sort all of this out and then I'll be able to concentrate, except that takes a lot of time. So my strategy there is to, is I just put things in a pile. And you know what? That just stops it being distracting for now. I can tidy it later. That's okay, I'll do that another time when I'm not intending to be getting on with something. But the way I manage my distraction there is because I know myself, I am likely to get distracted by a messy desk. I put it all in a pile. And then, not messy right now, and that is good enough for me. What are the things for you? What do you get sucked into? How can you make it easier for yourself to avoid those things catching you? Sometimes this is about environment. Sometimes this is about working somewhere other than in your office. If you find distractions hard to say no to. Or if people don't honour your requests to not interrupt you, for example. How can you physically move yourself somewhere else so that it, you're less likely to experience those distractions? We all have different things. We can notice them without shame and then structure to make it easy for ourselves. The other thing we can do in terms of knowing ourselves is know when we don't get distracted either. When are the times? Think back over the last week, two weeks, month, when you didn't get distracted, where you did sit down and just crack on with the thing you were intending to do. If you can think of an example, try and identify the characteristics. What environment were you in? What were you working on? What was it about that piece of work that pulled you in and didn't push you away? What was it about the environment that kept out some of the distractions that pull you towards them? And most importantly, what were you thinking during that time? Now, be cautious around this one. Sometimes the thoughts that we have aren't necessarily adaptive. So some of you will be thinking, well, the last time I just sat down and got on with something, I was thinking, I've left this so late now, I just have to do it. I'm so lazy, but it's the deadline and I absolutely have to. Those aren't thoughts that we want to replicate as a healthy way to move forward to get ourselves to do tasks in a focused way. So if those are the sorts of thoughts that have got you to do it in the past, that's fine. We don't have to criticize ourselves for that, but we don't want to replicate those thoughts. If, however, you can think of times when you've focused, where the thoughts you were having were things like, I'm really getting somewhere with this. I'll be so glad when this is done. done. I know exactly what I need to do next, and I'll just do this bit. If those were the thoughts you're having, let's think about how we can replicate those thoughts more often with other tasks that we're not naturally finding so engaging and so focus grabbing. So, when you're distracted there in the moment, our job is to notice and to gently nudge ourselves back as quickly as we can. So nice, calm yep, but we're doing this thing. Yes. Oh, I'm on Twitter. Okay. Phone down. Yep. My room is messy, but I can tidy it later. I'm doing this thing. We nudge ourselves back. When we're in boss mode, we think about how we can increase the pull factors towards the things we want to do. Remind ourselves why we like them, remind ourselves why they're important and why we're capable. We reduce the push factor away from them. So we try and. We try and stop it being unclear or unwieldy or unmanageable or unpleasant. How can we make them more attractive? And then the distractions, we think about how can we structure our time and our thoughts and our locations so that those distractions distracting. So that those distractions have much less pull towards them, and in fact, push us away. And remember, all of this is underpinned by compassion, that we are human beings who are going to get distracted forevermore, and that's okay. We can get a long way when we just learn to nudge ourselves back to the thing that we intend to do. I really hope you find that useful. Make sure you've signed up for my newsletter and let me know if there's other things you get distracted by that I haven't talked about today or other questions or comments that you have. I love to respond to listener suggestions. Thank you all so much for listening and see you next week. Thank you for listening to the PhD life coach podcast. If you liked this episode, please tell your friends, your colleagues, and your universities. I'd appreciate it if you took the time to like, leave a review, give me stars, stickers, and all that general approval as well. If you'd like to find out more about working with me, either for yourself or for people at your university, please check out my website at thephdlifecoach. com. You can also sign up to hear more about my free group coaching sessions for PhD students and academics. See you next time. .
by Victoria Burns 13 May, 2024
Vikki: Hello and welcome to the PhD life coach. And this is the third now in my series of episodes where we actually do a live coaching session here on the show. And so joining me today, I'm super excited to say is Danielle. It's so good to have you here. Let's start, tell people a little bit about who you are and what you do. Danielle: So, I would class myself as a third space professional. I work as an educational developer in a research intensive higher education institution and I am currently in my second year of a PhD around higher education research. It's non traditional in the way it's half of it is modules and the supports to get you up to speed and then the other half is doing the real thing. Vikki: Perfect. So another one of my part time students that we have so much to learn from, I think, because doing a PhD part time is like the iron man of doing a PhD. So what's feeling challenging at the moment? Danielle: So there's definitely quite a few things that are swirling around in my part time PhD universe. I think probably one of the foundational ones that I would like to unpick personally and I think really challenges quite a lot of us at different points is the whole thing of feeling stuck. And I think feeling stuck and labeling it as such feels slightly less me judging myself than calling it procrastination. But it's trying to make sense of that and where it can be helpful and obviously where it can be challenging and how I can sort of dampen down the challenging bits of, of those tendencies and you know, soar to the great heights. Vikki: Definitely. We love soaring to great heights. Perfect. That sounds like a great topic, particularly for a one off coaching session like this. We can have something that feels quite tangible where hopefully from this, you can go and do some things differently after we've had this conversation. Hopefully for everybody listening, they'll be able to take something quite tangible from it as well. So let's start, tell me a little bit more about what you mean by stuck. Danielle: I think for me, stuckness is multifaceted. So it's partly around feeling a bit like an imposter. So the department I'm doing the PhD in is, is very much about higher education research, teaching, learning, assessment, et cetera, hence why I'm there and I'm really enjoying it. But it's something I've experienced before is you're feeling like the people that are tutoring you, your academic colleagues are just on such a higher level plane that sometimes it can really mess with your head. It's almost like those beginner feelings of being a first year undergraduate going, what the heck? And almost like that thinking, I want to know there's a right answer or a wrong answer. And intellectually, this is what I talk about and I believe that's obviously not how life works but I think there's, there can be always those points when you're feeling like, I just want to know there's a right way of doing it. And, you know. There's methods and methodologies and ontologies and epistemologies, and there's lots of ologies, and I feel sometimes that I can be like this duck that's in the pond that's just like, my legs can be going like this. And I'm not going anywhere, which is just a weird place to be because, you know, I, I could list off and I exhort all my students, I know what to say, right? But it's how do you make those incremental steps, I guess, to launching, And maybe, I think probably at this point, I've been doing a lot of like, reading, and not, I don't know what's wrong with me, it's just like, not much putting it down, because I know that once you put something down, you've then got something to build on, so it's, it's just, it's a bit weird, I'm in a bit of a weird limbo y state. Vikki: Okay. A weird limbo y state. Yes. Cool. So, there's definitely stuff there, as you say, about feeling like there's a right answer and you're not maybe qualified to decide what the right answer is. But let's understand a little bit more of the specifics first. So how does this actually manifest? If I was seeing you work, or I could see inside your head day to day, how does this actually affect you? Danielle: So I think one thing would be, I would, and this is the most hilarious, thing to ever confess, so I. really don't like housework. And I have, at moments, gone and purposefully done housework because it meant that I wasn't just almost staring at my screen kind of thing. Danielle: So that, that was just a really interesting observation about my behavior. I thought, Ooh, it's obviously gotten to a point where I really need to physically walk away. There's that whole sort of hamster wheel kind of paddling furiously of trying to find, you know, the right theory or just the right kind of language and, you know, the whole frustration that can come out and it's knowing when to stop going down delicious rabbit holes because it's like fundamentally, I find everything really interesting, probably too interesting. And I think it's trying to work out how I can be more purposeful, um, probably less panicky. Um, and just feel confident to, go on those different steps that lead you to the end product. It's just that thing of feeling like you don't quite belong or you're broken or you're not normal and I think pretty sure that this is all normal and it's not just me being defective or anything like that, but it's, yeah, it's just, how do I get pulled out of that? Vikki: Absolutely. And, you know, I can sit here and tell you that I hear this all the time and that this is completely normal and that nothing that you've said in my mind means that you're defective or broken or not normal or any of these things. Vikki: But I'm sure lots of people have told you that. Yeah. And, you know, you cognitively know that, but that's not the same thing as kind of consciously believing it inside. Danielle: It's not, no. The knowing and the believing, sometimes they're just, they're wandering off in different directions. Vikki: Why is that a problem? Danielle: Because A, I need to progress. So, this is helping me make sense of who I am, where I am in the picture of higher education, what my positionality, what my belonging is, how I can be the best person. I think it also comes back to a student experience. I try and bottle all my student experiences to feed into my own practice and how can I make sense and move on will help me then be a better teacher and facilitator of learning. Um, so I think, I think those, those are some of the many myriads of reasons. Vikki: One thing I'm seeing here, and tell me whether this feels true to you or not, is there's quite a lot of pressure here that not only do you feel that you don't know some of this stuff and you're not sure whether you're good enough and you're not sure whether you can make the right decisions to progress. And from that layer, there seems to be a layer where you're making that mean something about you. That because I'm not clear on these things, maybe I'm broken, maybe I'm defective. Maybe I'm not good enough. But then it seems like there's almost this other layer of and I need to overcome this because otherwise I won't be able to be a good PhD student, I won't be able to support other students in the future, I won't be a good professional. And that, that feels like a lot of pressure on this learning environment. Danielle: Yeah, and I think, I know there's a lot of external factors that I'm probably internalizing, not the least, working extensively in a, in a research intensive institution, and being able to be a ninja researcher, in whatever shape or form that is, is highly valued and, and knowing that I, it's just like, I'm not going to be that at the beginning, but it's almost like, what building blocks do I need to actually really believe that? Vikki: At what stage in your PhD do you think that should be cemented and clear? That you believe that you can do a PhD that you know how to make your decisions and so on, when should that be cemented. Danielle: It's from an intellectual point of view, I probably know that it's not something potentially that would happen during it, it might, you know, happen once somebody says the magic words, congratulations, you're a doctor or it might not even happen till after, many years after. I'm not expecting to get a whole of anything. I'm actually wanting to build up sort of segments like an orange of confidence, because I know I can have a weird trait as well around assessment. Sometimes I can convince myself totally irrationally that I have failed and I can't read feedback for maybe a week or so after it's been released because I am totally convinced at some point that I am a failure. It's one of those little things that are sitting in the back of my mind. And then, like, I know it's all irrational, but it doesn't stop me sort of going through those motions, and so that's why, like, I'm wanting to sort of develop some sort of techniques to lift myself up to the next rung and banish, not wholly, I'm not expecting to banish some of these things entirely, but actually just making a bit of progression, so. Fingers crossed. Vikki: Yeah, and definitely. So let's, let's get even more specific. What is one piece of work that you are either intending or currently working on at the moment that you feel a bit stuck on? So, I've got a module, which is looking at, you're given a smorgasbord, you know, as long as it hits the learning outcomes, you can basically look at anything you, you like, in regards to higher education. And I put together a little framework to support learning design. So, I, I've done a lot of the thinking. But what I hadn't found is a theory, support, and really concretize what I was trying to express, and then, then, then it kicked in of, you know, how can I tell people that, you know, live and breathe this, which is the irrational bit, you know. How do I know what a good thing looks like? And I mean, probably if you look at a transcript of what I'm saying, I, I know a lot of these things are irrational to think and there's lots of journal articles and this, that and the other. There's lots of published things out there that provide that structure and support and ideas of, you know, how you can put stuff together. It's just, I feel, just feel a bit like I'm in quicksand as well. Yeah, it's, it's those tensions and feeling like I've got enough brain space to really pick how things are because, you know, if you've got a very, over full professional life, you've got an over full personal life, you know, things that can't be dropped in either and then that then becomes some things that can be dropped. So, yeah. Yes, it's a, it's a challenge. Vikki: Definitely. And I can see how the PhD work becomes the stuff that gets dropped, right? Cause you've got your job and obviously other people are relying on you, expecting you to do things and stuff. And then you've got your personal life where people are relying on you and where it feels fun and easy and you feel kind of comfortable in it . Vikki: And then you've got these. tasks that feel quite tenuous, feel like things that part of you believes you can't do, part of you believes that you should be able to do, and that just feel very unclear as to how to progress them. It's not a surprise that That those are the things that slip. You know, it's got lots of the characteristics of, you know, it's unclear, it, our thoughts about it induce emotions. Vikki: Those of you watching YouTube will see that I sort of did a little wonky thing with my eyes there. That's because the, the fact you've got the work doesn't cause emotions, but the thoughts we have about the work can cause emotions, um, and it's tasks that induce emotions we don't like that we end up procrastinating. Vikki: And so, all of this is, is really understandable. The bit that I think is really useful to think about, though, is how much extra pressure you're putting on yourself by telling yourself you're being irrational. Because I feel like there's this whole load of self judgment. Danielle: Oh, a hundred, a hundred, a hundred percent. Vikki: That this shouldn't be an issue. Danielle: No, I'm, I'm like, I know I'm good at self judgement, I like a hundred percent know that. Vikki: And that's something, when people have got really good self awareness and really good reflection skills like you do, we can almost use it as a stick to beat ourselves with. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it like this, but I am. I know cognitively I'm a beginner and that's okay, but I just don't believe it. And. I think the most useful place to start is there. That it's completely normal. Let's be totally compassionate about the fact that it's completely normal to cognitively think one thing and to believe something else, or at least not to be able to act on, at the moment, our cognitive beliefs. Vikki: And so I would really encourage you to avoid words like irrational, because knowing something and feeling it as true for yourself Are just two completely different things. There's nothing irrational about the fact that that doesn't match up. Danielle: Yeah, it, it probably comes back to feeling that a lot of words and concepts are very negatively related. And, you know, the internalization of that. Because I've always thought, you know, there's probably very little that somebody in, in power or authority could say about me that I can't say better about myself in a sort of a beating oneself up way. point of view, but that's, I know it's, it's not healthy, but it's, it's feeling, how can you get out of probably that cycle of, of, of thinking? And I know it's not an instant thing either. So. Vikki: It's definitely not an instant thing, but it starts from recognizing compassionately that it's, this is completely normal. The beating yourself up is completely normal. For all those of you listening who spend too much time beating yourself up, the first thing to do is to stop beating yourself up about beating yourself up because then we're just adding more judgment. Of course you beat yourself up. It's understandable. It's the way society trains us. Vikki: It's the way people with high expectations of themselves sort of learn to treat themselves. It's often how we've got stuff done in the past. Of course you beat yourself up. There's nothing wrong with that. Do we want to do it forever? No. Are we going to make it completely disappear? No, probably not. Can it feel an awful lot easier? Yeah, definitely. Vikki: But it starts from accepting that this is all completely normal. And I think this will be true, there'll be people who are full time PhD students that have come straight from their masters who will be feeling exactly the same way. But this is particularly true for part time students. I see this time and time again. I have so many part time clients. And you're so used to being a relative expert in your day to day job that it's really dissonant to suddenly get used to and be okay with not knowing in this other place. And especially, it's an issue for mature students who come back to study full time. Definitely. But I find it's even more of an issue for people who have got this weird parallel world where in one world they're, they're senior and knowledgeable and they know what they're doing. And then in this other world, they're relative newbies and they're, they're really unsure. Vikki: So nothing weird here, nothing broken. The other thing that I think is the error we make when we're thinking about this stuff is thinking that we need to resolve any of this in order to do things. Okay. Okay. So, often, and again, tell me if this feels true for you, often people think that I just need to get a bit more confident and then I'll be able to X. I just need to feel a bit less lost and then I'll be able to Y. Are these things you tell yourself? Danielle: I, yes. I think they definitely come into play. Vikki: And what I want us to have a ponder on is how can you do your next tasks whilst not feeling any more confident than you do at the moment? Danielle: One of the ways could be just to put some stuff down. You know, it's something I'm happy to tell other people. I need to take my own advice and just put it down because putting something down that's a draft is nothing to be sniffed at. That's a great achievement. And if you don't have a draft, you certainly don't have a final product at any point. Vikki: What prevents you from doing that at the moment? What, what thoughts, I'm going to say, what thoughts prevent you from doing that? Danielle: Probably, um, anxiety around structure. Rightness. Um, but I, I do know, you know, I can go, there's plenty of stuff that's been published, you know, if I can find something on a similar theme, that will help me from a structural point of view. Maybe even just, you know, setting myself a task of writing 50 words or 100 words. Vikki: But what would you need to think in order to do? So what happens here, and I want you to, you're doing it, and everyone does it, and everyone you've ever spoken to will also do it, is we focus in the actions. What actions do I need to take? I just need to do a draft. I just need to set myself 50 words to do. And these are all true. Yeah, these are definitely the kind of actions you need to be taking. Vikki: What I want to know is, we know that our actions are driven by our thoughts and our feelings. And at the moment, other people will have said to you, You just need to start. Danielle: Just do it. Vikki: But if you're thinking, I need to know what the structure should be, I don't know enough to decide on the structure, then of course you're not going to start. So, what thoughts and feelings might enable you to start a draft without knowing any more than you do at the moment about the structure and the rightness or anything else? Danielle: I Danielle: think probably space, finding a, finding a space, actually telling myself I can do that, and Vikki: You can do what? What are you telling yourself that you can do? Danielle: I can do X or Y, whatever needs to start or to continue. Vikki: Do you believe that? Do you believe you can do it? Danielle: Um, I think equally yes and no. Vikki: Okay, then let's think of a different thought. Danielle: Because I, I think it's one of those things that I've observed about myself. I can also be very influenced by the emotionality of the rest of my life. And it's almost like, how do I get into this bubble? Vikki: And this is where we have to be really careful because sometimes we tell ourselves that there are certain preconditions on which we can do this task. I need space. I need a bubble. I need to be in the right mood. I need to be in the right frame of mind. I need to know what the structure is. I need to know that I'm right. And if I don't have those things, can't write it. Yeah. Sorry. And that, you know, all of those things are probably true to some extent. Would this be easier if you were in whatever the right frame of mind is? Yes. If you were on some beautiful retreat in a stately home and wandering the gardens while you think about it and returning to your leather desk overlooking the lake, yes, probably easier. Vikki: Would the same crap go on in your head that what you're saying is not good enough? Yes, probably. So some of these things might help, but we have to be really cautious about telling ourselves that they're prerequisites. Okay. You do not need space. You do not need to know what the right structure is. You don't need to know whether the argument you're making makes sense or not. Danielle: Yep. Vikki: To write something. Danielle: Mm hmm. Vikki: So, thoughts around, I'm gonna muddle this out, I'm gonna see where I'm at. Danielle: Yep. Vikki: And figure it out from there. Or one I love that I use with clients a lot is I can pick. So when we're saying, I don't know what's right. That's true. That's probably true. You probably don't, but is there a specifically right answer? Probably not too. And it becomes this kind of, I'm a beginner. I don't know what's right. I picked that one. Yeah. Who knows? Let's go, kind of vibe. And it sounds a bit flippant and lighthearted, but in some ways I think that can really help. I'm a beginner here. I get to just make it up. Danielle: True. And You know, it's almost like being paralyzed because for choice if you're in front of those pick and mix sweets. And you're going, oh, I really like that. It's just like, yeah, it's just, take one. Vikki: Actually, just pick. So I'm going to get, that is a great analogy. I was at a farmer's market thingy last weekend, and there was a fudge stall, and there were so many different options, and I ended up picking almost one of everything, which meant I, A, ended up with far more fudge than I intended to buy, and B, when I came to eat it, half of it was really disappointing. And what I should have done is gone, I like that flavor and that flavor, and just, And I didn't, I ended up with a mishmash bag, and it was yummy, don't get me wrong. I love all fudge, but I ended up with a mishmash bag of too many things because I refused to make a decision. And I think that is a great analogy to bring into this. Vikki: And in reality, I don't need to know, you don't need to know, is it the perfect bag of fudge? Who knows? Does it exist? Yes, it does now because I picked it. And allowing yourself to not think not knowing is a problem is super important here. Danielle: Not giving permission. Vikki: Permission? I'm not meant to know. This is meant to be a muddle. I'm meant to be figuring it out. There's not a right answer. And I'm not even meant to know what's the top four. I just get to pick something that I think I can make make sense. and then we see from there. Danielle: Yeah, that makes total sense. Vikki: How could that translate to some of the things that you've got to do at the moment? Danielle: So what I had thought recently was What collectively do I care about enough to look at? In, in greater depth research from a theme point of view and see if I can bunch some themes together. Because it's, it is about, you know, wanting to find out as much about myself as it is about other people, about behaviors, about routes through higher education, teaching, learning. So it's. Yeah, I think going along that road would definitely be a start out of stuckness. Vikki: I could pick this. And this feels as good a reason as any. To pick that. Danielle: Yep. Vikki: Now do be cautious. I'm going to give you one word of warn, warning, warning. That's dramatic. Don't mean warning. One word of like advice or whatever. Anyone who's doing research around stuff that they are deeply personally involved with and mean something about you and all of that as well. Just be really cautious. How often you, um, what's the word? Like, bring that into it, because you can, if you connect something to too many other things, it's like Lego. Have you ever tried to take Lego apart? If you connect it, especially the, the like movementy ones. I can't remember what that's called. They're all attached to so many different things that it's impossible. Sometimes when we have something that feels like it's about us and our development, our career and our sector and our beliefs and everything, it's incredibly hard just to move this one piece of assessment forward. Vikki: So I would really encourage you to have that motivation in your broader background, in the back of your mind, but that's the job of your whole PhD. That's not that, every single bit of work you do does not have to, like, reveal something about the sector and your position in it and your humanity that underpins this or whatever. Vikki: Sometimes it's just a piece of coursework. It's just an essay. Let's just write the thing. So just be careful how many, because sometimes it can feel like that's motivating. Yeah. If I remember why I'm doing it, why this is so important, maybe I'll do it. But other times that's what makes the quicksand because this thing is now too important for you to get wrong and it's too important for you not to develop as a person and become a better thinker and, you know, a more reflective practitioner and blah, blah, blah, blah. It, it, it can just be a piece of work. And that's true all the way up to your thesis. Danielle: True. Vikki: It can just be a piece of work that serves this purpose. Danielle: Yeah. Yeah. And, and sometimes just cutting losses. Because you've had that dialogue at, at, at length with yourself and just going, no, I will do this. It just needs to pass. Vikki: And some of that, it's not that that's unimportant, but you discuss, and I can't remember whether we discussed it since we've been recording or, for everyone listening, we have a little chat beforehand, or whether we, you mentioned it,, before that, but, some of this reflection and the kind of recognizing the change in your own abilities and your own beliefs and things like that only happens in retrospect. Vikki: So sometimes we are expecting to see our understanding change as we write the thing, we can only write it when we're sure we understand it and stuff. And sometimes, but what we need to recognize is sometimes it's not until. After you've done the thing that you look back and go, Oh my goodness, I know so much more now than I did then. Danielle: Yes. Vikki: But you don't need to see it at the time. Danielle: It's just frustrating. Vikki: It's so frustrating. Wouldn't it be nice for it to be linear? Danielle: The lightbulb should just be like flickering on and off going, Woohoo! Vikki: There's no lightbulb. Danielle: Darn it. Vikki: We just get to look back later and go, Oh, how does that feel when you think about it like that? Danielle: It's certainly very helpful and sort of given me a bit of a, like a hook to hang on and just, just do something. Vikki: Now just implies it's easy. I'm not saying it's easy. But it's okay just to have a go at this. It's okay to try and figure this out. Danielle: Definitely. Vikki: What's my best guess? You know, when you hear yourself saying, I just don't know. Okay. You don't know. Cool. What's your best guess? That's all we need. We just need your best guess. It doesn't have to be right, which probably doesn't exist anyway, just need a best guess. I read, I'll try and link to it in the show notes because I'm going to butcher it if I try and remember the exact place I found it, but I read some really interesting research describing the PhD as a liminal space where you're transitioning from being like a taught student through to being an independent researcher. Vikki: And the problem with that is that we inherently have to do things in a place where we feel uncertain. We have to do things in a place where it's unclear, because the research is unclear, because that's the problem with being on the cutting edge of research is you're doing things no one's done. So there's no answer here. And us as an individual is in this state of flux and change and we're becoming someone else. But in order to become them, you have to act while we're not them. Danielle: Uh, the whole fake it till you make it, um. Vikki: Yeah, but that sound, that, yes. Danielle: But better phrased. Vikki: Yeah, I will. Well, so I'll, I I'll give a shout out. So, Jamie Pei, who has been a guest on the podcast before, has released a blog on Jo Van Every's. Vikki: blog site. Jamie wrote this post about confidence. And one of the things she talks about in that is that we don't have to aim for, um, kind of a. flashy, sure of ourselves version of confidence and fake it till we make it because we don't have to fake it. We just can be okay with being unsure. So it's not about being a PhD student who doesn't know what you're doing, but pretending you know what you're doing. It's just being a PhD student who knows, okay. I'm not meant to know it all. I'm a PhD student. My job is to do the best I can with the stuff I've got and with the current ability I have. That's my only job. The rest of it comes when we look back and see how much we've developed. So we haven't got to fake anything. We haven't got to pretend that we're comfortable with this. We just need to get used to the fact that it does feel a little bit uncomfortable. Oh. That's not a problem. That's not a sign that something's gone wrong. Vikki: That's just the space you're in. But then actually, if we don't make that a problem, it feels a lot less uncomfortable. Because instead of being, this is so hard, it shouldn't be hard. I don't know what the right answers are. I should know what the right answers are. We're like, well, I don't know, we'll figure it out. I'm bright. I can do things. I'll choose something and we'll see if they like it. I'll make a good case and let's see what happens. Danielle: Yeah. Cause that because maybe some of that whole thinking, um, comes from just feeling like you're enculturated to ignore the emotionality of learning, that any, any learning that's worth is at some point hard and challenging to make, you know, make it stick. And that whole narrative around, you know, perfection. And failure is seen in a, in a really negative light, but actually everybody fails at everything at some point or other. It's, it's really interesting how we can internalize things from society that make absolutely no sense. Vikki: And we can, we can recognize that. We can go, Oh, look at me, believing that and sort of notice it. We don't have to beat ourselves up because as you say, this stuff's pretty deeply ingrained in our society and the institutions that we're in. But just because it's in our heads, we just don't have to take it that seriously sometimes. Be like, oh, look at me trying to be perfect again. That's okay. Not going to be perfect because I'm a beginner. So let's go. What do I need to do? And I think that's something that people underestimate the power of, that just because you're thinking it, you don't have to hate yourself for thinking it, and you don't have to make it go away. Vikki: You can just go, yeah, I do think that, but we're doing this anyway, so might as well crack on. Let's give it a go. Danielle: Yes, I can. Vikki: Yeah, of course you can. My final thing, you said you chose the phrase getting stuck as improvement on procrastination. And I like the logic that you're thinking about how you talk to yourself about this. I'm going to dispute the benefits of calling it stuck though. Danielle: Right. Vikki: Because I think, and you can tell me whether your version of it feels different. To me at least, stuck implies a certain lack of control. That there's things holding you there. I like to frame stuck as I haven't yet made a decision. Danielle: Okay. Vikki: Because for me that feels less scary. I'm not stuck. Nothing's trapped me here. I haven't, I'm, you know, I'm not some princess in a fairy tale who's got like the ivy come up around my legs and pulling me into the depths. I'm not stuck. I just haven't picked what I'm focusing on yet. And it's not that you haven't found the theory. You haven't chosen it. Because there're theories, this piece of work you've got coming, you can wedge any old theory to fit it if you want to, you just haven't picked yet. Danielle: Yeah. Vikki: And that's okay because you've been telling yourself it needs to be perfect and it needs to be the exact right one and da da da. But when it comes down to it, you just haven't picked and you get to pick. Danielle: I get to pick. Maybe that's, maybe that's the title for the episode. I get to pick. Vikki: You get to pick. You're not stuck. You get to pick and it's not that big a deal. It feels like it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it shouldn't feel like it. Danielle: No, there's lots of feelings. Vikki: That's okay. But we just get to pick and do the next thing. Danielle: Thank you. Vikki: How does that feel? Danielle: Yeah. Very useful. Very useful. Vikki: What do you think your kind of main take homes from today would be? Danielle: I think about the permission to transition, the permission to choose to do to justify my choice is just as legitimate. I think it's, it's, and it's practicing as well. Just keep on practicing. Vikki: I'm practicing making choices. Danielle: Yeah. Vikki: Practicing constructing an argument. Danielle: Yeah. Vikki: If it's not the right one this time, and maybe there was something better I could have picked. Danielle: Yeah. Vikki: Okay, cool. We'll try that next time. We'll try a different one next. I'll use a different process to pick next time, but let's practice with this one and we thought about what would help you, you know, you came up with some great actions like just getting on and doing a draft, doing words or things like that. And we were talking about what thoughts might help. I think I'm practicing could be a great one here. I think sometimes, you know, you think about people who do music and art and things, and those of us who are just on the appreciation end of that, we see the end product, we see them do their orchestral piece, we see their thing hanging in a gallery and we don't see the hundreds of hours that they've practiced. Vikki: We don't see the piles and piles of canvases where they've done all their different practices. You know, I, I follow these people on Instagram who do all these beautiful things and you scroll and they're like, they've painted the same thing in slightly different colors, slightly different ways, hundreds and hundreds of times. Vikki: And I wonder why mine aren't as good as them. Yet somehow as academics, and especially as PhD students, we think we should be able to sit down and write an article and it will look like a published article. And even as an experienced academic, we don't do that. So why beginner academics tell themselves they should be able to do that? It's like, let's just practice writing a paragraph. Danielle: Yeah, I mean, it's, it's just the weirdest thing to be thinking about oneself. And, you know, I think the more we can talk about The messiness of, especially transition, which obviously I'm feeling very transition y at the, at the minute, as you've articulated all of that stuff that goes on that nobody sees, but if you don't do the stuff, then you're never going to have that in baby masterpiece. Vikki: Exactly. We have to do our rough sketches, our failed attempts, our practices, our early versions, all of these things, in order to then get to something that is good enough to hang in a gallery and even that, you know, the gallery can be the school hall at the local fete or the gallery can be the national gallery. Vikki: It's the same in science, right? Your PhD will sit on a shelf in a PhD. Some of it might go into a journal that's pretty good. Some of it might go into journal that's amazing. Who knows? We just, we need it to exist. And we get to practice a bunch on the way. Danielle: Practice, practice, practice, practice. Vikki: Just going to practice. Amazing. And you talking about the, the sort of being open about the process, I think is so true. And that's why I really appreciate your willingness to be open and to discuss the challenges that you have. I empathize with them so much. I know my clients do. I know the listeners do. So thank you very much for coming on and thank you everyone for listening. And I will see you next week. .
by Victoria Burns 06 May, 2024
I've tried a ridiculous number of to do list management systems, everything from bullet journals, online Kanban boards, the getting things done system, the total workday control system, productivity ninja, whiteboards, little different colored cards, like physical cards, notion, to do list, those, all those different apps that you can get, uh, planners, diaries, Literally, I think pretty much anything you can think of, I have tried, and almost every single system has lasted a period of time, that's not necessarily very long. All of them took quite a long time to set up, by the way, just so you know that bit too. Perfect procrastination fodder, because I felt like I was being productive, setting up a new system. Lasted a little while, then stopped. Now, some of this may be my undiagnosed ADHD. But a good portion of this is not understanding the principles of what makes a to do list system work for you. So today I'm going to share with you the three reasons that I think those different systems didn't work for me previously, and I'm going to share with you the system that currently has been working for me for about two years now so that you can see which bits of it you might like to steal for yourself. Hello and welcome to episode 34 of season two of the PhD life coach. And we are talking to do list systems. Anyone who claims that one particular system will solve your problems- I wouldn't trust them. I am going to share with you a specific version that works for me, but I'm not sharing it because I think you should all use my system. My system has some really specific nuances that make it work really well for me, but that might make you guys think I'm a little bit strange. And that's fine, because the ultimate goal we're going for here is a to do list system that works for you and how you work, not just when you're at your best, but also at your more kind of typical normal person level of work and organization. Now I said there were three reasons these systems hadn't worked for me in the past. The first is that I had too many things. So I was expecting to find a system that would enable me to fit in all the things I wanted to do when actually all the things I wanted to do was an unrealistic amount of stuff. And so one of the reasons that these systems failed was entirely on me. I wasn't reducing the amount of things that I was trying to fit in, I wasn't making those important decisions and prioritizations before I put them in the system. And then I was somehow blaming the system that it didn't all fit in my life and it didn't all get done. And I blamed myself for not having implemented the system properly. If that sounds familiar to you, don't worry, you're completely normal. Go back and have a look at some of my episodes on things like what to do when you've got too much to do, for example, and how to make decisions and prioritize, because I think those will really help you to narrow down some of the things you're trying to do. There is no system that is going to enable you to do an unrealistic amount of work. The thing I realized is that these systems failed. And for those of you who can't see me cause you're listening on podcasts, not on YouTube, I'm doing little Speechmark thingies failed around that is because I had really unrealistic expectations of what level of adherence I should have to the system. So I would get all set up in a new system, put all my tasks into a new app and bear in mind, I usually had hundreds of tasks. This was always quite a thing. I'd get all set up. I'd use it for a while. I would stop using it perfectly either using it somewhat or stopping using it altogether and then I would declare it a fail. I would immediately say this system doesn't work for me. I need to find a different system and then spend time researching that new system. And the problem is what I was doing then was I was writing it off before I'd even given it a chance. Whenever you use a new to do list system, you need to think about that beginning phase, that first couple of months as being a practice phase. You're trying this out. You are not trying it out to assess whether it works for you or not. You are practicing using it. And if you go about it from the perspective of practicing using it, then when you notice that that you haven't been using it, you nudge yourself back to starting using it again, rather than declaring it just some big fail and looking for a new system. So remember you are practicing, you're figuring out what works for you. You are optimizing it for your own tendencies, your own work style, and your own preferences. And if you can see it more like that, as a work in progress, rather than a kind of yes no test, is this system going to work, then it really changes the way you engage with the new system. The third thing, is the thing that I'm going to spend the bulk of this episode talking about, which is, I had no system for choosing which approach I was gonna take. I would just see a new way of doing it. I'd see a little YouTube about Notion Worksheets, or my friend would show me her beautiful bullet journals, and that would inspire me to be like her or somebody else would say, I do it like this, and I'd try that out. I had no system for deciding whether it's an appropriate system for me or not. So when we're thinking about something that's tailored for ourselves, it's really useful to figure out what are the principles that will make this a good system for me. Now, what I'm going to do today is talk you through some of the principles that I now look for in a system, and the principles that have led me to the system that I'm using at the moment, and I stand by these principles. I think that a good chunk of these principles will be useful for you as well. You will listen to them and go, Oh yeah, I need a system that does that. Yeah, I need a system that does that. There's other bits that are about my personal preferences that won't make sense for you. So as you're listening, I want you to evaluate each of the principles for yourself, see whether you want to adopt it as a principle that's relevant for you. And if you don't, what would you swap it for? What additional principles would you add to the ones that I use that would enable you to decide that a system could work for you. So at the moment, I have eight principles, who knows if we'll make up more as we go along. But the first principle is it needs to be a system that I can implement imperfectly and still return to a state of order. I know I am never ever going to find a system that I stick to absolutely perfectly. I am not that person. You might be. Maybe you are somebody who loves being systematic and methodical and all of those things. And you know that when you've got a system you like, you will stick to it absolutely beautifully. I'm not that person. I get caught up in things, especially when I've got time urgent stuff happening, and I forget to use my systems. Now, I'm working on that myself. I'm working on that through my own coaching and things, but I have to be realistic about who I am, and plan for the real version of me rather than the version of me that I wish I was. And what that means is a key principle for me is that I have to be able to sort of return to it having not used it for a few days and be able to sort of get it sorted out relatively quickly and get back on track. Now I'm getting way better at allowing that gap to be less time. I used to let these things slide for ages and ages and then it would take quite a long time to get back. But I need a system where I can disengage with it for a while and still return to it and sort it out. For a while that led me to things like, non dated planners so that you could miss weeks and not miss pages. That worked quite well for me, but there was other things that that was lacking that I'll talk about in a second. But something that I could use inconsistently was really important. Kind of part of that is having a system for where I capture things that I need to do when I'm not using the system perfectly. So in an ideal world, you would have a single place that you capture your tasks and then you do them from there. That would be dead straightforward. Wouldn't that be lovely? That's not how my life works. I have bits of paper from my mom telling me to book my boiler service. Which I still haven't done yet. So I have those on bits of paper on my desk. I have bits that I've jotted down in my phone. I have emails that I've sent to myself, emails that other people have sent to me. I have bits and pieces, you know, and I'm always trying to narrow down the sources of things. I mentioned at the beginning that I read a book called How To Be A Productivity Ninja. I actually really liked that system. Again, I had to modify things for myself. There were bits of it that are overly complex for me, but one of their key principles is being able to collect all the places. They have a cord model, C O R D, and the C is collect. And that's all about knowing where your tasks are coming from. And so I needed a system where the fact that I had tasks in a few different places was not insurmountable and that could be relatively easily reconciled back into my to do list system. The second thing is that I need to be able to throw things over the horizon. Now, this is a phrase that I originally came across with the Total Workday Control system that I was introduced to, like, I don't know, 15, 20 years ago, I guess. It's developed by Michael Linenberger. I had a proper old school book on it, which taught you all these little outlook tricks as to how you could manage your task systems. But this principle of throwing tasks over the horizon means capturing tasks that you do need to do, but that you don't need to do now, and having them there in a way that you can't see them until you need to action them. Often we end up with these huge long lists. This is a list of things that are really overwhelming. Whilst I've got a lot better at managing my thoughts, it's not the list that makes me overwhelmed, it's the thoughts I have about it. I also know that it's a lot easier to have those overwhelming thoughts when you've got a huge list in front of you and where half of it you don't even need to do yet, but you've just got to keep track of it. And so, with throwing things over the horizon, you have a system whereby you will find it when you need to do it, but that you can't see it every day when it's not what you need to be doing. This rules out an enormous number of systems. Most systems aren't set out to cope with that, especially most paper based ones, which I always have a natural affinity with, yet it's incredibly important for me. Again, part of that is that I also need a system that will show me if there's something that I've been kind of kicking down the road every time, where it's never quite come to the top of my to do list. I need a system that kind of flags that to me. So that I can then make a decision, right, we do this thing now so it's gone, or let's just decide we're not doing it. Because if we keep pushing it back, we might as well just decide we're not doing it. The third thing is that I need to be able to sort my tasks by role. Now, this is something, if you haven't already listened to my podcast about role based time blocking, go back, listen to that. It's one of my favorites. I refer back to it a lot. And the idea there is that that you plan your week by giving yourself chunks of time to be in different roles. So for me, those are now business related roles. So sometimes I'm in coach mode where I'm working with clients. Sometimes I'm in content creation mode when I'm doing things like this or writing my book or whatever it is. Other times I'm in finance mode, operations mode, CPD mode, for example, all different roles. If you're a PhD student, it might be writer, data analyzer, you know, laboratory demonstrator, whatever it is. If you're an academic, you will know you already have a ton of different roles. You're a PhD supervisor, you're a personal tutor, you're a lecturer, you're a researcher, you're a principal investigator manager person. And because I use that time system, so this morning I'm in content creation role before I switch to my coaching session at 10. And therefore I want to only be able to see my content creation tasks. I don't want to be looking at my to do list when I'm meant to be doing content creation work and going, oh, I do need to send those invoices. Those invoices I want to see when I'm in operations mode later. So I need to be able to sort by the role that that job is kind of part of. Again, this, in theory at least, rules out most paper based systems, although I'm going to tell you my workaround for that in a second. It also rules out quite a lot of other systems that don't have that sort of functionality. My fourth thing, and to be honest, this doesn't rule out any system, but this is about how we use it, is I need every step to be very specific and very actionable. So I need to be able to see exactly what I need to do. So I had on my list, which I'm just pulling up in front of me, I had on my list, write the next section of my book with what I've written and what I've done this morning is turn that into much more actionable steps. Add this section, look up that bit, write that section, much more specific what I need to do step by step. And any system that I use needs to have that ability to have multiple steps. Now what I tend to do, this isn't about the system, this is just the way I use systems, what I tend to do is things that are further away I put in in bigger categories, so write book or whatever, write workshop and then once it gets to the stage where I need to be thinking about it. So I've thrown it over the horizon saying plan workshop for June, then when it comes into my, okay, I actually need to be thinking about this now I'll break it down into much more specific steps as to what I need to do next, because there's nothing like looking at an item on a list and being like, yeah, I don't really know where to start with that and therefore going on to something different. As I say, you can do this with pretty much any task list. It's just that most of us don't. Most of us leave it quite generic to remind ourselves what we should be doing and forget to give ourselves that really specific instruction. The system I use at the moment works really well for that though. My fifth thing, and I talked about this in one of my very early podcasts, is I need to be able to see what I've done as well as what I've got to do. And this is mostly from a motivational perspective. Sometimes it's useful for my kind of audit thing of looking at what I've spent my time doing and all that kind of stuff. Although I don't do time tracking in any systematic way, I love being able to see what I've done. And I talk about that in podcast seven or eight, something like that, about how motivating it can be to focus on what you've done in a day rather than what you haven't. And what that means is anything that involves deleting things or crossing them off doesn't really work for that unless they go somewhere. It was one of the reasons that a Kanban board was quite tempting for me because then you had things that were to do that you were doing and things that were done, and you kind of moved the ,card into the doing when you were focusing on it, and then you moved it on after that. I found that my systems were too complex for that to work for me, you might be able to get it to work for you. But it did have that thing where you could see the tasks that have gone into done. Many of the apps I tried using, it just deleted it when you'd done it, and that just didn't work for me at all. Remember, all the way through, make sure that you are assessing these principles against what you think. You may well, I really hope that some of them you're like, oh, that's just not important to me, I don't care. Or, god no, that'd be awful, I definitely don't want a system that does that. Or, actually, yeah, that's a good one that I hadn't thought of. I need that in my system. So make sure you're evaluating this for yourself all the way through. Principle six is not a crucial one that, but it's nice. Would rather it was free. I've got lots of things I like to spend my money on, and to do list management isn't really one of them. If I found a perfect system that was absolutely amazing and made my life easier, would I invest in it? Yeah. Absolutely. Have I spent inordinate amounts of money on pretty planners in my time? Yes, yes, I have. Do I want to keep doing that? No, I don't. So for me, being free, easily accessible was really important. It did mean that there were other principles that I would have loved to have in here that I had to let go. So one principle that I have let go, to put it out there for you guys, and you might not be willing to sacrifice this one, is that my system is a computer based system and I can only add tasks to it when I'm in my computer. What that means is if I'm on my phone or I'm somewhere else, then I email myself and then at some point I've got to reconcile it later. That's not ideal. I would love it if there was a way for me to add things directly into my to do list in the exact format that I want them to go in from my phone. There isn't in the way I do it at the moment. And some of these fancy apps will tell you that they do that. For me, there were too many other sacrifices. So free is a principle that I would have been willing to sacrifice if the other things were better. Accessible from every device was something that I did sacrifice in this. Number seven is I need it to not be distracting. So bullet journaling, there were big elements of it that I really liked. Some of the abilities to sort and things like that didn't work for me. But one of the other things was I got way too distracted googling pictures of beautiful bullet journals and buying washi tape and deciding to watercolour a page before I turned it into a spread or whatever it was. And I got too judgy when my bullet journal looked scruffy instead of beautiful. Now again, as usual, I could have managed my mind about that, I could have coached myself on it, but , you know what? There's a billion things for me to coach myself on, and sometimes you've just got to make it easier for yourself. So I wanted a system that would look organized and functional, that I didn't even think about wanting to make pretty, and that would just work with me keeping me as focused on the bits that are actually important as possible. And then the final thing, and this is one of the ones that's definitely probably a bit nuanced for me, but see what you think, is that I love the facility of it being digital. I love the way that that means that you can sort and hide and all those things that you can't really do on paper. But. I also engage with the to do list system if it's on paper, much better. So I decided I needed a system that did both. It means it's probably not the most efficient thing in the world, But it is highly effective. And those of you who listened to Jo Van Every's podcast a couple of weeks ago will have heard her talk about that difference between efficiency and effectiveness. The most important thing is finding something that works for you. Does it mean that I'm there on my printer on a Monday morning? Yes, it does. Does that make me like I'm living in the 90s? I don't care. The 90s were great. It works for me. It's inefficient in places, but it's a lot less inefficient than having a system that doesn't enable me to do the things that I want to do. So those are my principles. I wonder what your principles are. Have I missed any that you think are super important that I should be considering? Hopefully none that will make me want to change my system, but do let me know. You guys can always get in contact with me. If you're not already on my newsletter, please, please, please go to my website and sign up. So it's the phdlifecoach. com and you'll see the work with me. Join free online community. You can sign up for my newsletter. You'll get an email every week, which talks about this podcast, gives you some take home messages, gives you some activities and reflective questions and all that sort of stuff. So it makes it much more likely you'll take things that you're hearing in this podcast and actually create actionable change in your life rather than just listening to me and then forgetting. So make sure you sign up for that. So let me tell you about my actual system. And the good news is that I turned it into something that you can have too, if you would like. If you sign up to my newsletter, you will get sent a file that will give you my task management system. And that's because my task management system is an Excel file. I know, deeply unsexy. Like I say, we're in the nineties. It's happy days. But it works, it works really well. So the main sheet that I use, imagine just an Excel sheet, the main sheet that I use is called tasks. And this is where everything goes. I have a column that has week commencing. So what week am I going to start doing this thing? I just put the Monday date in. I don't get more specific than that. Then I have a column that is, what is the specific task? I have a category. column. So that's my roles. So what role does it fall under? I have a notes column where I can jot down anything that I need to remember, anything that's important. I also use that if there's a specific day I have to do it. And then I have status, which I was just done or not done. Essentially, you could put something more sophisticated in there, but that's all I do. So that's how it goes. Everything I need to do that I'm aware of goes in there. So things that I need to do now, things that I need to go do in the future, everything goes in there. Everything is categorized by my role. I also put personal stuff in here too. Not all the things that I do with my partner, but just like little bits of, you know, book dentist, do guide leader training or whatever it is. Okay. And then what I've done is I've put filters in that top row. So what I can do is I can filter by week commencing, so I can only see the tasks that I need to do this week, and I can then filter by role to see what I need to do in each role. So what my system is, is that as things come up, I put them into that task. Those things might be coming in on my emails, they might just be from my ideas. So I put those in as tasks, and I put in an approximate date that I'm going to do it. If I'm not sure, or if it's a general idea for the future, I just put it in and put the week commencing as future. Okay. And then every now and again, I can filter by future, see all the future things and decide whether any of them are actually coming into, like, play, whether they're actually things I want to implement or not. If not, I can either leave them there, if I might do them at some point, or I delete them at that. So, I put it on this week, see what comes up. Is that a manageable amount of work when I look at this week? Fiddle with it if not, chuck some stuff to next week, put other stuff in the future if it's things that aren't urgent and that I don't want to do right now. And then what I can do is I can toggle by role. Now, all you normal people who might be able to work from digital systems, you could just use it like that. So that when you Go into operations mode. You just toggle to operations and you start working through those systems. I like paper and I like writing things down and I have a metal ruler, which I'm showing the people on, on YouTube. , I have a metal ruler that I like underlining things with and crossing things off. I don't know why I just like the tactileness of it. So I thought, you know what? I'm going to enable this to happen. So what I do on a Monday morning, I reconcile all of this. I chuck in anything that I haven't thought of. In theory, I do that on a Friday night. I rarely do it on a Friday night. Monday morning, sort it all out, get it down to what tasks I'm doing today. And then I just go through, I go to filter for coach tasks, print it out. Filter for operations tasks, print it out. Filter for program. So I'm running my Be Your Own Best Boss program at the moment for PhD students and postdocs. Filter for program. Print it out. And then I have a clipboard because again, clipboards make me feel really organized. So this is the bit you might not want to copy this part of it. This is me and my own strange brain. Clipboards make me feel organized. So those of you on YouTube can see I have a clipboard with about six or seven bits of paper on it, each of which is a different role and each of which only has three, four items on it, which suddenly makes it feel like, you know what? I can win this. I can do this. So I'm looking at my top sheet here, because it's what I've been working on at the moment is program. And I can see that one, two, three, four, five, six of the things are crossed off. There's two things left. One of which I've broken down into more specific tasks to make them smaller and more cross off able. If there's things I think of during the week that I need to do, I just jot them in the right category. And then if at the end of the week I've done them, then I add them into my done list, which I'll tell you about in a second. And if I haven't done them, then they go into the to do list. So it just means that the bits of stuff that I drop down onto bits of paper actually are vaguely organized. So that whole collect thing is a bit simplified by the fact that I try and add it onto these sheets. I can then see what I've crossed off, see what I haven't. I'm also a humongous fan, I should start having one of those like Amazon affiliate things, shouldn't I, of these tiny, they're tiny little highlighter strips. So for those of you who can't see, they're like post it notes, they're semi translucent, except they're How big's that? Five centimetres long, so probably something like that, and about half a centimetre wide, so they're super tiny, and you can use them to highlight things. So in the morning, I go through and I'll be like, right, I've got an hour for operations this afternoon, which are the one or two operations tasks I want to do, and I can highlight them with my little thingies. And because it's not a real highlighter, I can take it off after I've done it, which is amazing, because obviously, normal highlighters are there. It's highlighted whether you finished it or not. So I combine it up with that. And it works really, really well. And then in theory what I do on a Friday, although in reality it's usually on a Monday morning when I'm getting myself together, is that at the end of the week, I go through and just cut out all the rows where it's things that I've done, and I paste them into the Done tab, which is exactly the same format, it's just the things that I've done. Okay, so I get rid of all of those and then I re reconcile ready for the next week. The other thing that I've started doing is I have a tab called every week and a tab called every month where I have tasks that I want to do regularly. So they're in red and on a Monday I go and grab my every week tasks and pop them in the bottom of the to do list ready for me to deal with them like any other task and in the first week of any month I grab the first, the week of the tasks and put them in. And that just means that they sort of automatically get pasted in at the time that's appropriate to do them. And that's my system. And if you want that Excel file, you can join my newsletter mailing list and we will get it sent to you automatically through that. And you can let me know what you think. Like I say, This system may not work for you, especially the printing out, putting on a clipboard. I think that's a little nuanced for me, but hopefully it's an example of how you can personalize these things, how you can take things about yourself that are already true and are always going to be true and just make them so that you work with them rather than telling yourself you need to be different. What are your little nuances? What would make it a system that works for you? Mine's quite linear. I like jotting. If I'm trying to be creative, I use mind maps and things like that. But when I'm getting things done, I want it to be very linear, very structured. You may not like that. You might want to do a to do list system that's more organic and more kind of branching off in different directions and where you can see the connections between things. I get overwhelmed when I look at things like that because I can see all the connections and I want to do all of it. You might find that inspiring and interesting and engaging in a way that a linear one just doesn't fit your brain. That's fine. But figure out what your principles are and try and adapt a system so that those principles are true for you. And then we stick to it, even when we implement it imperfectly. I don't think I have ever had a week where I have done this system exactly as I intended it all the way through. Never. Literally. I don't think I ever have. But what I do know is that it's quick to get back on track. What I do know is the days where I do it more like I intend, work better. I do know that it plays to the best of me, not to the best of some imaginary person that's perfect. And you know what? It's good enough and it works. And I can't see myself changing it for a really long time. Final point. If you are listening to this on a Monday morning as it comes out, now is not the time to go and find a new system. Do not spend the first three hours on a Monday copying and pasting your tasks into my Excel file. Please. Don't do it. Planning can be procrastination if you do it at times which is not when you intend. I am sure you've got one big task that you've been putting off or that you're not looking forward to doing. Do that task. Do that now. And then think about this task management in an hour where you're a bit frazzled or where you're not going to do something more useful, maybe later on in the day, if that's a less constructive time for you. Please do not make this a reason to procrastinate a task that you have already been avoiding. Go do that first and then, final tip. When you do come to do your to do list, write that thing on it and then cross it off straight away. Because I'm also a big fan of making sure that if you do something that wasn't on your list, write it on your list, cross it off, and then at least it's in your done list as well. I really hope that was useful for you. I was originally developing this for students on my program, where we're going to do this in loads more detail, figuring out exactly what their principles are and supporting them to both implement and then try out and kind of modify systems for themselves. But I thought that this sort of short overview would be really useful for you guys too. If you're wondering what this program is, it's a three month program called Be Your Own Best Boss. It's running at the moment, so I'm not taking registrations. I've got a wonderful cohort in it at the minute, but I am going to be running it again in September through December. In the program I can just give you a lot more hands on support for how to actually implement these things in your life. So if it's something that you want to make sure that you hear about as soon as it's available, again, make sure you're on my newsletter email list and you'll get all the information. Thank you all so much for listening and see you next week. Thank you for listening to the PhD life coach podcast. If you liked this episode, please tell your friends, your colleagues, and your universities. I'd appreciate it if you took the time to like, leave a review, give me stars, stickers, and all that general approval as well. If you'd like to find out more about working with me, either for yourself or for people at your university, please check out my website at thephdlifecoach. com. You can also sign up to hear more about my free group coaching sessions for PhD students and academics. See you next time.
by Victoria Burns 29 Apr, 2024
by Victoria Burns 22 Apr, 2024
Vikki: Before this episode starts, I want to share some exciting news. Today's episode is with Jo VanEvery, who is an expert in academic writing, and we are going to be talking about some stuff that is relevant to all of you about planning your writing. But we also have an announcement to make, which is that Jo and I are going to be running a workshop in the middle of May, 16th of May, for any academic who is taking on a new leadership role. If that's not you, don't worry, keep listening because you might be able to share this with somebody it is relevant for. The workshop is going to focus on getting ready to start any of these major administrative roles. So anybody taking on head of department, head of education, director of a research centre, director of postgraduate studies, whatever it might be. Anyone who's starting one of those roles, this webinar will help you to get ready, to figure out what your strengths are and how you bring them. That's the part I'm providing. And how and when you want research and writing to fit within this new administrative load that you have. That's the bit that Jo's providing. If you think this might be useful for you, make sure you check the show notes, or if you're on my email list, you're going to get this anyway. And you will find out exactly how to sign up. It's a 90 minute webinar, it's 25, it's going to be amazing. Make sure you're there. SIGN UP HERE! If you're a PhD student or you're an academic who isn't in that position at the moment, who can you send this to? Who do you know that might find this useful? Is your supervisor taking on a new academic role? Do you have colleagues in this position? Please do share this with them so that we can get this out to as many people as possible. As I say, the episode today is more generally for everybody, all about planning your academic writing, so I hope you will find that useful too. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT GETTING SUPPORT FROM JO, CHECK OUT WWW.JOVANEVERY.CO.UK . Hello and welcome to episode 32 of Series 2 of the PhD Life Coach, and we have another guest with us this week. I am very excited to introduce Jo VanEvery, who is going to be helping us think about how to plan our academic writing. So, hi Jo! Jo: Hello, Vikki. Nice to be here. Vikki: It's fantastic to have you here. So tell everyone a little bit about yourself, and then we will get thinking about all different aspects of planning your academic writing. Jo: Right. Yeah. So, I do individual coaching, and I also have a group program called the Academic Writing Studio, which started out with me, running some co working sessions for academic writers. Over 10 years ago I started that. Uh, so it's been going for longer than 10 years and it's now become more than that and we'll probably talk about that a little bit as we go along. Uh, so, I do some group coaching in there. I do some planning classes and I generally help people, find time for their writing and get their writing done. I started that because previously I had been helping Canadian social science and humanities academics with grant applications to the main government funding agency there. And I found that especially people from smaller universities with heavier teaching loads were often very frustrated at the fact that your ability to publish from the research you do goes into the kind of adjudication process. And they're like, well, I'm always at a disadvantage because I have this higher teaching load. I just can't publish enough. There's no time for writing. There's no time for writing in term time. So that was kind of how I started a meeting with your writing, which is the coworking session I run. And it kind of just expanded from there. Uh, so I've got over 10 years experience of helping academics basically juggle their writing with other things that they do, so that they can publish and do the things they really want and need to do as academics. Vikki: And I always like to get to know our guests a little bit. So what do you do when you're not helping other people write? Jo: Oh, so, um, I, I am a knitter, and actually that's part of the origin story of having an online business because I, in about 2003, I joined like an email list. For knitters and I met somebody there that got me blogging from about 2005 and so I used to blog about knitting and then through the blogging , I ended up meeting some other people doing online business, people that were involved with WordPress and that kind of thing. And it just gave me this like, Oh, I could do things this way I could write. And so it just, that was sort of part of how I expanded. So I'm a knitter. I quilt. I do, uh, dressmaking, like sewing. I made this, and I sing in a choir. Vikki: I love it. And I love the crossover there. I think so often people can see their work life and their private life as just completely distinct. And I always love hearing when people have had experiences in their private life that have somehow sort of changed directions for them in their careers and things. Jo: That's really neat. Yeah, yeah. No, yeah. Some of the people I met on that, Nidhi, I mean, they're, I'm still really good friends with them, you know. Uh, 20 years later. And I can see direct links into, you know, what I'm doing now and some of the other choices that we've made. So it's been, it's been good. Yeah. Vikki: Perfect. So I guess a good place to start, just so that everyone's clear on the sorts of things that we're going to talk about today is what do you mean by planning your academic writing? Because when we've chatted about this before, there's sort of been different elements to that. Jo: Right. So for me. There's two main pieces to planning your academic writing, and I see a lot of people talking about wanting to be able to plan their writing project, right? So they're planning a project and they're trying to estimate how long it's going to take. And what the different phases of writing something are so that they can kind of think about like, when am I going to be finished? Right? Or am I going fast enough or slow enough? There's a lot of concerns about speed or efficiency or that kind of thing, but I start from a different place, which is planning your time. And as I said in the introduction, this started because I was working with people who were saying, but I can't write and publish more because I don't have time. My teaching load's too high, or, you know, my workload is too high. And that was, that was 10, 15 years ago. And even, you know, when I was working as an academic and I left academia in 2002, so I was, from 94 to 2002, I was full-time , a sociologist. Uh, and I remember even then, people, you know, that I worked with saying, you know, you couldn't do the job in five days and whatever, and then 20 years since then, it's only gotten worse. So, I think it's one thing to say, well, looking at this project in isolation, here's what I would do, and here's how long it would take, and here's when I would finish. And then, but the more important thing is, how much time do you actually have to spend on your writing? And if your writing is important to you, for any reason, it could be personally important to you as, you know, this is part of the reason I wanted to do this kind of work. It can also just be, I have to do this, or I'm not going to have this type of work anymore, or some combination of those things. But if it's important to you, then you do have to find a way to protect time to do it. And if you're not protecting time to do it, it doesn't matter how many plans you make about the project, it's not, it's not gonna work. I mean, there are also some issues about how we plan the project, but my focus, you know, for a lot of my work has been on how we find the time. Vikki: Perfect. And as you know, the listeners to this podcast go all the way from beginning PhD students all the way through to senior professors. So often the reasons they think they haven't got time are different from each other, but I hear the same stories amongst my clients. I hear the same thing about not having time, either that their deadlines are too tight and that even though they're working on this full time, there's no way they can get it done by X with PhD students all the way through to, I can't start writing until the summer because you know, when we're in the academic year, it's there's just too much of it from my sort of faculty and academic clients. So I see, I hear this across the board. So I think this is going to be super useful for lots of people. Jo: And I do as well, like I have people across, I mean, maybe not so much beginning PhD students, but there's definitely PhD students. I have had a couple times master's students usually at the point where they're writing up their master's dissertation. But all the way through to full professors I have someone in my group right now is working on her 7th academic book. So it's like, you know, we've got, we've got people at all levels stages of career. I remember one person who I talked to. The first time she came to my, one of my planning classes, which are about planning your time and your next semester, your next three months afterwards. She said to me, she said, it just, as soon as I heard other people talk about what was going on for them, I just felt relieved that it isn't just me. Right. Because I think it's so easy to feel like, oh, I should be able to do this. And to imagine that other people are managing it better and somehow there's something wrong with you personally, and there's not, there's probably not, there's not, there's nothing wrong with you, you're actually trying to do something incredibly difficult. The other part of it is, and this came up in the class I ran last week, is that sometimes, and this can happen, especially when you're early in your career, like a PhD student talking to your supervisor or an early career scholar and thinking, talking to some of your senior colleagues, is that sometimes you get directly told that you have to do things a particular way, right? And that you just need to be working more intensely or like people will just tell you, well, you just can't do that other thing. Or, you know, you just can't write during term time. And it sounds like, oh, this person is further advanced than I am and they know what they're doing and they're telling me the way that I have to proceed in order to be successful and I'm struggling to do that. And if you can't do it the way they do it, you're not broken either. It just might be you need another way. Vikki: No, definitely. So let's start then with, I guess, planning at a kind of looking ahead and planning what you might get done this term or this year. What timescale do you recommend people start with and how do they go about it? Jo: So the longer the timescale, the more likely that you're not going to achieve what you set out to do. Because, you know, just like, with, forecasting the weather, right? The further away it is, the more likely it is to be wrong because we just can't predict everything that's going to happen and we don't have control. So that the first thing I want to say is that the purpose of a plan is to inspire action, right? It's to help you get started, help you like, be able to take action and do the things you want to do. And, and then the other purpose of a plan is to make sure that the things that are important to you are in that action plan that you're taking action on the important things, and especially when you're juggling what is objectively an unreasonable workload, which the vast majority of academics are currently doing, planning as a practice is a way of saying, if I can't do all of this, I'm going to be very deliberate about which bits I don't do and which bits I do do, right. And that's really frightening and it's what makes it hard, but the purpose of a plan is not to be like, well, I have to do all of this, time is finite, how do I jam all this in here and then the whole thing falls apart. The purpose of a plan is also not to give you some sort of whip to beat yourself with at the end of whatever time period you chose for not achieving what you planned. Um, it's perfectly normal not to be able to predict exactly what you can get done or to have ended up doing other things. Other stuff comes up. Things will come up that you had not planned for, but you do have to address. And sometimes that's something as simple as, you know, you'll get ill and not be able to work, or, you know, somebody might give you an urgent thing you have to do, and you have to rearrange your plans for that, or, uh, you know, the writing won't go the way you expect it, and it'll just take longer to do this particular portion of the project than you thought, and that's okay. The point is the plan helps you get started. So in the studio, I do an annual, like, planning your year class to give a big overview of what you'd like to do and what's going on at different points of the year and to really help people kind of look at what their year looks like, because we all have a slightly different 1 and where, you know, what's going to be an issue at different points of the year. It's partly about setting big kind of big picture goals, but also just really getting a sense of what really realistically might be possible. And then we plan on a quarterly basis, so every 3 months. We, I usually we start our year on the 1st of July, and there's a couple reasons for that. One is it's actually 6 months exactly later than the normal calendar beginning of the year, but for most people in North America, Europe, you know, it's not, it doesn't make sense to kind of think about a full year starting in January because you're right in the middle of your institutional year, it doesn't really feel like the beginning and I discourage you from starting it when the kind of students come back, because then it's really driven by what other people need you to do. Whereas July, it's kind of the part of the year where you personally have the most control over your time and what you allocate it to and where you have the least number of scheduled things, right? So you can, if you like writing for full days, it's a time of year when you can probably do that. At least some of the time, right? So we start in July and we think, you know, 3 months at a time, but each of those 3 month chunks, we look at things like, where are the transitions, right? At what point in here? Because transitions take energy and extra cognitive capacity just to move from 1 thing to the other. Where are the crunch points? Where are the places in this quarter where it's going to be really hard to juggle all the things because there's just too much happening and it has hard deadlines, right? Where are the places, on the contrary, that could be more spacious? Where you have more possibility instead of thinking, oh, it's crunch, crunch, crunch all the time. Where could I make more space? How would I do that? So we kind of do that. And then with my newsletter, I send out some prompts every month. So that you can review, because like I said, planning is to help you take action and to make sure the important stuff's getting done. And so it's perfectly normal to have to revise your plans based on what's actually happening, based on the new information you have all of that kind of thing. So that's kind of where we go. But then it's like, you just need to get through week to week. What am I doing this week? What am I going to do? Right. And you get to start fresh. You don't have to roll everything over. Sometimes it's like, okay, I didn't get to that. But now there's some new urgent thing that's come in. So I can't just add this thing I didn't do last weekend. I might have to take a pause on that and bring it back later. Vikki: I think this is so, so important for people to hear because I have so many clients, and in fact, some of them have been on the podcast in the past. So many clients who avoid planning because they don't trust that they will stick to their plan. And so they see it as a waste of time. They spend their time making this plan, then they don't stick to it. And they quite rapidly decide they haven't stuck to it, whatever that means, and I know I fell foul of this in the past. I'm, I'm getting better now. You know, we decide that it, it hasn't worked and then it solely becomes one more thing we've messed up rather than recognizing that actually that's all part of the process. That realizing that once again, you may be put in a bit too much is fine and we get to readjust and then think about that when we do our next big plan. But this idea that a plan isn't there to be followed perfectly, I just think, frees us up to be a lot more kind of open and willing to try different approaches to planning. Jo: Yeah. So the key thing for me is that your plan is partly about identifying priorities, right? Like what are the important things? If you objectively have too much to do instead of just... like, I like, this is why I like this metaphor of juggling. Um, because, you know, balance we use balance a lot and people talk about work life balance and then they talk about the balance within their work between research and teaching. And part of the problem is balance gives you this kind of mental image of a seesaw, teeter totter, whatever you call it, where there's like two ends, and you're just trying to balance them. So the first problem with that is you've got more than two things you're trying to juggle, right? The second thing is balance doesn't necessarily mean, like, so many people go from there and that mental image to thinking, Oh, I have to spend as much time on each of these things, or they are all equally important. And they, they might not be. And you, so like, like your academic writing, if you think your academic writing is important, and say you're kind of mid career, you're teaching a couple of classes, you're on a couple of committees, you've got, you know, personal tutees or a couple of PhD students you're supervising, you've got a lot going on. To say that writing is important, you might still be like, well, there's no way that I can give it a lot of time. And so then you can decide either it's not important, or you can be like, well, if I can't give it lots of time, then it just sort of disappears. And so my approach is really to say, well, if it's a priority, and I actually looked this up in the dictionary once. One of the definitions of priority is that you allocate time and resources to it before you allocate time to other things. So even if you don't have a lot of time for writing, one of the principles that we use is, we're going to allocate time to writing first, even if it's only coming to Meeting With Your Writing once a week. And I have definitely members, there's like one member who writing is very important to her, she has said out loud to the group, I wish I could give more time to this than I can, but I work in an institution where I teach four classes each semester. I'm very busy, but I can make time to come to Meeting With Your Writing, which is my virtual co writing group, once a week, and that makes a difference, right? So the juggling part really as a metaphor is, you know, most jugglers, a lot of times they're juggling three things. Now they've got a whole bag of tricks, right? And they will switch which things they're juggling,. And sometimes they'll be able to do four, and sometimes they won't. And sometimes it's beanbags, and sometimes it's breakables, and sometimes it's flaming torches. And so it kind of is a, it's a much richer metaphor that helps you. And so one of the things I think about planning is that you're kind of deciding. Which things are you juggling and which things are you leaving in the box for later? And if things are going to drop instead of trying to juggle too many things and then have just random balls drop, and roll under the sofa where you forget about them and you don't see them for months, right? That you actually are like, I've got too many things. I need to put one of these down. And then you pick which one, right? That's different than, you know, something is going to drop, but you get to decide. Vikki: Definitely. And that deciding in advance can be uncomfortable. I think it's why we sometimes put off doing that. You know, my planning process back in the day, before I came across all this coaching stuff, my planning process was always, I have too many things, so how can I make a schedule where these things fit? And inevitably that meant starting too early, not having any breaks, kind of, you know, not allocating enough time to anything. And that's why I never then stuck to it. I always used to think I was bad at sticking to plans. Turns out I'm not bad at sticking to plans. Turns out I just spent a lot of years making stupid plans. Because I never wanted to concede the point that I couldn't do them all. And so I sort of made that future Vikki's problem. It's like, okay, this time we will do them all. We will. Of course we never could because it was an unreasonable amount of stuff. And I think one of my most important purposes of planning is confronting that uncomfortableness of accepting which things you're not going to do, which things you're going to do quickly and to a relatively mediocre level just to get them done, and which things you're actually giving time to, in advance, because when we're making that decision on the fly, we almost always pick the things that are easier, the things that are for other people, the things that are imminently urgent. And unless we've got collaborative deadlines, writing rarely comes into one of those things. Jo: Well, exactly. And I think that's one of the things that is particularly tricky because everybody struggles with planning, no matter what kind of job they do or what kind of life they lead. Everybody's trying to juggle a lot of different things. But some of the special things about academia, one is that you do have a lot of autonomy. And that's actually one of the attractions for many people. But the thing about autonomy is on the one hand, you get to choose right. When you're going to write or whatever and what you're going to write. On the other hand, that means nobody tells you right now, and nobody protects that time for you. You kind of have to do it yourself. Um, so that's kind of the downside to the autonomy. The other thing is that the kinds of things you're juggling are different in these really fundamental ways. So it's like if you spend this hour preparing to teach this class in two days or tomorrow or something, and if you don't do that work, you're going to walk into class unprepared and there's going to be an immediate thing. Whereas if you decided to spend this hour writing and you don't spend it writing, nobody's even going to notice other than you probably for ages and you get to the point where it just keeps going forward and forward until you get to a point which unfortunately happened to a colleague of mine, 25 years ago, and it was not great, where, you know, she needed to have published a certain amount of things in order for her contract to be made permanent, and she didn't. And the really terrible part about that is she didn't get any support for that. Basically, she got told by the more senior people, you really need to prioritize this and do this, but nobody ever or like, let us help you do that. And like you say, if you don't make a conscious plan to protect time for the longer term but important stuff, then it's the ball that gets dropped and rolls under the sofa. And then you just feel really bad about it, especially if it really is. Important so that idea of priority is about what's important and allocating resources to what's important before you allocate resources to other things. And I think one of the things about academics is many of them are people who were straight A students. You know, there's a lot of conversation about ungrading and the harm that grading does these days. And a lot of that is quite rightly focused on the harm it does to people who are traditionally excluded from higher education, but I have a very strong view that grading has harmed many of our clients. And many of the listeners, because it has given them this idea that you have to do everything at your best and that getting a B is kind of failing and that kind of thing. And it's, and it's not, right. It's okay to just do them and get them off your plate so that you can put. And, and to decide which things are going to get your a effort. Vikki: Definite. Empathize with that so hard. Jo: So part of it is also about thinking about your own capacity and thinking about what's important and what you want to do well, and how much time because your resources aren't just time. It's also cognitive capacity. And that's really important for writing because that's one of the reasons people say, I need these big chunks of time because parts of the writing process do actually require a certain kind of cognitive capacity that is objectively harder to find when you're busy with a lot of other things. The entire writing process doesn't need that, but certain parts of it absolutely do. And so the other thing we talk about when we talk about planning your writing is, what kind of time do I have for writing? What can I protect? How could I protect it? What support do I need to protect it? All of that. But then it's like, okay, what kind of time is that? And what kinds of writing related work can I do in the kind of time I have? And that's the other reason to kind of think about the year starting in the summer when you have a lot of control. And then think about your summer plans, not as I need to finish this article or whatever. But really about like, what's the best way I can use that those longer chunks of time and the ability to have a lot of stuff about my writing continually kind of there in the back of my mind and kind of mulling over like, there's more mulling possibility, you know, because sometimes you're thinking through some really difficult intellectual problems, right? And you, you know, it, you just kind of need them to be sort of in your head while you're doing things. And that's easier in the summer or other big, longer chunks of time. And so the real thing is how do I use that effectively to set myself up for the kind of time I might have later in the year? And so, for example, when we think about, what am I doing during that time? It's like, well, where are you in the process? What kinds of, instead of just like, I need to work on my book. It's like, well, what kind of work does my book really need right now? And some of that might be, I have this really tricky intellectual problem in chapter three, and I don't even really know what the argument is, you're not going to be able to fix that when you're really busy with other things, but that might be true. Really good focus for your summer, right? Like, what do I need to do to figure that out? Like, do I need to do some reading? Do I need to do some analysis of whatever source material I'm using? Do I need to write whatever? But then you might have another one where you've got a draft, where you've done the analysis, where you're really confident about the argument you could make and that you have the evidence to support it and the work that needs to be done next is really to make sure that you've got the right secondary literature in there, you've got the flow you need, you've got whatever. Well, you can make a little bit more detailed list of specific steps you can take. And then that kind of work can probably be done in like hour and a half sessions, which you can find during term time. And then there's the kind of stuff that you can probably do... one of my clients at one point she was editing a book, and it was very close to the end. And, you know, so she had everything in but there's all these really fiddly things you have to do at the end before you can submit it to the publisher, and she spent one session just writing this incredibly granular list of all the tiny tasks she needed to do. But they were very granular and they were the kinds of things where when she did have 15 minutes. She could look at that list and see something on the list that she could do in the time she had available. Now you don't want to use your big long chunks of summertime to do that necessarily if you don't have a strong deadline, because you can do that when you've got 15 minutes here and there. Or if you're doing it in the summer, you don't want to use the best part of your day for that. You want to use the best part of your day for the stuff that really requires heavy intellectual lifting. And then later when you're tired and can't really think anymore about that problem, you can be like, Oh, look here, I have a list of things I don't have to think very hard. Let's see how many I can do in half an hour. Vikki: I love that because One of the things I see is people saying that they have to be in a particular mode in order to write, which as you say, for certain elements of it can be absolutely true, but it can also be a form of procrastination in my view. Yeah. Sometimes it's like, Oh, I'll be in a better state of mind to do this next week, next month, in the summer, that magic summer. And then what happens is we get there and we're more tired than we thought we were going to be. And actually it's been a really long time since we've thought about this project. And we've got a lot of, you know, a lot of pressure on now it's the time for the heavy intellectual stuff. And it can be really easy to then get a bit intimidated. What I love about this notion of like breaking it up so that you think about the different types of work is that I think if you can use the time where you've got less cognitive capacity to do some of the smaller jobs, it does keep it more mulling over in your head for more of the time, so that when you get to a time period where you've got a bit longer, It's easier to jump into it because you can kind of remember the structure of it. You can remember the things you've been working on. Yes. And it's all been sort of percolating a little bit. Jo: And I like to think of that in terms of like when you're cooking. Um, so I don't know, Not everybody knows how to make risotto, and even those of us that do know how to make it, we often cheat a little bit, but the official way to make risotto is that you have stock, simmering, and you add it very gradually to the rice in the pan, and you stir continuously the whole time, and that's what gives it the sort of texture that you would expect from a really good risotto. And so you've got it sitting there, you brought it to the boil, and then you put it on this really low temperature so that it stays hot. And then when you add the hot broth into your rice, it doesn't cool down and then have to heat up again. It's just it stays at the same temperature. And I like that as a sort of analogy for what you can do with 15 minutes. It's not necessarily that you are going to accomplish a lot in 15 minutes. It is precisely that it is going to keep the project alive in your head. So that when you have an hour and a half, or when you have a full day, you are not having to bring it to the boil from cold. You are actually starting with warm and making it. And so it just means that you can be more effective and you're less frustrated about it. And I'm not saying don't give writing make writing the big thing for your summer, what I'm normally saying is how do you make that part of a practice that continues through the year and how does doing writing in other kinds of time in the rest of the year, make the summer writing more, dare I say it enjoyable, because that's the other thing we talk a lot about efficiency and effectiveness, but I really like to think about, you know, this is a thing you can enjoy, and and yes, it feels a bit weird. But, the fact is that you wouldn't have done a PhD and become an academic if you didn't find really ricky intellectual problems enjoyable, right? Like that challenge itself is part of what's enjoyable. So it's not fun in the way some other things you do are fun, but it is an enjoyable challenge. But it's not an enjoyable challenge if you feel like you're like under the gun all the time and if you're under pressure. So it's really about relieving enough pressure that you actually feel like you remember why you wanted to do this as for a living in the first place. Vikki: I love that. And I love, so one of the things as well that I think comes out from having to work out what are manageable chunks to do when you're busy with other things, is it can help us to develop a practice where we break everything into manageable chunks. Because the other thing I see people doing, is giving very large, you know, figure out structure of introduction or something as their to do list item. And it's really easy to pass over and be like, Oh, I haven't got brain space to think about that yet. When it's so big and fluffy, for want of a better word, as to exactly what you need to do. I have this theory that even the difficult bits, even the figuring out what the intellectual argument bit is, we need to work out what are the steps I need to go through that give me the best chance of being able to figure this out. Jo: They do. And I think one of the things I often say to people is you don't have to be able to break the whole thing down into those granular tasks, but your to do list always has to have two or three very concrete things that when you look at them, you immediately know what they involve, right? You don't want everything on your to do list to require you to do some kind of thinking before you can even really get started. And sometimes you can do that at the end of a previous session. Like when you finish, just take a moment to just give yourself some clues. You can say, uh, like, Oh, okay. I have to stop now cause I have to go do something else. But I was thinking this is what I would do next. And you can just write that. You can just write it right in the bloody document cause you can delete it when you get back there. You can also be like, Oh, I was thinking about this that I want to go read. And, and instead of trying to keep it in your head, write it down. So that is one thing, but also sometimes it's useful to know that sitting there and using your writing time to plan your writing project is something that will advance your project, right, deciding what would be the next thing to do, or what would be the most effective or what kinds of writing does this need. I was having a conversation with somebody the other day, who's an editor. And she said she thinks one of the real issues is that a lot of us, we don't really know much about what we mean by revision. And I think a lot of academics are actually trying to avoid revision. We're sort of like, Oh, we should be good enough to be able to write the whole thing and only need to do a little bit of copy editing before we submit it. And that's not true. That's not even a reasonable goal because you are always setting yourself new challenges. You're always learning new things. And also because it's too big, even an article is too big to hold everything in your head. And so one of the things that I talk about is how the first draft or you can call it a zero draft if you like at this point, but when you start writing, you are writing for yourself. Don't start by thinking about what you need to communicate to other people. Think about like that first draft is really about becoming confident in the argument, like figuring out the argument you can make. Figuring out the argument you want to make, making sure those things fit, like what evidence do I have can I say the thing I really want to say do I need to write, but really focused on the research you've done and the thing you can say, and not worrying so much about what other people will think about it when they read it. You're writing initially for that. And then revision is where you turn that into something that is communicating your argument to someone else. And revision might involve several passes, right? Like, it might actually make sense, not to just say, I need to revise chapter one, you might say, okay, I'm here. The next most important thing that needs to happen is I need to make sure that the structure and the flow of the argument, the evidence is right. And then you might be like, okay, once I've done that, I'm going to go through and think about what secondary literature do I need to discuss in this with my data? Like, not the introduction part, but the while I'm talking about this, where do I need to like, really say, talk about the theoretical framework or whatever, and put that through, right? And then you might be like, okay, I now know who the reader is. The introduction is really about how do I situate what I'm saying in the set of debates they're already familiar with? Which of those debates do I need to talk about? How much do I need to say? Whatever. Trying to do all three of those things at once just means you're switching tasks all the time, right? Because you're like, I only want to go through it one more time. No, allow yourself to go through it six, eight, 10 times. But with a very specific focus each time. And I think what you'll find is that it is more effective. And absolutely don't start with the pretty words, right? Don't worry about the transition sentences. Make notes, right? Need a transition here or, you know, I'm not sure this is the right word, but you don't want to make them pretty because sometimes what you're going to find is there's whole paragraphs there you don't need. And if you've already spent a lot of time making them beautiful, it's going to be so much harder to get rid of them. So keep them ugly. And then once you're really clear that, oh, I've got all the content, then you can be like, okay, let's go through really carefully and think about the language. Think about the sentence length and think about, you know, all of those things. And once I've done that, I'm going to go through and I'm going to copy edit and make sure I spelt everything correctly and all that kind of stuff. But I think that is really like thinking about the process and where you are in it can be really helpful for deciding what needs to be on your list, right? Like you can't structure a chapter until you really know what the argument is and what evidence you're using to make it. Vikki: What do you think gets in the way of people doing what you just said? Because I think most people know in theory that a first draft should be rough, that it didn't be perfect, and da da da. But People still battle with this. So why can't they just go, Oh yes, I'll do what Jo said., Jo: There's a couple of things. One is when you feel like you don't have a lot of time, you feel like that in an ideal world, that would be the best way to do it, but I don't have time for that. I need to do it more quickly. I would like to ban the word efficiency from our discussions of writing because I think trying to be efficient is the fastest route to writer's block that is there. Because you end up, if you want to do it the most efficient way, what you end up doing is spending a lot of your time and cognitive resources trying to work out the best thing to do rather than actually doing things. And the easiest way to stop doing that is if you catch yourself trying to be efficient, just switch from efficient to effective, right? So I think that's one thing, right? I think the other thing is that we, you know, because we teach these methods to our students and we get frustrated when our students don't do them right in terms of like writing drafts and revising them. So I think, you know, we know that they're good things, but I think we also feel like as you get better at writing, somehow the need for revision would be less. The other thing I've seen is that because you're constantly leveling up the challenge in what you're writing, You have more optimism about how easy it's going to be because you just did this other thing and it felt really easy and now this one's hard and you feel like, but I thought I was good at this. But what's happened is you have sneakily up up the challenge level as well. Like, you are often doing more challenging things. And, and that's normal. But it does mean that having a process where you allow yourself with the thing to be challenging. So, it's a bit like, um, music practice, right? You know, nobody really enjoys playing scales when they sit down to practice piano, the reason they want to practice piano, even people that are very good, like my kid or my father in law, right? They're very good pianists and they can play some really challenging music, but it does help to warm up by playing scales, right? It loosens up your fingers and your muscles. It reminds you, even just playing the scales of the key that your piece is in. You know, means that you just kind of reactivate some sort of muscle memory about playing in B flat major or whatever the heck you're doing. Right. But, you know, both of those people will tell you that they don't always do that and they don't because it's not fun like playing the actual music is the fun part. Um, but also when you're learning, I mean when, when, when my kid was younger and learning, they would sometimes get really frustrated and want to stop practicing all together and this is the other thing that comes into actually using the time you set aside for writing is sometimes when you sit down to write and it doesn't What you have to do is hard, right? You really are resistant and you start feeling like you can't do it and you end up not doing anything because you just feel like this is too hard. I can't do it. Right. One of the things that I suggested to them when they were younger was I, I reminded them that the pieces they could play that felt easy now were once as hard as the thing they're trying to learn, right? And that this new thing is a challenge. But they overcame challenges before and they will again, and it's difficult. So that's one thing to remind yourself. But the other thing I suggested to her was to alternate between, you know, when you get really frustrated, instead of quitting, go and remind yourself how much you love it, like do a part of the process that's easier. Do something right that's still writing that's still right, but that gives you that feeling that you really are capable and can do this. So you don't always have to do the hardest thing. If some days you're feeling really down on yourself and like you can't, then the thing you should pick for your writing time is the thing that feels easiest the thing that will make you feel competent. But I think the other thing that stops people from doing that is that what that process of a draft and revision might look like is very different for different people, right? So for some people, I'm, I'm a free write first drafter. I need to just kind of blurt it out and then I can figure out. And so if you, if that's the easiest way for you to get the ideas out of your head and onto paper, then you need a process where you allow yourself to do that and to go around in circles and be repetitive and do whatever you do. And then you need a process to actually look at your free write possibly use reverse outlining to like find a structure, put things new, whatever, right? There are other people who absolutely do not write like that, and you don't have to write like that. And one of the things, actually, those of us that like to blurt it out might have found that in school we might have been taught, no, no, no, don't do that, you need to outline. So there's also this thing about how you've been taught is the right order to do things in. For some of us, free writing to start is absolutely the right thing. For other people, writing an outline is a good thing. For other people, writing some sort of basic outline helps them get started and then they free and they go back and forth. For some people, if you find that when you look at a set of sentences you've written, you cannot see how you could write them any other way, then you don't want things in sentences until a fairly late revision draft. Like your first draft might not look like, like a draft at all. It might look like this super detailed outline. I have one client who drafted her entire book, multiple chapters in bullet points. She then did revision still in bullet points around structure around what needs to be here what doesn't all the rest of it. And then she had to go through really systematically and be like okay I'm giving each chapter a month and I'm turning it from bullet points into sentences right. And that's kind of how that worked for them. And if that's your process, and it works for you, then that's your process. And the difficulty is that you sometimes need to kind of experiment with things and that's where it's like, well, I have so little time to write and I've got so much pressure. I don't have time to experiment. But then what happens is you end up in this vicious circle where you're not writing anything. So sometimes you just have to take a risk. Vikki: Definitely. I definitely recognize the, I don't have time to do this badly thing amongst my clients a lot. And sometimes getting them to reflect on how much time they're using worrying about and feeling bad about the fact they're not writing. It's usually far in excess of the amount of time it would take to actually have a go at it. I'm a big fan of, you know, people have this notion of, you know, what, I don't know what the right structure is or the right argument. I do it both ways. Write it that way. Write it the other way. See which one you like. No, I haven't got time for that. It's like, Oh, you've got time to spend three weeks stressing about which one's the right option. Or we could spend two hours having to go at one of each. Jo: Absolutely. Like, and that's where the efficiency, right? It's like, that's inefficient. I don't, I don't have time to do that. And that's where it's like, but is what you're doing effective? Yeah. Yeah. Right. And if what you're doing looks inefficient, but is effective and you're getting things finished. then you can keep doing it and stop spending a lot of time looking for the perfect method that would be better for you and just really lean into what already works for you. And if what you're doing is not effective, then try something, even though you don't know whether that's going to be effective either, but the thing you're doing is not effective. So, you know, there's at least a 50, 50 chance that the thing you try is going to be more effective than what you're doing now, which is nothing. So, right. And, and, and I think it's not just, you know, and it's partly you want it to be effective. And I think we really are bad at understanding how much energy cognitive and emotional labor take, right? We think we have easy jobs, because we're not digging ditches. But actually, the cognitive labor takes. energy and if you've ever done a really big house move, which many academics have done because of the nature of the labor market, you will know, when you move house, uh, you end up being really, really tired. And the reason you're tired is that although all of the decisions you have to make feel small and, and trivial, and certainly nothing like the kind of work that you do intellectually, that there are just so many of them that you actually get a thing called decision fatigue, and you can't write like your cognitive capacity, you like, run it all up. All of that thinking and decision making and one of the things about making a plan is that you make all the decisions at once and then you're kind of working your plan and all you need to do is decide about the stuff that came up and the changes. Whereas if you're kind of working on the fly all the time you're just using a lot of cognitive energy. Weighing up options multiple times a day, right? And the transitions between things, that all takes a lot of cognitive energy because you can't have anything going on in your, like, the nice thing about routines is that things are subconscious and then they take less energy, right? But then the emotional energy, right? Like emotional work is real work and emotional work is about you managing your own emotions, feeling bad about how you're feeling, you know worrying like what people are going to think about you, all of that stuff Also takes real energy, the kind of energy we measure in calories and all of that kind of thing. And so just the fact that you're not out digging dishes doesn't mean you're not working hard. And part of the thing about planning is reducing the amount of energy you're spending on stuff that you don't need to be doing. It isn't even making you feel good, right? So that you have more energy for this stuff that you need and want to do. And for the stuff that makes you feel good, right? Plus leaves you time to be able to actually recharge properly, like sleep well, right? Because how many people are then have all of this spinning in their head and they go to bed and they can't get to sleep because of all the hamsters in their head. And so the people that I'm most angry with are the people that tell some of my, you know, more junior clients, like the PhD students and the junior people, that it's unreasonable for them to expect to sleep well and it's just like, You know, like what the job you just think the job is terrible and it's supposed to be terrible. And I don't know. I just don't believe that. I think you should be able to enjoy it. And you should be able to like, achieve things that you want to achieve. And no, you don't have control over all of that. And the conditions in which you're doing it are deteriorating daily. But pick the stuff that makes it meaningful because otherwise you could have gone to that career fair with all the other really smart final year undergraduates and got a job at a bank or a consulting firm or something and been paid loads more than you're earning now and there was a reason you didn't do that. And you need to remember that reason and you need to be like, this is why I'm still doing this job. And if the, if the big thing that is why you wanted to do this job and is still doing the job is not in your plan, then. I don't know. What's it worth to you? Vikki: Definitely, definitely. And I think these sorts of tips that you've given today, this advice you've given today, hopefully can help people see how they can take that element that they love and that they do want to be doing and put it in first. I love this notion that a priority doesn't have to be the only thing you're doing, but it's the thing that you put in first when you're structuring your time. Jo: It doesn't also have to be the thing you spend the most time on. Vikki: Yeah. Right? But you put it in first and guard it the most fiercely. I love that. Jo: And one of the things, so one of the things we do, so yeah, so the planning in the academic writing studio, we plan the year starting in June, or in July, so the planning class will actually be on the 31st of May this year, to think about the year, and then on the 14th of June we'll have one to think about the first quarter, July, August, and September, and get into a bit more detail about, okay, what's possible, what are you going to do, And, by doing that, you can put writing first in your year. You can start your year with writing instead of feeling like you're catching up by the time you get to the summer, right? And just Just that sense of is this the first thing I do like it's a circle right it comes around every year it could be either it is a thing we make up in our heads, but it makes a difference. The other thing we do is most of the sessions of meeting with your writing, I mean when I started there was only one a week, but we've really built on that are on Monday. Right. And the idea is that if you can manage to, to give a couple of hours to writing on Monday, even if that's the only writing time, it shifts how you feel about the whole week. So, so many people are like, Oh, Friday, right, I'll be able to write on Friday and then they get to Friday and one, all the things that came up in the week are now leaking into Friday and. feeling like they're more important than doing the writing. Uh, two, you're probably tired, right? And so it's harder. But also you're going through the week kind of thinking, I hope I get to write on Friday, right? I've planned, I hope I get to preserve that. Because if you write on Monday, even if it's for an hour, an hour and a half, right? On Monday, you are going through the week having already written, right? Even if that's all the writing you do in the week, you did some, you have already done it. You don't have to go through the week feeling like you're going to fail in your goal to write every week, right? Because you've already done it. The other thing is a lot of my clients over, I'm telling you more than 10 years have told me that. Having written on Monday, they often find that they can write again later in the week. So instead of it being this thing about how much time can I preserve at the end of the week after I've never done everything else, you do it first and then you realize, oh, I could fit it in here as well. And you actually do more than you planned, but you can't judge yourself based on how much you can't set a goal of how much can I do. You just need to be really realistic. Of like, how do I protect some time for this activity and how do I make it feel like this important activity is still part of my work, even if I have this really heavy teaching load and even if I'm still kind of worried, I might not meet these weird standards somebody else has set for finishing, publishing, whatever. Vikki: Amazing. So, if people want to know more about Studio and all the support mechanisms that you've mentioned, I know there are books as well, where do they find out more? Jo: So you can find out about me at joevannevery. co. uk and my last name is spelled just like those two everyday words, so it's van like a truck, every like every day. joevannevery. co. uk And that's where I have a, there's a blog on that, which we just call the library. Cause it's, there's over 500 posts in there. There's some spotlights that pull them together on themes. The current one is about confidence. And, it has links to the books and other things. if you want to join the academic writing studio and come along to the planning classes, we have several membership tiers now. So if you just want planning classes, you can just buy a package of planning classes and you get the annual and each of the 4 quarters and we remind you and you come along and make some plans. We now have a mid tier. Where you can get that plus all the group coaching we do so, there's sort of general office hours, where you can just get help with whatever you're struggling with, you know, whatever there's some that are specifically writing clinics for or journal article writers or for book writers, there are some PhD clinics and the structure of those is basically we kind of whoever turns up we're responsive. We're like, what are you working on? What's going well? How can we help you? That's basically the structure there. So you can have the planning plus all of that, right. Just for extra support when your plans are falling apart, right? Like if you're feeling like, Oh, but my plans are going to fall apart. It's great. Come to that, come to office hours. We'll help unfold them apart. And then there's the sort of really top membership, which is, which also includes all of that. Plus. A meeting with your writing and we have four sessions every week. There's two weeks over the Christmas break that we do not run them, but the rest of the year, even on bank holidays, four sessions a week, three of them are on Monday. One is on Thursday. There may not be four that are a sensible time in your time zone, but it's to mean that we can have people in different time zones, people with different teaching loads. So if you like that kind of coworking support, and it is coworking, um, Right. Silent. You get some prompts to start, whatever. So all of that you get at the academic writing studio. co. uk. So, um, that's basically it. However, if you only want to spend like a small amount, I've also got these short guides. So these two are really about the things we talked about today. Finding time for your scholarly writing talks about the different kinds of time and what you can do in different kinds of time. The scholarly writing process talks about that process going from, I'm figuring out what I want to say towards, I'm communicating it to somebody else. And in each of the little stages, there's questions and prompts to help you think about what has got me stuck and how, what could I do to get myself unstuck. So it's a very kind of coachy kind of book and there is in the ebook version, there is a kind of combined thing that has both of those together. Um, so you can just search on Amazon, wherever you buy books. The paperbacks, you'll have to order, and Amazon might tell you that they're out of stock, but you can still order them. They'll just take a little longer to come in, but you can also order them from your local bookshop and all of that. There's a page on my jovenevry. co. uk website that has all those details. Um, so, Vikki: and you have a free newsletter Jo: because I have a free newsletter. So jovenevry. co. uk slash newsletter. So yeah, whatever level of, you know, kind of encouragement and support you want. That's, you know, Vikki: you're there. That's perfect. Thank you so much. So much food for thought for everyone. Um, and hopefully lots of inspiration. I loved your point that you made before that planning is a way to inspire action. And I think that today's podcast will have really inspired action in a lot of people. So Thank you very much. Thank you everyone for listening and I will see you next week. Thank you for listening to the PhD life coach podcast. If you liked this episode, please tell your friends, your colleagues, and your universities. I'd appreciate it if you took the time to like, leave a review, give me stars, stickers, and all that general approval as well. If you'd like to find out more about working with me, either for yourself or for people at your university, please check out my website at thephdlifecoach. com. You can also sign up to hear more about my free group coaching sessions for PhD students and academics. See you next time.
by Victoria Burns 15 Apr, 2024
I want you to think about your to do list right now. Have you got items on there that have been hanging around for ages? Have you got items on there where it's write introduction or read more and things like that? If so, don't worry, completely human, completely normal. But I bet those are the ones that you aren't ticking off. So many of my clients give themselves really vague instructions about what they need to do and what has to happen next, and then wonder why they're finding it hard to get on with things. And we're all given that advice, you need to break it down into manageable chunks. But no one really tells us how to do that. What is a manageable chunk anyway? How big should it be? What should that look like? What type of chunk will make it easier for us to get started? If any of this is resonating, and I'm pretty confident whether you're a PhD student or an academic, it will be, then you need today's episode because I'm going to help you figure out how to break down your work into easy, manageable chunks so that you can get on, get them ticked off, and enjoy your work again.They say in podcasting talk about what you know. Today, when I'm recording this, it is the 14th of April. I have just had the last week mostly off work, apart from a few group sessions. Um, my stepdaughters were here over the Easter break, which was wonderful and I start back at work properly again tomorrow, the day this podcast is due out. And I've just realized I hadn't recorded a podcast or posted it ready to go out. And so here I am, on a Sunday afternoon, recording you a podcast. And so I thought, what better to talk about than how to get back to work after a break, because I've got to do it right now. Hey everyone, and welcome to episode 31 of season 2 of the PhD Life Coach. I don't know about you, but I find the time after a break a really strange time. Because part of me has all these great ideas about how I'm going to be, you know, more organized and things I'm going to do and how, you know, new start, fresh beginnings, all that stuff. And part of me is a bit like, Oh, I really enjoyed not having quite as much work to do over the holidays. Now I don't have it quite as much now running my own business, but certainly in academia, when I had time off, that feeling that everything had been piling up while I was away and that I was now having to get back and face it and maybe do some of those things that I had put off till after the holidays, was often quite a big sort of, I won't go quite as far as dread for some of you it might feel like dread, but certainly feeling a bit ominous and a bit anticipating the struggles. So in this session, I really want to think about what makes coming back after a break feel more difficult and how we can navigate it with a little more ease and a little more fun. One of the biggest issues that I see in myself and in the clients that I worked with and a lot of the academics and PhD students I've spent time with over the years is all the stories we tell ourselves as we start coming back after a break. I am going to guess, whether you're coming back after a break now or whether you just had the Easter weekend or whatever it was, I'm gonna guess that you have a bunch of thoughts about you in the break itself. Maybe you're thinking that you hadn't intended to work and you ended up doing some work and you kind of feel like you wasted the break now. Maybe you had intended to do some work and you ended up doing more or less than you intended and you're frustrated you didn't stick to your plans. Maybe you'd set yourself a goal to get something really big done over the holidays and ended up not doing it and now you're annoyed that you are, in inverted commas, behind. What's true for you? Which of those do you recognize the most? I've experienced pretty much all of them at different times over the holidays, but one of the problems when we look back over things we've done with regret is it can be a really wasted emotion. There's nothing we can do about how we spent the holiday. Sure, we can spend some time reflecting and think about how we would want to learn from this experience in the future, and I will talk about that. But we can't change the amount of work that we did over the holidays. We can't change how much rest we had over the holidays, and the problem when we spend lots of time regretting it and beating ourselves up for the fact that we should have done it differently, we're now making the current time period difficult as well. So we've wasted time. if that's how we're going to conceptualize it during the holidays, either by working or by not working or whatever you think constitutes a waste of time. And now we're wasting time worrying about the things we should have done then, at a point where we can't do anything about it. By worrying about time wasted then, we end up wasting time now. And so I'd really encourage you to either get to positive. about your holidays, or at least to neutral. So whatever you did, I want you to find things you're grateful for. I'm really glad that I spent time doing X. I'm really glad that I kept Y ticking over. I'm really glad that I put Z down and didn't work on it, even though I had intended to. Actually, I think that was the right thing for me. I think that was what I needed. Being able to see and have gratitude for the things you did do puts you in a much better frame of mind to do the things you intend now. It also reinforces to ourselves that we know ourselves and that we're able to act from our best intentions. And again, that can really help when we're thinking about what we want to be doing in this first week, this first two weeks back at work. Now you might be struggling. You might be thinking, yeah, there's nothing I'm grateful that I did because I've now got this massive pile of marking, or I've now got a chapter due to my supervisor and I haven't done any of it. First, I'd encourage you to really look for the things that you're grateful for. There's usually small things, at least, that you're able to find in there. But if you're really struggling with feeling positive about your holiday, I'd like to encourage you to at least aim for neutral. A neutral thought might sound something like, Well, I did what I did, and we're where we are now. Okay? So it's not spending lots of time on regret. It's not faking a positive attitude about it, if you're really struggling to see anything positive in it at all. But it is accepting that it's in the past, and there's nothing we can do about it now. Well, I did what I did. That's it. I did what I did and now we move on. What do we do now? So really aim for at least neutral, if not positive. And you will find that from there, it's enormously easier to figure out what you want to do next. The same is true when we look back at the past us. The one that was before the holidays, the one that had all these good intentions and expectations for what we were going to do over the holiday and where we'd be at when we get back. It's probably also the past version of you that has put a bunch of stuff on your to do list now. Do you do that? I used to do that a lot and I still do to some extent. That idea that, oh yeah, I'll get to that after the holidays. When I've had a good break, I'll be much more on it. I'll be ready for it by then. I'll get to that after the holidays. And then you get to after the holidays and you're like, yeah, cheers to that. Thanks. Now I've actually got to do it. I want you to look back on that version of you with some compassion and understanding as well. Anyone working in academia at the end of the spring term is likely to be feeling completely exhausted, largely overwhelmed, mostly unappreciated, and desperately in need of some sort of break. Even if you're looking back and going, Oh my goodness, I should have done this earlier. I want you to have compassion for that version of you that didn't do it. They didn't not do it because they're lazy layabouts. They didn't do it because they were knackered and because they were doing 14 other things. And because maybe those times when they were lazing around wasting time, they were actually just emotionally and cognitively drained. It's okay. There were reasons you didn't do it before. Let's have some compassion for that version of ourselves, and focus instead on making it as easy as possible for this version, for present us, to do the things we need to do next. Now, if there are specific things that you've learned, either from looking back at the things that the past you from the end of term put off, or specific things you learned about how you managed your holidays, then you can spend a little bit of time jotting them down so that when we get to summer, so that when we get to Christmas, you can really take those things into account when you're planning what you want to do next holiday, i. e. things where we can actually change it, where we can learn from this experience and be different in the future, jot those things down. But mostly we want to just focus on how we can make it as easy as possible for the us that now needs to start work and get back into what we're doing, the next thing I want us to do is be really compassionate to the us that's coming back to work as well. So often we think we need to get back on track. We need to get back into it. And this really quite sort of. time urgent, dramatic sense that everything's chaos, we're really behind, and we need to get back on it again. I want you to really manage your expectations in this period. It's not easy to go from a time where things were more flexible, where you were maybe doing bits of work, but where you didn't have the fun full on sort of university experience and back into that more intense experience. And if we can manage our expectations about exactly how much we're going to get done and exactly how on top of things we're going to get in the time available, then we can actually end the day feeling pleased with what we've done rather than frustrated that we didn't do more. Your first day back, you are not going to be functioning completely at your peak. Your first day back, you probably are going to spend loads of time clearing emails, remembering where you were, organizing yourself again, and all that stuff counts as work. And that is okay. We don't have to expect ourselves to do everything in this first week. And to be honest, when we do expect ourselves to do everything in the first week back, it's often when we do less than if we'd had lower expectations of ourselves. Because when we put ourselves under pressure and we tell ourselves that nothing we do is good enough, that's when we end up procrastinating and that's when we end up sort of just doing faffy jobs rather than things that actually need doing. So I want you to really carefully manage your expectations, whether you started back last week or whether this is your first week back now, so that you can identify key priorities, work on those while breaking yourself gently back into the routine of working. I'm going to give you three tips about ways to do that. The first is to make sure that you're breaking any of your jobs down into really achievable chunks. So do not make Clear Inbox a to do list, especially if you're an academic. So PhD students, it might not be quite so crazy out there for you. Academics, do not make Clear Inbox a single item on your to do list. Because it's way more than just one job. You are likely to have hundreds of emails. Some leftover from the end of term, some that have come in during this holiday period, and that is a big lot of jobs. Break these things down into smaller chunks. I used to make myself like a little flow chart of, I'd write down how many emails I had at the moment. So it's like 542 emails. And then I'd make a little flow chart where it's like, I got down to 500. I got down to 470. I got down to 460 and then I'd tick them off as I went past them. So I could kind of keep track of where I was up to, and how I was clearing them. Another way to do it, especially if you use Outlook or something like that, you can cluster them by like last week or more than two weeks old or whatever. Be like, right, I'm going to clear the more than two weeks old emails. I'm going to clear the, this week emails. By the way, always clear the, this week emails first. Ones that are late, already late. There's only so much you can do about that. If you can get on top of the most recent ones, that'll get you back on track much more quickly. So, make sure you break your work down into chunks. And if you're never sure how to do that, particularly with some of the bigger tasks, like reading and writing, make sure you listen to last week's episode, because I talked about that in quite some detail last week. The second thing I want you to do is make sure you're looking at your diary now for the next couple of weeks. Often we get caught up in what's absolutely urgent this week, clearing our inboxes and things that have to be done. This week, have a look ahead at least two weeks. Because what we don't want is to get to Sunday next week, and realize that there are things that have crept up on you for the Monday afterwards. So have a look ahead couple of weeks and see what are the things that are absolutely crucial that have to be done this week and plot time into your diaries now to do those. So have that sneaky peek look ahead. The third tip is that now is not the time for detailed planning. Often people come back after the holidays, and I'm fighting this urge myself, to think ahead for the new academic year and what I want to be doing differently in my business and things like that. And there can be this real sort of urge, especially with spring coming here in the Northern Hemisphere and sort of really this sense of renewal, the evenings are getting lighter, it can really drive this sense that we want to plan ahead and get everything organised and stuff. Now that is really important work and it's work that we should be doing, but I would really encourage you not to try and do that work in your first week back. Partly, it's cognitively taxing work. It's stuff that really takes a lot of time and thought. And often we're not in that state of mind when we're coming back after a break, whether you've been working in your break or having a break break. planning can lead to procrastination and overwhelm. So sometimes we can spend so much time planning but what we're actually doing is putting off getting on with the things that we know we need to do. And once we've then got the plan, it can be really overwhelming, this idea of starting it. So a little bit like I talked about in one of my episodes about what to do when you have too much to do, is if you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're coming back after a break and feeling like there's a thousand things to do, instead of planning everything, just pick one thing that definitely needs doing and get that thing done and organized. Pick one item from your to do list where there's a clear tangible output that does need doing in the short term and get that done before you start planning when you're going to do everything else. That way, you've almost taken like a big bite out of your to do list already. You've already gone right, and I've got that done. Boom. Let's go. And it generates that sense of you being someone who gets things done. You being competent, autonomous. You're choosing, you're cracking on and getting things done. And that can really help with motivation. During all of this, I want you to be thinking about what I sometimes refer to as B plus work. The thing with academics, whether you're a PhD student or a full professor, is that we have been rewarded over the years for doing things really, really well. We like to go for the gold stars. We like everything shiny. We like to get complimented. You know, often people have perfectionist tendencies. I've had clients say, you know, Oh, I'll either do it properly or I'll not do it at all. Especially in this period where we are sort of trying to get back on top of the things we're doing, I want you to think where B plus work is good enough, where just getting it done, not even B plus, where passing is sufficient, where you just need to get things out to your system, where you just need to give quick feedback to somebody, where you just need to fill in a quick form, where there are things where you can just crack them out, get them off your desk. Is it the best, most insightful thing you've ever done? No. Is it gone and out of the way so somebody else can work on it? Yes, yes it is. Let's do that. So really question these, Oh, I don't have time to do that well. Oh, I need to do that perfectly. And see whether there's ways that you can do B plus work just to get things moving this week. When you're thinking about what to do, I also want you to be planning for your current energy levels. Now, the reality is that if we're coming back after a period away from work, we often don't have quite the same stamina for working all day that we normally do. And we have two ways that we can deal with that. Either, we can ignore it, pretend it's not true, and then have days where we get really frustrated about the fact that we haven't worked a full day the way we normally would be able to, or that we're more tired than usual in the afternoon and then beat ourselves up about it and be cross that we didn't get more done, or we can accept that we're probably not going to be on totally top form the first day we get back and maybe just lower our expectations slightly so that if you get four hours work done on your first day back - happy days!. Let's be grateful. Let's be proud of ourselves that we completed those four hours rather than beating ourselves up that we didn't do eight. So when you're looking ahead and planning, to the extent you have control, I accept sometimes if we're straight back into teaching or we're straight back into research commitments or whatever it is, then it might be different. But to the extent you have control, plan for the energy levels that you are likely to have getting back into work so that we set ourselves more achievable tasks, set ourselves a day that actually feels like a nice day back, a nice way to get back into the swing of things rather than setting ourselves up to fail right from the beginning. Another element that often gets overlooked at this point is communication. Now, what I mean here by communication is telling people if there's stuff you haven't done that you thought you were going to have done by now, telling people when they might expect it, asking people for things you need in order to get on with your next bit of work, following up stuff that you thought people would have given you, maybe comments on documents and things like that. So that communication piece that we all need at whatever stage of our academic career is going to be really important this week. And one of the reasons that this gets neglected is because often when we're telling ourselves that we should have done things before, or we should be further ahead by now, we start feeling emotions like shame and guilt. We start feeling bad about the fact that we are where we are, that we haven't made the progress that we've done. And one of the things that happens when you're feeling either shame or guilt is that you avoid other people because you don't want to tell them that you haven't done the thing. And you don't want them to think badly of you and all these stories we tell ourselves. And the problem is what that then leads to is a situation where they don't know what's going on. And they don't know when to expect the piece of work. And all those worries we were having that those people might have opinions about us, they probably still will have opinions about us, just about the fact that we haven't told them what's going on, rather than about the fact that we haven't done the piece of work. And so when that's another reason why these thoughts that create shame and guilt can really hold us back. What I want you to think instead is either I can still communicate whilst I'm feeling embarrassed about the fact I haven't done this, or to focus on thoughts that make you feel less embarrassed. It's understandable that I haven't done this yet. There was a lot on, those sorts of things. And use those thoughts and feelings to drive you to actually be in communication with people. Tell your supervisor where you're at with the pieces of work that you had intended to do over Easter. Tell your module teams where you're at with planning for the summer. Ask your supervisors for feedback. Tell your students you haven't gone through their manuscripts yet. Whatever it is. Ask for that marking extension. If you are three days out from the marking deadline and you haven't done it yet, ask for that extension. Ask for relief from something else so that you have time to do it. I know it's not always possible, but the worst thing you can do is to ask for these things after the deadline. I used to be a head of education, so I used to oversee all of this stuff. And members of staff would come to me sometimes a few days before the marking deadline and be like, I am not going to be able to make this deadline. And then I would be able to have a conversation with them about, do I need you to mark it quicker? You know, it's first year work, not too much feedback, just crack on. We just need to get it done. Or can I give you a bit of extension because actually the exam boards aren't for a while or whatever it is. We can actually have a conversation about how to prioritize, whether I can bring in more people to help you. The most frustrating were the ones that waited either until the day of the deadline or after the deadline to tell me they hadn't done it because by then there wasn't a lot I could do. There weren't many ways that I could help. There certainly weren't as many options. Options as had they discussed it with me sooner. So whatever it is that you feel you should have done by now and you're worried to tell somebody, try and have those conversations. Think about what thoughts would you need to have in order to have those conversations. For me, thoughts, like, it's understandable that I didn't get this done. It doesn't mean anything about me as an academic, that I haven't done this. The more neutral kind of, I mean, it's not ideal that I haven't done this, but in a year, no, one's going to remember things like that. So rather than these stories that we can whip up, that everyone's going to hate us, everyone's going to think we're useless, et cetera, et cetera, communicate where you're at now so that people know where they're at. They know when they're likely to get things and are able to kind of plan their work around you. There's nothing worse. I remember when I used to moderate scripts and the first marker would be late getting them to me. And I'd be like, I've, I've blocked time out of my diary to moderate these. And now you're telling me I'm not going to have them, but you didn't tell me in enough time for me to use that for something else. And you certainly didn't tell me in enough time for me to block other time out of my diary to do the moderation. Whereas if you tell people earlier, they can shift their plans to be like, Oh, okay. So I'm not going to be doing that this week. I can do something else. And I need to look ahead to next week and plan that in instead. Try. To communicate, even if it feels really uncomfortable. The final element I wanted to talk about today is the thoughts that you're having about this upcoming term. One way you can figure out what thoughts you're having is by doing a thought download. Just grab a piece of paper and a pen right at the top of it, when I think about this term, I am thinking, Dot, dot, dot. And then just finish those sentences. Write for five or ten minutes. Try and force yourself to keep going, even when you think you've run out of things to say because can never quite tell what will come out when you keep writing. And really notice the thoughts you're having about this upcoming term. Because when we're having thoughts that lead to feelings of dread or overwhelm or any of these sorts of negative emotions, again, it's really easy to then start procrastinating, to start avoiding work, taking on other things that feel more interesting than the boring things that you've got to do. And one of the best ways to work with that is to just know that those thoughts are there. So what are you thinking about this upcoming term? When you're looking at the thoughts you're having, I also want you to try and avoid bringing too much drama into the conversation. So sometimes we're thinking things like, I just wish I didn't have to go back. I never actually want to do this. What am I doing with my life? What on earth has happened? We bring all this kind of superlative drama into it that can sometimes just make us feel like there's a massive, massive problem here. And sometimes there can be. Sometimes we're genuinely doing a job or a PhD that we don't want to be doing anymore and that's something that we can look at in due course. But often, this stuff is pretty normal. If you've had some time away doing something different, even if that time was just time to focus on the work things that you wanted to focus on rather than actual holiday time, but either way, it's really understandable that that transition back into summer term feels hard and that you're having thoughts that stimulate feelings of dread or overwhelm or any of those other negative emotions. This doesn't necessarily mean anything about you or your job or having to change anything. Sometimes that can just be part of a transition from a holiday period back into a work period. And that's not to say that we want to be feeling dread every single time we come back after holidays for the rest of our career. I'm not saying that for a second. But sometimes when we get that in a fleeting way, we can turn it into a massive deal that it doesn't have to be. It's completely normal to have a fleeting sense of not wanting to go back to your job. A temporary sense that you want to run away and start a bookshop or whatever it is. That's okay. There's nothing wrong here. Does this mean that you should actually leave academia or leave your PhD, go and do something different? Maybe, perhaps some people, I mean, I did, you know, I had many of these fleeting moments until they became less fleeting and then decided that what it was that I wanted to do differently. So yeah, for some of you, it might mean something about your futures and the decisions that you need to make. But you don't need to make those decisions right now. Those are not decisions to make when you're in the midst of a transition from holiday back into term time. These are decisions to make when you're more back into the swing of things, when you can put aside time to think about it properly. It's something that I help individual clients with to help figure out what their academic story is, what their academic journey is and where they want it to go next, and I'd really encourage you to say to yourself, yeah, I will think about that stuff, but not right now. Let's get back into the swing and we'll think about it from there. Because often that's just what it is. It's that moment of resistance before we get back into the swing of things. I also want you to think about who you can seek support from this term. We're starting a new phase of the academic year, and often there are new challenges associated with that. Maybe it's things that you've been struggling with for the last term, maybe it's new things that are coming up now that you're not sure how to do. Whatever stage of your academic career you're at, there are people that can support you with those different challenges. And I want you to spend a little bit of time thinking about who those might be. If there are particular things that you're worried about, have a think about who could support you. It could be peers, it could be other people within your department, wider around the university, whether it's at the graduate school or whoever provides your staff development, for example. It could be outside of the department, it could be people you find on social media or through other academic networks that you have. There are always people that can support you. Obviously, if you're interested in coaching, hit me up. Beyond that, without spending any money, there are always people that can help you navigate some of these more challenging elements of academia. If you feel like you shouldn't need to, to ask for help, I want you to really sort of explore those thoughts and explore whether they're true and explore whether they're supporting you at the moment. I would argue that everyone who has ever succeeded in academia has received support, mentorship, patronage, however you want to describe it, and reaching out to others to help you with things that you're finding more challenging or to connect you to places that can make it all feel a little bit easier is a key part of building your own academic community and getting the support that you need to succeed. So please do put aside a little bit of time. to just ponder on what support you need this term and who might be able to provide that for you. While we're exploring our thoughts, the other thing I want you to think about is what thoughts will generate the emotions that you want to be feeling and that will enable you to take the actions that you want to take. Because often when I dig into it with my clients, there is a bunch of stuff that you love about your PhD. There is a bunch of stuff that you love about your academic work, your student work, your life at university. And I want you to take a minute to remind yourself of some of those things. Remind yourself what you're looking forward to doing, what you are excited about, because we don't always have to make all the negatives go away. There's a lot about academia to be frustrated and pressured about right now. But sometimes when we can spend a little bit more time remembering the reasons we're doing it, and remembering the things that we love about it, it's easier to get on with the things that we actually want to do. And once we start getting on with the things that we want to do, we can get that sense of momentum, that sense of competence that can really help us to enjoy this transition and enjoy getting back into the swing of work. So for me, what does that look like? Well, this week I have a couple of different supervisor trainings. I offer training sessions to universities for PhD supervisors. I've got a couple of those coming up this week. I am still running my, how to be your own best boss program, which is going really well. I have some sessions with that, I have sessions with my membership at Birmingham and I actually have a bunch of new individual clients as well. So it's a busy week in terms of sessions, which I'm excited about, slightly overwhelmed, but excited, looking forward to it. And I'm reminding myself how much I enjoy being in those, those live sessions. I have a whole bunch of admin tasks and I'm going to chip away at those in order of urgency. And I'm going to try and put some time in my diary for the week after next to really dig into some of those, rather than get all caught up on those this week and then feel bad that I'm not on top of everything. If they've waited this long, they can wait a while longer is my little mantra on those. And I'm really excited about the idea of starting to plan for academic year 24 25, but again, that is something that I've sort of mindfully decided to put back a couple of weeks, let myself get back into term, let's get this supervisor training done, let's get a little further along with my group program, and then the real planning for next year starts. I have some exciting things coming. You guys will be the first to hear about them as always. And I know me, I know that I get excited about the planning more than I do about the kind of administrative implementation of some things. And so I am quite mindfully telling my brain, yeah, jot down ideas, but we're going to think about this properly in a couple of weeks. Let's get on top of the things we're doing now. So if you are someone who's going to be in one of my sessions this week, I'm super excited to see you. If you're not, why not? I have a special offer on my PhD student workshops that I have running between the now, between now and the middle of June. So if you are somebody who works at university, or if you can tell your supervisors about this stuff, I have a special deal where you can get access to all my remaining workshops for a much reduced rate, do make sure that you get in contact if that might be of interest to you. I really hope today's podcast has been useful for you, whether you're making the transition last week and are still feeling a bit overwhelmed or whether you are not quite going back just yet, I hope that the transition can be as smooth as possible and that you can look after yourself during it so that we can all ease ourselves into this upcoming term, and all the exciting challenges that it will bring. Thank you so much for listening and I will see you next week. Thank you for listening to the PhD life coach podcast. If you liked this episode, please tell your friends, your colleagues, and your universities. I'd appreciate it if you took the time to like, leave a review, give me stars, stickers, and all that general approval as well. If you'd like to find out more about working with me, either for yourself or for people at your university, please check out my website at thephdlifecoach. com. You can also sign up to hear more about my free group coaching sessions for PhD students and academics. See you next time.
by Victoria Burns 08 Apr, 2024
I want you to think about your to do list right now. Have you got items on there that have been hanging around for ages? Have you got items on there where it's write introduction or read more and things like that? If so, don't worry, completely human, completely normal. But I bet those are the ones that you aren't ticking off. So many of my clients give themselves really vague instructions about what they need to do and what has to happen next, and then wonder why they're finding it hard to get on with things. And we're all given that advice, you need to break it down into manageable chunks. But no one really tells us how to do that. What is a manageable chunk anyway? How big should it be? What should that look like? What type of chunk will make it easier for us to get started? If any of this is resonating, and I'm pretty confident whether you're a PhD student or an academic, it will be, then you need today's episode because I'm going to help you figure out how to break down your work into easy, manageable chunks so that you can get on, get them ticked off, and enjoy your work again. Hello and welcome to episode 30 of season 2 of the PhD Life Coach and we are going to be thinking about breaking your work down into easy, manageable chunks. This has come up with a few of my clients recently, both my one to ones and people in my university membership program, this idea that they give themselves really general instructions and when somebody says, break it down into manageable chunks, they don't even really know how to do that. And that's particularly true with some of the more complex and cognitive tasks that we as academics do. Things like reading, writing. We need to think about how we can actually turn those things into very actionable tasks so they can get on with them. In today's episode, I'm gonna talk about why we find it difficult to break things down into chunks, where that comes from, and then give you, as usual, some really specific tips about how you can break down your work more easily to make it all feel a lot more achievable. So why do we find it difficult? One of the reasons is that we often don't think we even have time to break it down. I've heard so many people say they don't have time to plan. They just need to get on with things or that when they spend time planning, they end up getting overwhelmed and it doesn't help anyway. So there's definitely something around not trusting ourselves to do this breaking down process effectively and not believing that it will make things easier. Hopefully the tools I give you today will help you to see how to do it in a way that avoids that sense of overwhelm, to do it in a way that really doesn't take that long and in a way that you can really clearly see why it's going to be easier to do it this way. The second thing is often we think that these tasks can't be chunked down. So often when we're doing something like review the literature or write your discussion or whatever it is, we think that these sorts of very highbrow intellectual academic tasks couldn't possibly be broken down into something systematic. And I think that belief really holds us back because ultimately, they are broken down into smaller tasks when you do them. You are chunking your tasks, eventually, you're just chunking them the moment you do it, rather than chunking them in advance. This is something that really helped me with food planning. I think I might have mentioned before. I was obsessed with the idea that I didn't plan my meals and then one day I realized I do plan my meals. I just often plan them immediately before I eat them. And so somehow it was a lot easier to think, Oh, I just need to plan them a little earlier, rather than think, I don't plan them currently and I need to start, because that kind of big jump feels much more intimidating. And it's the same with breaking down your tasks. You do already break down your tasks. And how do I know that? Because you don't do it all at once. None of you have written an introduction by simultaneously writing all the words. That's not how it works. It's just at the moment you decide as you go, I'll do this chunk, now I'll do that chunk, then I'll do this bit. You just decide it on the fly. All we're going to do is make those decisions that you're already making a little bit further in advance, so that it makes it easier for you to get started. Even complex intellectual tasks are completed in a series of steps. Now, I accept that sometimes we may not be able to plan out all of them at once. And that's one of the things I'm going to talk about in the tips. We may not be able to say, here are all 40 chunks that it's going to take to write this discussion section. I accept sometimes you read things and that changes what happens next, that changes what you need to read next, it's an iterative process. Absolutely. But that doesn't mean we can't chunk the first few bits. And then when we get to the next bit, chunk the next few bits. So I will talk about how we chunk even complex tasks in a second. Often I hear clients saying yeah but I don't know what the chunks should be. It's that magic 'should' word again. If you guys are watching me on YouTube you'll see me doing the little annoying finger, inverted commas thingies. Should. Because there is no should here. There is no specific way that you should chunk this down. Different people will do it in different ways. There are some tips, again, I'm going to give you to be more effective, but the belief that there's a right way can really hold you back, as usual, from doing it anyway. So let's try and put that to one side. Maybe you believe that there's a right way to break down your work into small sections. But if that belief isn't serving you, it isn't enabling you to do it because you feel like you don't know that mystery, then let's just put that to one side and think maybe there's a bunch of ways. Maybe I could try it this way. And if we can believe that we don't have to find the right way, we can just find a way, then suddenly it gets a lot easier to get into it. We also somehow manage to convince ourselves that we need to know all the chunks. If we're going to break this down, we need to know all of them. And as I've already touched on, with complex tasks, we almost certainly don't know all the chunks and what order they need to be done in. But even in a relatively simple task, sometimes breaking down all the chunks can be really overwhelming. And that's going to be particularly the case if you are neurodivergent, you have ADHD, anything like that. But for all of us trying to figure out every single step can be super overwhelming and can become a barrier to actually chunking things down anyway. I started reorganizing the garage with my husband at the weekend and if we had written down every single step we needed to go through in order to get to a finished garage, then I'm not sure we would have ever started. But we did figure out the first few steps and we did those. Which does, on reflection, mean that my garage is currently absolute chaos with stuff everywhere but, I know what the next steps are too. We just haven't done them yet. So, think about this belief. If you believe you need to know all of the chunks before you even start, then, perhaps again, we could put that to one side and think. I can just break down the next bit, and then when I get to the next step, I'll break down what comes after that. And then the final barrier that I see is people on some level not believing that small steps add up to a big task. So, we know that we're going to write our papers one word at a time. But somehow when we break things down into small tasks, it can feel like we're not doing enough. If I'm only doing this small task, then I'm not kind of making fast enough progress or big enough progress. I'm not taking big steps. And again, it's a belief that makes it really hard to start. If we're waiting for the day when we can do the whole massive amount, really immerse ourselves in everything, then hey, those days don't come very often, especially if you're an academic further through your career and you're balancing admin and teaching and leadership and all this stuff. But even as a PhD student, that pressure of, okay, today's the day I've got to do loads, is just really unhelpful. So again, if we can work on believing that one step at a time is the way that we get anything done, one chunk at a time is how we get our work completed, then it's much easier to believe that it's worth spending a little bit of time figuring this out. So, have a think about which of those beliefs you have that might be making it more difficult for you to break down your work at the moment, and just borrow my belief for the rest of this episode that breaking things down will make it an awful lot easier for you. Just borrow that belief, go with me, and then see whether the specific tips feel like something that you could try. What are my tips? First one is going back to this notion of separating out boss you from implementer you. The version of you that decides what needs to be done, strategizes, plans, prioritizes, and the version of you that does the stuff. Now you guys will have heard, especially my regulars or people who are on my email mailing list, will have heard me talking about the new program that has actually just started called Be Your Own Best Boss. It's for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers thinking about how to be a more effective boss for themselves. If you're listening to this in real time, when it comes out, it's started last week. My group are amazing. I am so excited. We had our first workshop last week. It went really, really well. I am taking late comers, maybe if any of you are interested and you get to me quickly, cause we don't want to get too far through the program but there is still a chance to jump in. If that sounds amazing for you, just get in contact, let me know, and we'll see what we can do. Depends on when you listen to this as to whether that's possible or not, but always reach out, there's always opportunities. And one of the things we're doing in that is really figuring out how we can be the sort of boss to ourselves that we need to get ourselves through whatever stage of academia we're in, in a way that's productive and enjoyable and fun. And some of that is about how we talk to ourselves, but a big chunk of it is also about how we manage our tasks and how we manage the time and energy we have to do those tasks. I did an episode a few weeks back about how to plan using boss mode. And I really recommend after this episode, you go back and listen to that one if you haven't already because boss mode is this notion that we put ourselves into like planning oversight mode for a while and make the decisions and then implementer goes away and does it. And breaking down tasks is one of the things that bosses do for the people they work for. Anyway, why am I going into this in so much detail now is because when we're thinking about ourselves as two separate people, the person who plans it and the person who does it, it can change the way we give instructions. So instead of writing down tasks as though you're going to do them -you know, a couple of words on a to do list- I want you to consider breaking down your tasks as though you were giving them to somebody else. As though the --implementer isn't you, they're a really able research assistant who just doesn't know how to do the things you're doing. So they're very bright, very capable, very able to follow instructions but they don't know how to do the thing. So you can't write, write introduction because they don't know what to do. So what's the next steps that you want them to take over the next day or two that start moving them towards writing the introduction? When you start separating it out like that, and you review your to do list, you're suddenly like 'Do reading'. Okay, that's not helpful. 'Tidy office' could be helpful, depending on whether it's clear where things go or not. You know, all the things we have to do, actually, are usually written in a way that assumes we know what we're on about. And sometimes that's true, and sometimes when we come to look at it, we're like, I don't even know how to do that. And then we skip over it. So if you write instructions as though it's for somebody else, it forces you to think through what the steps are. Another way of thinking about that is thinking, what instructions would I give AI if I wanted them to do this for me? Now, I have very mixed views about AI, whether it's a good thing, whether it's a bad thing, whether we're inevitably stuck with it or how it's going to go. I have a lot of views, might do a podcast about it at some point, but the one thing that I think is going to be really, really useful is actually learning how to do good prompts for AI. Because as with anything, AI is only going to be as good as its prompts. And if any of you have ever played around with it and written, 'Write an essay about stress management', or whatever, you'll see the absolute drivel that it comes out with. But if you write, write an essay about stress management. It needs to have five sections. The sections need to cover blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It needs to use up to date literature. Please only use real and existing articles. Apparently that's something you can write. Who knew? Um, and you give it much more detailed explanation than it does a much, much better job. Same as if you give much more detailed explanations and instructions to a real person as well. And I actually think there's an enormous skill in that. And that's where, and I don't want to go off into a big AI tangent, but that's where I believe that people who don't really understand their subjects are never going to be able to write a good essay or write a good piece of work with AI because they won't be able to give them the specific and helpful instructions that it needs in order to function effectively. So when you're writing your own to do list, imagine you are your AI, or you are your personal assistant, and write that level of specific instructions. So if your task, your overall task is write introduction, for example, what are the next few chunks for that? Is it Select six keywords that will form the basis of my searching, enter those certain keywords into X database and Y database in whatever combinations and find 10 articles that, use this particular methodology in that population or whatever. Okay? You get right down to that specifically what do I mean. In reading, rather than writing, read the Burns article, you write, read x article with the intention of finding x, y, z. Or, read the Burns article with the intention of writing two paragraphs of summary of what they did and found. Or read the Burns article and compare it to the Wright article, in terms of their methodology and find five points in which they differ in their approach, for example. Okay, and it can sound really pedantic but suddenly it becomes much more doable. Rather than just read we know exactly what we're doing. It also forces you to think about why am I doing this thing? If I've got read X on my list. Why am I reading it? By giving yourself specific instructions, not only are you more likely to get on with it, you're actually more likely to do it in a way that's going to be useful for you as well, because you will have pre thought about what you actually need to do. My second tip is all kind of mixed up with that, which is making it really tangible. So anything on your to do list that's about understand, figure out, decide, clear up, whatever, those sorts of fuzzy words. I want you to get really specific and tangible about what that means. I'm going to do this for myself. Cause I have a habit in my time blocking role. Task management systems of putting things like read X article in my CPD section. And that's great, but it never ever comes to the top of my to do list. So one of the things that I need to do to make that more tangible is read X paper and turn into podcast, read X paper and write blog for whoever. So I need to make those into things where there's an actual outcome so that it's much more likely to then get put onto my, I'm going to do this this week. And that's something that you can do. Make it really specific and really tangible so that it's clear and easy to start and so that you're more likely to prioritize it because you can see why you are doing it. The other way to sort of really make it clearer and really embrace this notion of giving instructions to somebody else and making it more specific is to write in paragraphs rather than a list. So instead of just having bullets, boom, boom, boom, boom, these are the things I'm doing, actually write a note to yourself. Hi Vicki, today we're going to be working on the introduction. What that specifically means is I want you to identify the the paragraph headings for the first page or so of the introduction. I want you to decide what order they could be in as a first draft and then start chucking bullet points into each of those paragraphs to see what they need to cover. We'll review the order tomorrow. For example, and when you actually write it out like that, it's a lot easier to test whether you are being specific and tangible. It's also a really good opportunity to practice your self talk, because it means you can practice writing it in a way that feels enthusiastic, that feels motivating, that feels open, nonjudgmental, compassionate, whatever sort of voice you need to hear at the moment, you can use in those instructions. So rather than just seeing write intro on your task list, you're actually getting a nice little motivational message from your boss, i. e. yourself, telling you exactly and specifically what you need next. Now, if all of this feels a little bit overwhelming, like I'm going to take more time writing instructions than I am doing it, A, not a bad thing. I want you to think about all the DIY projects that you've done. If you do that sort of thing and think about that notion of, you know, measure twice, cut once and all of that. I really believe with a lot of our work, we should plan twice, do once, which will make it a lot more effective and a lot more enjoyable. But also, I want you to just double check that you're not asking yourself to plan too much. So when we're talking about chunking stuff down and really giving ourselves specific instructions, that's not for everything. That only needs to be for the next thing we're doing. So we only need to really chunk down the bit that we're planning to do today and tomorrow, not every step of the entire thing. So when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, you can just say, I'm just going to break down the next bit. And then I'm going to get going. That really manages any ideas that this is going to take too long, any notions that this is getting overwhelming. We just break down the specific steps of the very next bit and then we get going. Those of you who love my podcast and do all the activities and read my newsletters and come to my workshops and all of those things, I'm specifically talking to you here because some of you can get caught up in planning as fake action that actually making nice to do lists and doing my role based time planning and doing my self coaching and doing my this that and the other and suddenly you've used four hours doing that instead of doing your work. So if you're somebody who's at the opposite end of this, that you spend too much time because it feels all tidy and productive and kind of gets you going, I want you to really listen to this bit, that you can just plan the very next bit and get started. Set yourself the challenge that you're going to plan for five or ten minutes for the next task, and then we're getting started. Okay? Now some of you will be saying, I don't know what the next steps are. And if that's true, I get it. We've all been there. Don't worry. But that's also why you're not doing that task. That's also why it's sat on your to do list for as long as it has. And the fact is, you ain't gonna figure out how to do it unless we turn that bit into a task as well. It's going to wallow on your to do list until either you sheepishly delete it and accept you're not going to do it, or until a deadline hits enough that you panic and figure it out. So, really easy solution here. If you're not clear what the next steps are, your next task is not write the introduction. Your next task is figure out what next steps are or make decision about X. Because if the problem is you don't know what keywords you're going to search on, or the problem is you don't know which section you need to write, or the problem is you don't know what the argument you want to make is, then your next task is to decide. And so then what you do is you go through the same process, but this time you're not trying to break down how to do the thing, you're trying to break down the steps to deciding. So if you haven't decided what the central argument of the paper you're writing is, and trust me, this happens massively at every stage of a research project, I coach so many people on this, if you're not clear what your key argument is, what steps do you need to go through in order to decide? And I want you to notice me using the word decide. I'm using that very specifically. Often people use quite passive language like uncover or find or these sorts of things where it's kind of as though it's out there in the world waiting for you just to figure it out and find it. The reality is, you just get to decide. You get to decide what argument you're making. You get to decide what your central thesis is. You've got this option, this option, this option. Which one do you think feels the most justifiable, the most defensible, the most interesting, the most unique? Cool. Let's do that one. So what I want you to do is break down the process of going from, I'm confused, I don't know what my argument is, to, okay, we'll go with that argument. What steps do you need to go through? Let's write really specific instructions for that. Maybe it's identify what the different options are. Maybe it's spend an hour on each of those options, writing out what the justification of it will be, and then compare the strengths of those justifications. Maybe it's do that and then talk to your supervisor, your collaborator, about it. I don't know. You, you figure that out in your different disciplines. It's going to be very, very different. But writing down what are the steps I need to take in order to decide can keep you moving on that. We also always need to be aware of our thoughts and feelings when we are doing any actions because they're going to be driving what we do. I want you to notice any items on your to do list that make you feel confused, that make you feel overwhelmed, that make you feel guilty, that make you feel stressed. And I want you to remember, it's not those items that are that are causing those feelings. It's the thoughts you have about those items, but that also, we probably therefore need to address the thoughts we have about those items in order to turn them into something more useful. You're not going to want to do tasks that you're currently feeling guilty, stressed, unclear, about. So if you notice, don't judge yourself, that's okay, it's like, okay, that item's really stressing me out. Or, I've been avoiding that item because I should have done it before. And then we get to say, okay, we can work on our thoughts. Check out my self coaching episode if you want to do that. But we can also just turn it into something that we don't feel like that about. We can turn it into a much smaller task. So it's like, actually, I don't feel guilty about this anymore. I can just do that thing. Okay, so really pay attention to those ones and make sure that you give yourself some very specific instructions on those. All the way through this, remember, none of this has to be perfect. There's no right way to chunk these things down. I can hear, I don't think you'll be able to, but I can hear my dog snoring in the background as I record this. And it made me think about him when I'm making sandwiches in the mornings. Um, he always wants to have some of the cheese that I use in the sandwiches. We call it the cheese tax. I'm sure some of you with dogs also pay the cheese tax. Marley doesn't care how I chunk it. I give it to him a little bit at a time, so he has to do tricks and earn it a little bit. He doesn't care what the chunks are. He just wants to get that cheese down his face. And the same is true with you guys. You just want to get this task down your face. Doesn't matter what the chunks are. But let's just break it into chunks, whatever sort of chunks and get them done. Okay. Let's eat our tasks the same way that my Labrador eats cheese. My final tip. And again, a lot of this comes out of the advice that's online for people with neurodivergence, um, who find some of this stuff particularly challenging, but I think it's really useful for everybody because some of this stuff is not intuitive, even if you are neurotypical. So my final thing that I love about breaking down tasks is once you've broken it down to the ones you're doing today, hide the rest of it. Okay. There's nothing more soul destroying than a huge list of tasks. And you're like, I'm doing this one little thing, but look at all of that. Oh my goodness. It's soul destroying. We don't want to do that. That's, you know, why would we just keep chipping away at something that feels completely insurmountable and like we're never going to get through it? Whereas if you can break your tasks down as we've discussed into some really clear instructions, then you can put the rest of the list away. You can shut that program, put your notebook away, wherever you keep your list, make it go away. And you just have you and that thing. Now, one way that I manage that is having somewhere. This is mine, um, where I can write down, things that pop into my head when I'm doing this one thing. So at the moment for this couple of hours, my one thing was plan and record this podcast. But I thought of a few things that I needed to do for the students that have enrolled in my program. And so I scribbled them down over here and it's like, no, I don't need to go and do those now because my chunk down task is plan and record this podcast. But I didn't want to lose track of those and my brain keeps reminding me if it thinks I'm going to lose track. So I just scribble it down over there and then focus on the thing that I'm doing. So put away the big list. Have a place where you can jot down things that pop into your head. We can put them in the big list later. And then we focus on The one specific chunk of stuff that we've given ourselves for this chunk of time. Now I mentioned AI before and I'm not a massive fan. I don't really use it in my everyday workflow, but in researching this episode, I did come across something that frankly was a little bit genius. There's a website called goblin. tools and you can type in any task. Add it to the list and then you click the little magic wand that's there and it breaks it down into tasks. And as with all AI things, it's not perfect, but it was pretty amazing. And it gives you like breaks them down into like six or seven different tasks and then those all have a magic wand too. And you can click on those and it breaks it down even further. Cause if you are still like, Oh, that still feels quite big. Break it down further, still feels quite big, break it down further. And the thing I love about it is it gives you a starting point. So if breaking things down into tasks feels really overwhelming for you, you could try experimenting with that. And then if some of them you're like, Oh no, I don't need to do that one. Or actually that one's not clear. That one's repetitive. You're at least in a starting point that you can kind of edit from there. So check it out, have a little play. Let me know what you think. And let me know if there's other tools that have you found useful. I thought it was particularly good for some of our more mundane tasks. So if you put like clean bathroom in it, it was actually really good. All the different steps that you can go through. So check that out for different parts of your life. This isn't sponsored or anything like that. It was just something that I found on the internet that I thought you guys might like too. So I really hope that you found today useful thinking about why it's important for us to break tasks down into chunks, why it's okay that we find that difficult, that a lot of the things we tell ourselves make it harder for us to get on and actually even try to break it down. And hopefully I've given you some really actionable steps. What I want you to do after this episode is just pick one thing that feels like a bigger task, that has been on your task list for a while and experiment with breaking it down into a couple of the tasks that you need to start with. Write them as paragraphs, make them specific, tangible, and encouraging, and then block in some time in your diary to have a go at doing those tasks. See how you get on. Let me know. I always love to hear from people. If you ever have questions, just contact me through any of my social media channels, or make sure you're on my email list. In my email list, I always give my readers a summary of the podcast. They get some extra reflective questions that they can work on. They get specific actions to do, and they get to hear about all the products that I sell and the free community coaching that all of you have access to. So if you're not on that, make sure you get yourself to my website, get yourself signed up so that you don't miss out on any of that stuff. You can also then always reply to those emails. So if you're on my mailing list, you can reply direct into me. You can tell me what you thought of the podcast. You can ask for extra stuff. So if there are things that you particularly want podcasts on, let me know. I mean, I've got a billion ideas, always, but I love getting ideas from you guys. And I have several times in the past made episodes based on listeners suggestions, so get in contact. Let me know how all this lands with you, what difference it makes and what you'd like to hear me talk about in the future. And remember, if you liked the sound of that program, if you get to me quickly, I might be able to sneak you in. Check out the details on my website and I hope to hear from lots of you soon. Thank you everyone for listening and see you next week.
by Victoria Burns 01 Apr, 2024
Everyone makes mistakes. It's inevitable that we're going to make mistakes. But one of the most important things is to be able to recognize what mistakes we're making, figure out why we're making them, and if appropriate, move away from that pattern of mistake. So in today's episode, I'm going to be telling you seven mistakes that I see lots of PhD students and academics making that I want you to check that you're not making too. Some of them are relevant to everybody. Some of them are a little more focused on people who are balancing teaching and research and all of those things as well. They are all things I want you to check that you're not doing. Hello and welcome to episode 29 of series 2 of the PhD Life Coach and we are going to be thinking about what mistakes you might be making. Now this isn't to pick you apart, this isn't to tell you you're doing all these things wrong. Things are hard in academia at the moment. It is a difficult environment and the last thing you need is someone like me telling you that you're also making a load of mistakes. I promise that is not my vibe here. I'm not telling you you're making mistakes in order to make you feel bad. I'm trying to help you see some of the things that you might be doing and what you could do instead so that it all feels a bit easier. They're all things that I've done. They're all things I saw my colleagues doing as I came through my academic career, at every level, pretty much. And they are certainly things that I see my clients experiencing now. So, I've got seven, unless I make up more as I go along, which, you know, sometimes happens if you're a regular listener. So, let's get started. The first mistake is one that I made for most of my career, which is trying to impress by doing it all. So sometimes we're so eager to demonstrate that we're good enough, so eager to demonstrate that we were a good appointment to our PhD or to our lectureship or whatever it is you're in at the moment, that we feel the need to do all the things, all the time, just to justify our existence. And sometimes we're justifying our existence to other people. Sometimes, actually, we're mostly justifying our existence to ourselves. If I do all the things, I will believe that I'm a good enough academic. I will believe that I'm a good enough PhD student. And the problem is, and like I say, it took me a really long time to accept this myself, when we try to do all the things, we end up not doing any of them enormously well and putting ourselves under much more pressure than we ever actually need to. Because the truth is, we don't need to do all the things all the time. Certainly not all the things all the time to the best of our ability. Now, those of you who are in academic jobs may feel like actually you are expected to do all the things all the time. That that is the impression that our institutions give us, you know. In the same newsletter or email or whatever you get around, they tell you about REF, they tell you about TEF. They tell you about the NSS. They tell you about all these things. If you're not in the UK, I'm aware that didn't make any sense For international listeners, uh, the REF and the TEF are ways that our research and our teaching are evaluated, respectively. NSS is our National Student Survey, which has given a lot of attention. You are told that you should be able to do all the things. It's just not true. And there's two ways you know it's not true. The first way is you look around at your colleagues. No one is doing all the things. Everyone is either struggling and exhausted and trying to do all the things, but barely coping, or they're just deciding there's some things they just don't put much effort into. We all know the people who've got huge grants, huge publication records, who don't worry about their student feedback and just crack on with their teaching roughly. We all know the people who never hand in their forms on time and all that kind of stuff. You know, there's lots of different ways that we're all letting different bits of it slide. So, first reason, we know you can't do it all because no one actually is doing it all. The second way we know you don't have to do it all, is because people get jobs and get promoted all the time who don't do it all. There's no clearer message from universities than when they promote somebody who's got great grant income or got great publications, but don't do any of the other things that you don't have to do it all perfectly, that is the strongest message that I can give. You know, they taught the talk, you have to do everything, but actually when it comes down to promotions and things like that, they don't usually actually walk that walk. They still promote people who only do some of the things. Now you might be sitting here thinking, well, yeah, but I like all the things. And that's how I've spent my career. I wanted to be what I called a balanced academic. I wanted to do all the things. But what we have to then accept is if we're going for that, and I think there's a lot of merit to that, we can't be as good as others as the solely research orientated professor, and as good as the National Teaching Fellow winning teacher, and as good as the incredible pastoral care, looks after all the student, knows everybody's name, person, and as good as the person that does outreach, and as good as the person that does all the admin and leadership and things. If our choice is to be someone who does all the things, we just get to accept that we're not competing with the specialists. We're competing by being balanced and finding that version that makes us a really valuable academic by doing all of the things good enough. The other way we can manage it is if you want to be someone who does all the things is you can do all the things, just not all the time. So I think I've mentioned on the podcast before, one of the best bits of advice I ever heard was you can do all the things, just not in the same year. So you can decide this year is the one where I really double down on getting a grant. This year is the one where I really dig into getting my teaching sorted, because I've gone into new modules and I need to get that sorted, and that needs to be the priority. And it doesn't mean everything else just stops, but it means that we have focused on one thing of the things as our main focus for that phase. And there'll be other stages of our career where the other things can come in. If you're telling yourself you have to do all the things and you have to do all the things perfectly, you're creating a recipe for overwhelm, probably procrastination, possibly burnout, and just not really enjoying this career that we've created for ourselves. It's not true and you don't have to do it. The second mistake that I see people making is believing that they're the only person that can do something right. And I always find this a really funny one because a lot of my clients tell me that they lack confidence. They tell me they're really unsure of themselves. They tell me that other people seem to be better at things than them. But at the same time, when it comes to getting things done, often we think we're the only one we can rely on. My stepdaughter's currently just started university and she's having the joy of group work. I'm sure all of those of you who've been involved in supervising group work before will know the challenges that she is experiencing at the moment. And often we think that we're the only one that will get the stuff done, we're the only one that will do it well enough, we're the only one that can fix that bit of kit, or the only one that will bother to do this. And again, that keeps us stuck in roles and tasks that aren't necessarily serving us anymore. Because what it means if we tell ourselves that we're the only one that can do this, or we're the only one that bothers to do it properly, then partly we build a sense of kind of resentment in ourselves that we're stuck doing this thing. And partly it makes it really hard to move on to other things. I remember experiencing this quite early in my academic career. I was wellbeing tutor, and this was way before universities had the kind of the big wellbeing services that most universities have now. And it really was something that was dealt with by the academics. And I was a very diligent wellbeing tutor and I looked after my students really well. And I'm sure I helped a lot of people. But when it came time for me to take on a different role, I was really reluctant to let it go. I probably stayed in it two years longer than I should have done because I didn't believe that other people would do it to the level that I did it. And when I finally did move on to a new role, other people didn't do it the same way I did it. Did they do it as well as me? Really depends on your definition of well. Because actually, whilst I was super helpful, I think I was also probably there too much for the students. I think I enabled some of their helplessness and I think I created a sort of impression of availability that probably wasn't exactly what they needed. And then regardless almost of whether they did it as well as me, has this department gone on and thrived? Yeah, absolutely. Has there been a whole series of well being officers now? Yeah, absolutely. And is it all fine? Yeah. And if I had allowed myself to believe that either other people would do it, if not as well as me, then good enough, then I could have moved on to other things much more readily and with less regret than I did at the time. So I want you to really ask yourself, are there things you're doing because you think no one else will do them as well as you and really question whether that's true or not, or whether it's time to move on. The third one, and I see this at every stage of the academic career, from newbie PhD students to senior professors, is prioritizing tasks for other people. And again, this makes you sound like a really nice person, doesn't it? You know, everyone loves the person that puts other people's needs before them and is always there to help if you need them and things like that. These things can make you sound like you're a really nice person. What I want to offer though, is that there's a bunch of people that need you to succeed in the things you're doing for yourself. Because when you're doing tasks for other people, you're not writing that big, exciting research grant that the world needs you to do. And you're not designing that new, amazing module that your students don't even know they want to do yet, but they're going to love. You're not doing the things that get you the recognition, but that also move forward your discipline and your research and your scholarliness in meaningful ways. Now, I think it's partly this notion that putting other people first makes you a really nice person that holds us in this mistake as well. Because I'm not saying be selfish, but what I'm saying is when we believe that in order to be a nice person, we have to put other people before ourselves, there's a lot of downsides. We don't get to achieve the things that we want to achieve. We set up an environment in which in order to be considered nice, you have to do all the things, which I don't think is a helpful environment. You might be willing, on the surface, at least, to do all the things for other people. But do you really want to tell the people that are five years behind you that this is what they need to do in order to succeed and in order to be liked? Probably not. It's probably not the sort of role model that you want to set. There were times towards the later part of my career where I started saying no to things, just to demonstrate to people more junior than me that you can say no and that that's okay. I started leaving at a sensible time to demonstrate to people that you can and should leave at a sensible time as a senior academic because otherwise we inadvertently tell people that this is what you have to do to be considered nice and to be considered a good academic. The other reason I think it's a mistake to always put other people's tasks before yours is I don't think it is just about being nice. And this is gonna sound harsh. I am now calling out all you people pleasers out there. It's not just about being nice. This is partly that you've been taught, you've been brought up that this is how you get people to like you and value you. But it's also because doing things for other people is way easier. I don't want to be harsh, but it's true. And it might not always feel like that, but when you do something for other people, they usually give you pretty clear instructions. There's usually a firm timeline on it, and there's usually a good chunk of praise and thanks at the end of it. And whether that praise and thanks comes from them, which it often will, or comes from yourself because you tell yourself you're a good person for having done this for them. Sometimes we're doing these things for other people because it's easier, because it's clearer, because it's time pressured, and because we'll get gratitude at the end of it. Not because we're just nice. These things are avoidance. Doing tasks for other people is a form of procrastination, if we're not doing it intentionally. Now, hear me, please, hear me when I say, I am not saying you shouldn't do things for other people. I want you to be amazing mentors. I want you to support your peers. I want you to be the ones that are collegiate and out there taking one for the team. A hundred percent, but not at your own expense. And not in some sort of misguided attempt to make people like you, and certainly not in some misguided attempt to avoid doing work that feels more difficult, less clear, or where there's less sort of certain gratitude at the end of it. Sometimes we need to put our things first in order to demonstrate that we can, and in order to stop avoiding the things that feel hard. The fourth mistake I see people making, and again, I made this a lot, is not believing yourself when you say you have too much to do. Now I have a whole workshop on this, but when we tell ourselves we have too much to do, that isn't inherently a problem. Having too much to do is not a problem. Having too much to do is only a problem when we also tell ourselves that we have to do it and that we can't possibly do it. It's that cognitive dissonance where we hold two different thoughts that are contradictory but we believe them both. There is too much. We have to do it. Those two things cannot be true. If you haven't listened to my episode, I have a whole episode on what to do when you've got too much to do. But here the mistake is not believing yourself that you do have too much to do. Sometimes we tell ourselves there's too much, but actually if we stop pressuring ourselves, we stopped like being a wuss about it, we can actually just get on and get it done and it's okay. Most of the time, for most of you, particularly anyone listening who's in sort of mid to senior academic positions, or junior academics, you all have too much to do. It's just the world we live in. You have too much to do. Don't mess up by not believing that you have too much to do. Because once we believe there's too much to do, we can start making decisions about which things we're not going to do. Or make decisions about which things we're going to do quickly and roughly and it's good enough. And which things we're going to give people warning that we're not going to do them till next year. I have a bunch of papers that I never wrote up. Collected the data in various different formats and I've never written them up as academic papers and I won't now. I am considering writing some of them up as more like little blog post type situations, so who knows, they may see the light of day, but I accepted there was too much to do. There was too much data, there was too many options, and I couldn't do them all. And I tell you what, it felt enormously better to just decide I wasn't going to, than it was to keep telling myself that there was too much but that I had to do it all, and then inevitably not doing it. Because there's no way to do it all if there genuinely is too much. So listen to yourself. Believe there's too much. Believe non judgmentally. Believe non dramatically. And just ask yourself, Okay, if there's too much, then what am I going to do? Because you're clever people. And we can come up with a plan. Mistake five really relates to that one. And that is believing that things have a fixed level of quality and a fixed scope. So one of the problems with telling ourselves that we have too much to do is that we think our only two options is do the thing or don't do the thing. Those are not our options. There are so many things we can do to a standard that is good enough, but not as good as our best, in order to have it done, but to have time to do the other things that matter too. Examples, beautiful PowerPoint slides. We can do just as good a presentation with very basic PowerPoint slides as we can with beautiful PowerPoint slides. We can fill in a module review form carefully, thoughtfully, and in lots of detail, or we can bung in some comments and it's good enough. We can send a first draft for our collaborators to look at that is beautiful and nuanced and sophisticatedly written and impressively referenced and all of these things. Or we can send them some notes in an outline to check that we're on the right page. There is a whole variety of scope and there is a whole variety of quality that we can perform all of these tasks to. One of the most common things that PhD students experience is the fact that their thesis never quite ends up being what they thought it was going to be at the beginning because at the beginning their scope was far too broad.,, They had far too high expectations of how much they were going to get done. And one of the things that that PhD students need to do is to sort of align their scope, quality, and time to do it, in order to enable themselves to fulfill the requirements of a thesis. When we tell ourselves that there is a fixed quality, that it is either acceptable or it is not, and there is a fixed scope that is decided and therefore set in stone, then the only thing that we have any control over is time, so the only things we can do is work more hours or allow it to carry on longer. Those things are not true. You can change the scope. You can change the quality. You can decide which things deserve the best of you and which things just need to be done. The sixth mistake that I see people making is making time for the wrong sort of work chatter. So we all want a vibrant academic community. We want somewhere where we feel excited to go to work and share the things we're doing. We have people that we can bounce ideas around with, where we can share our successes and lament our failures and get stuck into whatever disciplinary challenge it is that you're trying to answer at the moment. We all want that community. Most of us also tell ourselves that it doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't exist the way it used to, and that we don't have time for it anyway. The problem is that academic communities only exist if we participate in them. And if we tell ourselves they don't exist, then we won't participate in them and they won't exist. During the pandemic, I did not make enough time for that sort of bridge building, collaborative, positive discssions. And I thought that that was the right thing because I thought that I needed to focus on all the things I needed to sort out to keep our programs running during that difficult time. In reality, and I think I've mentioned this on past podcasts, in reality, what I did was make it very difficult to implement change because I didn't sort of have my finger on the pulse as to what was happening and what people were thinking. And I wasn't getting for myself that like nice sense of being part of a community that actually makes it easier to get work done. It was not true that I didn't have time to have those conversations. I just believed it was true. And so I didn't make them, when in reality I think they would have helped a lot if I had made time for them. On the flip side, what I do see people making time for is moaning about how terrible things are. You know, we don't, we say we haven't got time to have a conversation with somebody about our new research findings and what they might mean, but we do have time to spend 20 minutes in the corridor talking about how useless the latest university announcement is, why it shouldn't be like this, why we've got too much to do, why it's all crap, and why higher education is falling apart. And don't get me wrong, we all need to vent sometimes, I get it, but I want you to notice what this does to your emotions. Listening to all of this, participating in this sometimes, I want you to notice what it does to your emotions. Because there is a very big difference between venting in a way that helps you feel better once you've done it, and venting in a way that just feeds the beast, where the more you moan, the more you listen to everybody else moan, the worse it feels. This is not to say that there isn't a lot to moan about. I get it. I'm not sad that I'm no longer working in academia. There's a whole bunch of challenges that you guys are still managing. I get it. Just have a ponder on what types of talking about it make you feel better, make you feel like it was cathartic and got it out of your system, and which make you feel like the will to live is crawling out the door. Because you don't have to be involved in those conversations. Sometimes we feel like we do. You can just remove yourself. You can just say, oh well, I need to get on now. I do that now. If I found myself being like, oh, everything's rubbish, I just remove myself. And you don't have to tell people why, you can just remove yourself. Now, in time, as we learn to regulate our own emotions more, we may be able to listen to other people expressing their dissatisfaction with things without that having to impact our mood. But that does take a bit of emotional regulation skills. It takes some effort and energy and if you haven't got that right now, that's okay. You can remove yourself from the conversations. But remember, swap it for something else. Swap it for a different conversation. Swap it for a conversation where you tell somebody that you want to hear about what they're writing about now. Swap it for a conversation where you talk about something that you value that they did or ask their advice on something so that you can have a proper conversation. This isn't about entirely withdrawing, this is not making the mistake of allowing your only interactions being people being very negative about the current situation. And then finally, the biggest mistake I see people make, and I help academics with this, particularly academics, in some of my one to one coaching, is not having a narrative of their own against which to prioritize. Now what do I mean by that? If you are clear on who you are, who you want to be in your working life, and where you want to get to, so this doesn't have to be some grand ambitious plan, but just what type of academic you want to be and what's important to you. If you have a really clear narrative of that, it's enormously easier to choose what to prioritize. It's much easier to decide, I'm going to say yes to this but no to that. I've got enough of these things, so I'm going to do some of those things instead. It becomes a lot easier because you've got something to sense check it against. It's the same as, you know, I've never been somebody who's particularly into like fashion and style and things like that. And so I often found it hard to decide what clothes to buy because I didn't have a clear sense of like what my style is. I've worked on it. I've tried, but other people have a very clear sense of what their style is. So they'll be like, no, I don't go in that shop, that shop. I go in this shop and this shop. I wear these sorts of things and those sorts of things. And boom, it's easy, much easier. I did the same thing with my garden is I chose what colour flowers I wanted to have. And I just don't buy plants that aren't those colors because otherwise it was just massively overwhelming to choose. And It's the same here. If you have a clear narrative for your career, you can then make so much easier decisions about which things to care most about, which things to put most time into, which things to postpone and which things just to not do. If you have no idea what your narrative is at the moment, and particularly if you are in an academic job at the moment, so not PhD students, but people who are actually working in universities at the moment, then keep an eye out for my one to one coaching. So I'm usually on a wait list at the moment, but you can let me know what your situation is and where you're at and I can let you know how long it would be until I'm likely to have a space available. Because this is one of my favorite things to do. Help academics to figure out what their story is and how they can then use that to make decisions. If you're not ready to commit to coaching at the moment, but you think you'd like some more support on this, I do have three episodes of the podcast where I talk about how to figure out what your story is, why that's so important and how you can use it to move forward. So do make sure you check those out. So those are my seven mistakes. How many do you think you're making? I've definitely made all of them through my career. So trying to impress people by doing it all. Believing that you're the only one that can do certain things right, and so getting stuck doing those things. Prioritizing tasks for other people instead of prioritizing things that will help you move meaningful things forward. Not believing yourself when you think and know you have too much to do, and so trying to do it rather than actually accepting it and coming up with a plan. Believing that things have a fixed quality and a fixed scope, so that all you can do is put more time in or take longer over it. Only making time for chatter that brings you down rather than consciously putting in time for chatter that goes back to the things that you really love about academia and that you find nourishing and fulfilling. And finally, not having a narrative to check your prioritization against. If you are making any of those mistakes, and many of you will be making all of them, don't worry. It's okay. The vast majority of academics are making almost all of these. But I want you to pick one. I want you to pick one to have a little ponder on and to think, what would I need to believe in order to change the extent to which I'm making this mistake. So we're not going to stop entirely, but what would you need to believe in order to do something a little bit different? As usual, I will be sending some more details in my newsletter about these podcasts, so do make sure that you are signed up for that. Every week you get a little summary, you get some reflective questions and an activity to try. So if you're not on that, make sure you get to my website, the phdlifecoach. com and you can sign up for the newsletter there. If you're listening to this in real time on Easter Monday, and you're a PhD student or postdoc, you still have like 48 hours to get on my be your own best boss program. So check it out on my website. You will learn how to have positive self talk, how to organize yourself and plan your time, prioritize in ways that feel good and make you the boss that you need in your life. It's going to be amazing. At time of recording, I've got 10 people signed up already. I'm super excited. I would love a few more. So let me know if you want to hear more about it. If now is not the right time, make sure you're on the newsletter and you'll be the first to hear about. opportunities in the future too. The other thing that I wanted to do a shout out about is I do workshops for universities, and I'm doing a special end of year, like special discount bonus thing. Now it might not feel like the end of year at the end of March, but we've got one term left. I do these workshops April through July. And so I'm offering a really discounted rate for access to all of them. So there are 11 workshops left, if you're listening to this in real time, and I'm offering that package for 1, 500. This is incredibly cheaper than it is buying them one at a time. If you are an academic, please speak to your universities. There's usually a budget somewhere sitting around that needs to be spent before the end of the financial year. So I am here to help you with that. If you're a student, please send information on to your graduate schools requesting this stuff. You can find information about it on my website and on Twitter. So fish those out, send them to university, and hopefully you can get access to these workshops too. It is a whole variety of topics, how to write when you're struggling to write, how to overcome imposter syndrome, what to do when you have too much to do, what to do if you're feeling behind, how to make decisions and prioritize. And then in time, how to get ready for the summer. It's an amazing series of workshops. Make sure you're in. Let me know if you need more information. And I hope to see you all at those soon. Thank you so much for listening and see you next week.
by Victoria Burns 25 Mar, 2024
One of the things that always amazes me is the similarities between the challenges that PhD students have and the challenges that people at every stage of academia, all the way up to a full professor, have. And never is that more true than in the challenge of comparing yourself to others. From all of my one to one coaching and group memberships, it's so apparent that at every stage of the academic tree, people are comparing themselves to those around them and doing it in ways that just doesn't help and where they end up feeling guilty, feeling frustrated, feeling hopeless. And it's just so sad that whether you're a first year PhD student looking at the rest of your cohort wondering if you're doing enough or whether you're some kick ass senior professor who's smashing their career, we're still looking across to other labs going, Oh, well, they, you know, they have still got more grant income than me. They still got more publications than me. It's so sad. And it doesn't have to be like that. So today we're going to be thinking about how to stop comparing yourself to others and what to do instead. Hello, and welcome to episode 28 of the PhD Life Coach. Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others, and somehow always coming up short? Always feeling like we're chasing down the next person who's doing the thing that we need to be doing, putting ourselves under pressure because of these comparisons. This originally came up because the PhD students in my membership program were experiencing this a lot. They were comparing themselves to their cohort. Some of them were writing up and feeling like the rest of their cohort had already left and making that mean something about them and their abilities. Others were closer to the beginning of their program and just feeling like other people were in the swing of it much more quickly than they were. And then I see later on when people are seeing how fast people get promoted or when they get their first big grant or when they start winning awards from their learned societies or whatever it is. At every stage we're sort of watching across to see what other people are doing and then using that comparison to mean something about us. And we dug into it in one of our coaching sessions. So we have these online group coaching sessions where we have discussions in the Zoom chat, first of all, and then we do coaching in front of each other. So people get to see each other being coached. And we realized that when I asked people what they compared, they also compared themselves on a bunch of different things. It wasn't just on the sort of usual academic metrics of publications and progress through your PhD. But they were also comparing themselves in terms of how much work other people did and how much energy other people put in. And the thing that was really cute, bless them, and I've seen this at every level, is that we compare ourselves in both ways. We worry if people are putting in more effort than us and we worry that they're working harder than us, but we also worry that there are people that never seem to work as hard as us but are still doing okay. So either way round, whether we work more or less hard, we can make it a problem. They also compared themselves in terms of how much experience they had, before and outside of their PhD. And in both directions too because I had PhD students who'd come straight in from their masters who felt that they were much less experienced than other people in their cohort and then I had people who were part time PhD students who had senior careers in other things who felt that yeah they had that experience but that wasn't the same as having recent academic experience and that actually these people that came straight from their masters were much more prepared for their PhDs. And again I see this with Full Academics as well. I see people who have come straight through, stayed in academia their whole lives, feel like they don't have the external experience that other people have, and then the people that do have external experience feeling like a bit of a fraud within academia because they feel their actual academic credentials aren't up to it. Either way round, somehow we still come out on the bottom every time. And then when you chuck in, all the quantitative things that we can measure in academia, whether that's grant income, or number of publications, or impact factor, or citation numbers, or awards from learned societies, or fellowships, or whatever it is, once we chuck in all that stuff. There's so many things that we can compare ourselves on, and none of it really helps. Even people that think that they really aspire to having a good work life balance can compare themselves to people who they think have a better work life balance than we do. So even when we're trying to actively not engage in some of this kind of one upmanship, we can sometimes feel that actually other people are better at the work life balance than us. Oh, so and so never works weekends, and I always have to catch up a bit on a Sunday night, even though I don't want to. And we start comparing ourselves on how well we're doing work life balance as well. So in today's episode we're going to think about why it's such a problem to compare yourself to others, and importantly, as usual, what you can do instead. Now, some of you might be thinking, I don't actually see this as a problem. By comparing myself to others, I give myself something to strive for. And, you know, many of my achievements have been attempting to beat my brother, or to beat my best friend, or whatever it might be. We hear sports people talking all the time about how their bitter rivalries drove them to better performances. So why is it even a problem? Well, I would argue that there's a bunch of reasons why it's a problem. Now, for most people, these sorts of rivalries only drive you to your best if you maintain a mindset where it is achievable to be as good as or better than these other people. So where you believe that they're really good, but you have capacity, i. e. it's a challenge rather than a threat, you have the resources to potentially be able to meet or exceed them then maybe you perceive it as a fun rivalry, maybe you perceive it as something that will drive you to achieve more. Unfortunately what happens for a lot of people is it doesn't feel achievable, they compare themselves to others in a way that either doesn't feel realistic or is not realistic for reasons we'll discuss in a minute and what happens then is usually something around guilt or frustration or even despair and despondency. We essentially give up or really struggle to keep going because when we look and compare ourselves to these other people and come up short, it doesn't feel plausible to meet them. And when something feels too difficult, it's really hard to then put in the hours and the effort to try and achieve the goal. Those of you who have listened to my previous podcast about procrastination will know that if we keep thinking thoughts that make us feel guilty or frustrated or despondent, we're likely to end up procrastinating or overworking one way or another, because we try and avoid these negative sensations. It can also be a poor motivational strategy because when we start doing things just in order to be better than somebody else, it shifts us away from a more intrinsic motivation where we're doing something because we enjoy it, because we value it, or because it's part of who we are. And more into a more extrinsic form of motivation where we're doing it in order to beat somebody else. i.e. Get some sort of external benefit that is separate from the benefit of the thing itself. Now I'm going to do an episode in the future, where we look at these different types of motivation and why it can be really important to understand them when we're thinking about motivating ourselves, but suffice to say here, when we're more intrinsically motivated, we're doing it because we value the thing itself, and because we enjoy it, and it's part of who we are. We're much more likely to be able to put in sustained effort, and to have good psychological health during that, than if we're doing something in order to beat somebody else, to get that reward of winning, or to avoid the punishment of losing, in inverted commas. So even if you feel like the rivalries are actually driving you to better performance, we need to look really carefully about whether that's actually helpful in the long run, or whether that is going to lead to situations where you lose your intrinsic motivation and have poorer psychological health because of it. The other thing that I think is different between rivalries that drive us on versus comparisons that hold us back is the extent to which they make us believe something about ourselves. What I see often in academia is people who find that the comparisons they're making just reinforce the stories that they tell about themselves. So if you believe that you're somebody who doesn't work enough, you will probably compare yourself to people who work more than you and end up sort of reinforcing that belief. If you believe you don't write quickly enough, you compare yourself to people who write quickly and publish a lot and make that mean something about your academic life. If you're doing this, don't worry. This is totally normal to do this. Our brains like to be right. And so if we're constantly telling ourselves that we're not good enough at something, we will look around us for evidence that that's true. And one place you can get evidence that that's true is by looking at people who are different to you and comparing yourself unfavorably to them. When we have brains that want to be right, unhelpful comparisons is one of the things that they will do. But it is also super problematic because if we reinforce the fact that we're not good enough at what we're doing or we reinforce the fact that we're not fast enough or that other people are doing better than us and we find evidence for those things being true, it's much harder for us to generate the sorts of emotions that are going to enable us to get on and do our work. We're going to find ourselves stuck much more in in that kind of hopeless, I can't quite get on with this, I'm overwhelmed mode rather than in the, okay, let's go. This is exciting. I'm capable of this, let's get this done, kind of mode that we know helps us achieve our goals and feels so much nicer. The other downside that my clients identified is that it can really waste energy. We put a lot of cognitive space in comparing ourselves to others, deciding whether it's true or not, what that means, spinning stories about how they're going to go much further than us or how it's not fair and they've had more advantages. We can use up a lot of cognitive space doing this. And as I talked about last week in my episode about how to manage your energy, cognitive energy is a really important resource for academics. It's something that we really need in order to be able to do the hard work. And if we find ourselves using up that cognitive space on spinning stories about why we're not good enough and why other people are doing better than us, it doesn't leave as much cognitive space for the other things that we need to do. Comparing ourselves to others also skews our decision making because if we're constantly telling ourselves that we should have more publications like she has and we should have more grants like she has and we should have a better work life balance like he does, then we start making decisions based on trying to be more like them, trying to achieve the things that they're achieving. Now that doesn't necessarily sound like a bad thing unless we're doing it from a frantic place and often we're doing it from a frantic place. So we take on that committee role because we should have more extracurricular activities and we volunteer to organize that conference because we should have more leadership things. And we then agree to do that extra publication because we need to have a longer publication list. And all of a sudden now we're over committed and overwhelmed and now instead of beating ourselves up, that we're not as good as other people, we're beating ourselves up because we can't stay on top of things the way everybody else does. And in reality, when we made those decisions, we were probably comparing ourselves to a bunch of different people. We were comparing ourselves to the one who's got lots of publications and the one who does lots of leadership and the one who does lots of other things. And somehow thinking that we should be better at all things than all of them. And making decisions. from that place is never going to go well. If we choose to do things simply to keep up with or beat other people, we don't then end up planning our lives around our values and our priorities and designing a life. that we actually like. So what can we do instead? Well, I'm going to argue that we can compare ourselves to people. I think in many cases, it can be really useful to compare ourselves to people. And at the end of this podcast, I'm going to tell you exactly how I want you to do that. But first I want to tell you why I think we're doing it badly at the moment. What is wrong with the way we're currently comparing ourselves to others and why it leads to all these problems. And then I will share with you what we should do instead. So the first reason is we do it inaccurately. We compare ourselves to what we know of other people. So we compare ourselves in terms of our grant income without knowing what support they've had in order to generate that grant income. We compare ourselves in terms of how many hours they're in the office or in the laboratory without knowing whether they're actually productive during that time, whether they work when they're at home. Or what it is, you know, sometimes you're like, Oh my God, they're always at work, but actually they're faffing about on Twitter or, you know, Oh my God, they get so much done and they're only in the office six hours a day, but actually they're working all weekend. We don't know the truth. Yet often we compare ourselves to these fictionalized versions of other people. One of the tips I often give clients is that you have to remember that you're comparing your insides with their outsides. You don't get to see the messy bits. You don't get to see the mistakes they've made, unless they're really public. You don't get to see all the things that they worry about, or the projects they didn't finish. You just get to see the announcement that so and so has got another grant and make it mean that you're not good enough. So we compare ourselves really inaccurately based on incomplete information. That's the first way that we get this wrong. The second way is that we compare ourselves selectively. We compare ourselves to one bit of that person. I wish I was as far through my data collection as that person without looking to see whether the other elements of their life, of their academic progress are actually something that we're jealous of at all. So I used to run the third year project module in my school. And one of the things that I always used to see was I had some students coming towards me going, Oh my God, my friends, they finished their data collection, and I haven't even started yet. And, and, you know, it's a nightmare. I don't know what to do. And then I would have the other students come to me saying, oh my God, my housemates finished their literature review already, and I haven't done any writing at all, because all I've been doing is data collecting, and I'm going to be so behind when it comes to the writing. And they were looking at each other. They were looking at each other selectively, and comparing themselves to the one bit that those other people were doing better than them at, and not looking at any of the other bits. Not looking at the ways that actually you're about the same as each other, or the ways that actually I'm a bit further ahead on this stuff than you are. The other way that we compare ourselves selectively is we don't take into account their whole situation. So often we compare ourselves to the grant income of one particular person, but that person is working in a highly fundable field, has a lot of senior mentorship, doesn't have a family, works really long hours, doesn't have other hobbies outside of work, all these other things. We don't take those into account because we're only comparing ourselves to their grant income. We compare ourselves selectively to the bits that we can see and the bits that reinforce our narratives about ourselves. So we compare ourselves. This person does that faster than me. This person does that better than me. Very rarely do we go actually, yeah, they do, but I don't like the rest of their life, or I don't like the rest of their choices, or actually this other part of academia I'm actually better at than them, I'm further along than them. We rarely do that bit, we just selectively compare ourselves to the bits that reinforce the negative sense that we have of ourselves. The third thing, we compare ourselves unproductively. And what I mean by unproductively is we compare ourselves about things that we can't change. So I see a lot, for example, people who have small children comparing themselves to people who don't and thinking how different things would be if they didn't have small children. That's what I would call an unproductive comparison, because it's not one that you can change your circumstance. You're comparing yourself to somebody who's in a fundamentally different position to you. I see it a lot with part time students comparing themselves to the progress made by full time students. It's not productive because unless you're going to change to being a full time student, it's not a fair comparison, and not one that you can actually learn from in any meaningful way. You know, it's a similar situation for people who have disabilities, who have physical or mental health problems. Comparing yourself to people who don't have the same challenges as you, it's a really unfair comparison and it's unproductive because you can't just decide, oh okay I won't have this anymore then. It's not how it works. Comparison is only productive if it leads to something that's useful and comparing yourself on something you can't change is never going to be useful. The fourth reason that we do comparisons in an unhelpful way is when we do it repeatedly without action. So we constantly feel like we're not as good as that other person, but we don't do anything about it. We constantly compare ourselves to somebody else who's, you know, just a bit further along than you, even though you started at the same time, whether that's your PhD or getting your senior lectureship or whatever it is. If we repeatedly compare ourselves to the same person without actually doing anything, again, we just reinforce our negative beliefs. We generate negative emotions and make it way harder to take the next steps. So what do we do instead? I promised I would give you an alternative here. What we do instead is that when we choose to compare ourselves, we compare ourselves compassionately and with intention. Now I have talked in the past about boss mode and student mode. And those of you who are signing up for my be your own best boss program will learn so much more about this. I'm super excited. Starts at the beginning of April. I've had my first few people register and it's going to be amazing. You will have heard me talk about being a boss to yourself where you're actually planning and being strategic and then being your student or worker self where you actually carry out those tasks and actually implement. My big rule for comparing yourself to others is you're only allowed to compare yourself to others when you're in boss mode, when you are thinking strategically, when you are thinking from a place of what do I actually want to do differently, or don't I? So when you're in boss mode, you can look at other people. Sometimes it is useful to compare your work patterns to others, to just reevaluate whether you're doing it the way you want to be doing it. You can compare your current publication record or current grant income record to other people, because that can be really useful information. But when we are being our best boss to ourselves, we do that compassionately. We don't do it to reinforce our negative beliefs of ourselves. We do it in a curious way. We do it in a way that goes, I wonder. We do it in a thorough way. So we don't only compare ourselves to the people that are doing. than us. We compare ourselves to a wide range of people so that we can really sort of muddle out where we sit in this pecking order. Are we about where we want to be? Are there ways that we could improve? We get to think about it intentionally. So we think, okay, they've got more publications than me. Why is that? Are they doing something that I'm not doing that I could and would like to choose to do? And if so, how can I figure that out and how can I start doing it? When we're in boss mode and particularly when we're in the kind of compassionate and curious boss mode that I'm going to be helping people generate in my new program, then we can really strategize based on some sensible and logical comparisons. What we don't want to be doing when we're in student mode, when we're in worker mode, where our job is to get on and implement the plan, we don't want our brain spinning with, I'm not good enough. She's better than me. He's got more than me. I'll never be able to, because it makes it enormously harder to get the work done, which is what we need to do in order to achieve our goals. And nothing intentional comes from spinning when you're in worker mode. When you've got things that you're meant to be doing and you're not doing them, if you're spending that time comparing yourself to it, it doesn't help you get the stuff done, and it doesn't help you make intentional change. So, next time you hear yourself comparing yourself to somebody, you don't have to tell yourself to shut up. You don't have to tell yourself that you're not allowed to do that anymore. Because there's a bit of your brain that's doing that just because it worries about you and it wants you to do as well as you can do within the situation that you're in. Okay, so we don't have to shut up that bit of brain. But we can say to that bit of brain, this isn't for now. Next time we're in boss mode, we can think about this properly. We can compare our publication record properly, decide exactly where we're at. Are there things we want to change? Are there things we love about where we are with our publication record? Are there people we are doing better at? Are there reasons we are where we are? And is there anything sensible and achievable that we can take from these comparisons? And we do that in boss mode. We then set those intentions and student mode or worker mode gets on and does those implementations. So you can compare yourself to other people, but let's do it in a way that is fair to you and in a way that enables you to use that information to get better at what you're doing and achieve your goals rather than in a way that just gives yourself another stick to beat yourself with. I really hope you found that useful. If you're listening to this in real time and you're a PhD student or a postdoc who wants to hear more about my Be Your Own Best Boss program, just find me on social media. I'm the PhD life coach and Dr Vikki Wright. You'll find me everywhere or get yourself on my mailing list. So go to my website, thephdlifecoach. com website, sign up for the email list. Contact me through that. Find out more details. I would love to have you in the program. It's three months. We've got workshops. We've got group coaching. There's an ebook. There's access to other workshops. All sorts of stuff. It's going to be a wonderful community. We're going to learn so much from each other, so do check that out. If you're a member of academic staff, remember I do one to one coaching, or tell your students about my program. I would love to support them too. Thank you all so much for listening and see you next week.
by Victoria Burns 18 Mar, 2024
In this episode, you get to hear a live coaching session with Laura! Laura is a part time PhD student who has tried every planning and task management tool possible! She shares that she finds it stressful to even think about planning and is worried about how to manage the last couple of years of her research. I coach her as I would in a private coaching session and we reach some great insights about how Laura is already planning way more than she gives herself credit for and how she can keep developing her skills. Perfect for anyone who has ever been self critical, worried about planning or fed up of never finding the perfect system! Vikki: Hello and welcome to episode 27 of the PhD Life Coach. And this is going to be another of my special episodes where I have somebody on to be coached. So today I have Laura with me who has volunteered to be coached around a challenge that she's experiencing at the moment. So hi, Laura, how are you doing? Laura: Hi, yeah, no, I'm really good. It's really exciting, uh, to be doing this today. Vikki: It's amazing to have you here. So tell everyone a little bit about who you are, where you're at in your PhD journey. Laura: So yeah, so I'm a part time PhD student, so I'm in my fourth year. So that's like year two in equivalent full time years. I am in information studies. So, researching kind of how people use and experience information and I'm looking at it in the context of running as a sport and in my day job, I work part time as a librarian at a university. Vikki: Amazing. So good. I have a lot of part time students that listen to the podcast and who are part of my membership program and do one on one coaching with me. And often they feel like they're experiencing very different challenges. And one of the things that I think is so useful is regardless of whether when people listening, whether you're part time or full time, I think the things that part time students learn how to do are obviously useful for other part time students, but can be really useful for full time students as well, because you've almost got a more extreme version of this really long, drawn out project, which feels like that as full time, so even more so as part time. So, tell me a little bit about what is feeling challenging at the moment. Laura: I think it's very much, you know, four years of doing it, and for me, that feeling very much kind of like we've kind of crossing over that halfway point now, and yeah, you know, maybe a little bit of pressure around how much there's going to be left to do, but it is also very much that maintaining that momentum and that energy, you know. I've been doing this since 2020, we're now 2024 and that seems to be kind of rapidly moving on, but I feel like I've still got a really long way left to go. Um, and how do I, how do I keep myself, I mean, I love my research. I love my topic and you know, sometimes I can't imagine not having this in my life, but at the same time, it's like gotta keep, gotta keep going. Vikki: Perfect. So tell me more about how you're experiencing the momentum at the moment. Is that, does it ebb and flow? Is it always low and you're having to kick yourself into it? Does it come in spurts? How do you experience it? Laura: I think, I, I mean, so I had a really difficult year last year. I broke my ankle partway through the year, which, as someone who's researching running, was, you know, an even more incredibly difficult setback. And I got COVID, I just felt like it was like a real struggle of a year to keep going. So I do kind of feel like I'm coming into this, this second half of this new academic year with a bit more of like a renewed, like, finding my energy again but it's very much trying to get into that rhythm of, you know, balancing going to work, doing the PhD, how everything kind of slots together. And I think that can be, that can be really difficult. And if, you know, I've come home after a, a really long week at work and it's like right time to sit down and try and get myself back into this headspace of doing my research. Vikki: So I think one of the things that's really interesting when we're thinking about Finding things sort of difficult, looking kind of over a long period of time, sort of, oh, I need to keep momentum going. We could either focus on how you can look at that sort of timescale, the kind of now till the end of your PhD timescale, and think about that in a slightly different way than you are at the moment. Because I think sometimes when we tell ourselves, Oh my God, I've got to keep momentum for all this time. That can be an exhausting thought in itself. So we could think about that side of things. Alternatively, what can be useful is to actually draw the focus a bit closer to where we are and sort of almost train, train ourselves the right word, not sure, but to kind of encourage ourselves to think about how we can maintain momentum over a week or a month as our key focus with the belief that as long as we keep doing that, the rest will come together. So which feels like it might be more useful avenue for you to explore, do you think? Laura: Hmm, yeah, because I, yeah, because I tend to, I say if I was to really reflect on my working kind of habits, I'm much a get a burst of like, so I'm so hyper focused on this and it's all I can think about it's all I'm going to do. And then I kind of feel a bit burnt out and I can't, I'm like, I'm going to have to like, lie down for a week and I've drained myself of all my energy. So I'd say I don't, in the short kind of term, I don't work in a very sustainable way. But thinking about the big goals to me is quite often quite overwhelming and stressful, so I do, I'm, I, I'm good at thinking, okay, what am I going to do this week? Vikki: Okay. Laura: But I don't necessarily, you know, I'm not always very good at thinking, or what, what, what might I be working on in six months time. And how do I get to that point? If, does that make sense? Vikki: Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. And again, I think it leaves us in a place where there's a couple of different things that we could think about. We could think about how you could look after yourself to work in a bit more of a sustainable way day to day, which might then help you feel like it's going to be easier to keep that going in the long term, or we could address the bit that feels a bit overwhelming and actually dive into how could you spend a small amount of time thinking about that longer term picture in a way that doesn't feel stressful and overwhelming or at least where we can handle and regulate that stress and overwhelm. Laura: Yeah. And that kind of, I suppose that kind of feels like a good thing to do because sometimes I wonder if the reason why I get into these, like, okay, right, all, all I'm going to do every night this week until like 11 o'clock at night is... all the words are going to pour out of me and I'm going to be so in the zone. And sometimes I think that comes from a place of, of panic. Like, oh, don't feel like I've made much progress for a while and now I'm going to go into like super, super panic writing mode and churn out a load of stuff. Vikki: But if you're not quite sure what direction you're going in and where you want to be at certain times, then that can be challenging, right? Because you're putting in all this effort, but you don't know whether it's going in the right direction at the pace you want it to be. Laura: Possibly, yes. But yeah, if, if someone said to me, right, sit down and, plan out what you want to be working on and when for the rest of 2024, I would probably like freeze up and go, Oh no, no, no, no, no. Vikki: Okay. Well that sounds, if you're willing, then that sounds, and I don't think we do a full year. If a full year feels like it would be a freeze, then one thing that can be really useful to do with that, and we'll think a bit more about why you feel like this, but one thing that can be really useful is to find a period of time that is beyond what you feel comfortable planning for easily, regularly, but is not as far as like completely panic inducing. And I think this is really useful for people because I think people often struggle to have these broader, perspectives. And often I find it's because people think that they need to know more detail than they actually do and so we avoid thinking about it at all. And so I think if we can go through some of that, then I think that will be really useful for people listening who are trying to do these sorts of longer term planning as well. So tell me what is it about planning ahead that feels stressful for looking further ahead than that? Laura: I think it's that indecisiveness and how do I, how do I know what I'm supposed to be doing in the future? Because I do, I even, you know, I just feel like sometimes I feel like I just about know what I'm doing now. So it is that, you know, the committing to the abstractness of and the potential. I don't. Yeah. It's I know some people seem to find it almost quite comforting to have things planned out, but I do not. And I think it probably must really frustrate my supervisors as well actually. And it's like, you know, what's Thinking about the bigger picture, um, and me being like, Oh, I'm, I'm not a planner. Vikki: Well, one thing I will reassure you and everybody with, and I do workshops on this is we are never responsible for other people's thoughts and feelings. So you show up how you want to show up and how you are with your supervisors. And then your supervisors are grownups who are allowed to have whatever thoughts and feelings they have. And everybody, in my experience, everybody stops acting quite so weird if we just accept that people will think and feel what they think and feel, and it's not our responsibility to micromanage it. Um, so, we'll leave your supervisor's frustrations over there. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, who knows. Your responsibility is for you to think about how you want to show up, okay? Laura: Exactly, exactly. Vikki: So, a question. Is it the idea of making a longer term plan? So that period of time where you're actually thinking about it and planning it that feels difficult, or is it the notion of having a longer term plan? So if your fairy godmother could come down and just say, here's your plan for the next six months. It's all stuff you really like and want to do. I'm magic. So I've taken into account absolutely everything you want, but it's realistic as well. Um, do you like the idea of having it or is there a challenge with that as well? Laura: Oh, what a, what a question. I think part of me does like the idea of, you know, the magic plan just appears for you. I think part of me would then be kind of like, but what if, what if it doesn't go to plan? Vikki: What would you like about it? So it's okay if you're having different sides of the coin, how you're feeling about it, and we'll explore both. But let's start with what would feel good about having a three month plan or a six month plan? Laura: The security of, like, here's a mapped out kind of direction that we can, we can kind of follow to help us feel less chaotic all the time. Vikki: Why do you think it would reduce the chaotic feeling? Laura: Because a lot less energy would like, and like mental energy would constantly be used. . Trying to work out, okay, where are we again? What are we doing right now? What, what should I be doing today? What's my priority today? I think I, I, you know, when you, especially when you're part time and you know, you've got one day a week that is your, your day to sit down. And, you know, you're not working, that's your PhD day and then you find yourself thinking, okay, well, what, what should I be doing today? You know, if I could be like, okay, it's, this is, this is the plan says we're doing this today. Let's just try and do this. Vikki: And how do you think that would affect your productivity and how you feel about your work? Laura: Again, it's, I suppose it's sometimes, you know, is there an element of needing that yeah that mental flexibility to be able to be like, sometimes I'm a bit like, well, what do I feel able to be doing right now? It's almost like needing like a little menu of these are the things that need to be done. Which one do I have the right brain space for right now? Cause of course you don't always, you know, you might be like, okay, I need to I should be writing, like, this findings chapter but actually, you know, there's stuff going on that means I, I don't feel I can get into it right now. It's, yeah, it's really, it's the, particularly kind of being in a, a bit of a writing. stage right now, although the way my, the way we've kind of structured my PhD is that I've done some data collection over the last year, I've spent the last few months doing analysis and writing it all up. And now I need to start moving back into another phase of data collection, which I think is not always how lots of not, not, it's not kind of the typical way you see PhD kind of timelines. Vikki: So you're sort of switching between some different things at the moment. Laura: Yeah, which was a deliberate strategy that we thought about that would be useful to help me with this issue of you know, the, I like novelty, I like to have fun new things to be thinking about. So that was a, a good strategy that me and my supervisors talked about. And I was like, actually, I think doing it like this would be much better for how my brain works than spending two years gathering a load of data and then having to sit down And all I've got left to do is write about it. Vikki: And that's something that's going to be different between different individuals, right? Because I coach people where their dream is just to have one thing that they can just immerse themselves in and do that. And the task switching between things, they find really difficult. Whereas other people, I'm a bit more like you, other people like to have a few different things. Um, what I want to notice though, is that you have said that you don't like and find it very difficult to plan for the future. But this bit of what project sits where and therefore what activities you're going, that sounds like you've been planning for the future. Laura: It's like, yeah, I've been planning for the future, but I've not been committed. Yeah, it's, I've not been, I suppose it's all. Yeah, it's. It's funny that isn't it actually, but yeah, the idea that do actually have actually been doing the planning. I just don't recognize it as planning, because it's maybe it's not what what I think other people think planning looks like. It's not in a Gantt chart. It's not in a big thing on the wall. It's not in like a anything it's just all in my head. Vikki: And this is so interesting. I want all of you listening to think about this in your own lives is often we have these pictures of ourselves, right? As to what person we are and what we do and what we don't do. You know, for a long time, I had a belief that I was someone who over committed and then didn't finish things. And that used to really hold me back because I really, really believed this and it almost made it true because when I believed I was somebody who overcommitted and then didn't finish things, I had, I, there was no real incentive to not overcommit because it's, oh, that's what I do. And it took quite a bit of coaching for me to be like, Yeah, I overcommit, and there's some things I don't finish, but there's a lot of things I've finished. There's a lot of things I have done successfully. And so this image of myself as being someone who didn't finish things was not only not helpful, it just wasn't true. And so I think recognizing that in some ways you are someone who plans for the future and who plans for the future with their own preferences in mind. So it's not that you've planned out a way of doing studies that's just the most efficient or whatever. You've planned out a broad structure, even if it's not written down in a Gantt chart or anything, but you've planned out a broad structure that takes into account what needs to be done and what might work for you. How does it help to think that you are already doing this a bit? Laura: It, it, that's such, yeah, to have that kind of reflected back to me as yeah, the, the idea that. You know, I'm not just aimlessly wandering through a PhD. I have really thought about, you know, made those decisions around when to do particular things, and where we are going to go with it next. I think part of my, part of my big like kind of block on this is often to do with the fact that I'm the type of person who will be like, Oh, a shiny new, like productivity tool. Oh, a new notebook, a new diary. I'm going to use this diary. This is going to be the system for me now. And I find it really hard to pick a system and stick to it because I kind of forget to use it. Laura: And so I've done all the different, you know, the, the websites with all the little to do doing done boards on the calendars, the spreadsheets, the bullet journals, I have literally tried every single system out there and I'll get all like super excited about it for like a week and I'll put all the stuff in it and I'll set it all up. And then I'll just completely forget to look at it. So I find planning stressful because I find it hard to. follow through with whatever, you know, with that system for planning things out. Vikki: If anyone's watching this on YouTube, so if you're on podcasts, just so you know, I post all of these on YouTube as well. Um, it's exactly the same. It's not like fancy YouTube videos, but if you prefer that format, you can just do it. Anybody watching on YouTube will see that I was grinning all the way through Laura's saying that then. And that was not because I was laughing at you, Laura. That was because I was empathizing with you so hard. In fact, I think my fourth ever podcast episode. It was called Why You Don't Need Another Planner. So if you haven't listened to that one yet, I would highly recommend you go back to that. Uh, exactly the same. And so many people experience this and we can think about why that really isn't a problem and it isn't, but we can also think about why we choose to do it. And we're going to go that way first. So why do you want to find the system that works? Laura: Because, well, so yeah, like, if, it's like, you know, I, you know, you can't, can't hold everything in your head when it comes to all the things that need to be done and when they need to be done by. I mean, I can try and hold them all in my head and, you know, you get told, don't you, like planning, having, you know, all the tasks mapped out and the deadlines and when you're going to do them by and keeping track of it all. But, you know, you get told that's a really important part of project management skills. And part of me still, um, maybe, yeah, that idea that surely there's gotta be, like, the perfect solution out there, I just haven't found it yet. Um, I know, I do know that that is probably not actually true. Vikki: Possibly not. How would you feel if you had the perfect system? What things would you say to yourself, and what emotions would you experience? Laura: You know, I just, I don't, I don't actually know the answer to that question. Like, because part of me does recognise that I don't, there isn't a perfect system out there for me, so I do find it quite hard to imagine. Vikki: But what thought and feeling are you chasing? Because when we're looking for a new solution for something, we're essentially chasing a thought and feeling combination. Laura: Reassurance that I'm doing it right. Vikki: If you had the perfect system, you'd tell yourself you're doing it right, and you'd feel reassured. Laura: Yeah, I'd be like, I feel so secure that, I'm, I'm doing everything I should be doing right now at the right time. That kind of relief that you're not going to drop any of all the things you're juggling. Vikki: I'm not going to drop any balls. And this is really interesting and it might sound to listeners like we've slightly gone off on a tangent away from planning. But one of the things that I've found with myself and with clients is that is that one of the biggest barriers to planning can be this belief that we won't follow through on our plan anyway and therefore it's a waste of time and it's a bit of a painful waste of time because we're going to beat ourselves up for not following through on our plan as well. So understanding this stuff is a really important step to feeling willing and able to plan so that that doesn't feel quite such a threatening thing to do. So I want you to notice that what you really want isn't the perfect notion template that's going to automate all your everything's or the perfect the perfect daily planner that's got gold edges. This is back from the days when I fell for all this stuff. I still do to some extent. You know, whether it's old school, whether it's the perfect technical solution, it's not the solution that we're looking for. It's that we want to feel secure and we want us to feel reassured and we want to believe that we're on top of things and we're doing the right things. But anyone who's familiar with the self coaching model that I teach knows that the system we're using is just a circumstance. Yeah, it's just a fact. I have a Notion template. I have an Excel file. I have a diary system. I have a bullet journal, whatever it is. And the rest of it comes from our thoughts. And so we don't actually need a new system in order to feel more reassured and more secure. We just need to change the things that we're saying to ourselves all the time. Because it's when we're telling ourselves, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even, you know, I never plan ahead. I just wing it and work hard and burn out and all of these things. When we tell ourselves all of this stuff, that's what makes us feel insecure. That's what makes us feel like we're not in control of this last period of our PhD, is all these things we tell ourselves. Okay. So before we get into the practicalities of actually how we can plan, tell me things that you already believe about yourself that make you feel reassured or secure. So we're not going to, I'm the most organized person in the world, because that's, that's not helpful. Things you already believe that make you feel secure? Laura: Like, you know, I know that I'm good at getting things done when they need to get done. Vikki: Perfect. I'm good at getting things done when they need to get done. Perfect. What else? Laura: I think I actually quite, I enjoy the, the, the sense of achievement of finishing off a piece of work that, you know, has been hanging over me. And then, you know, all of, and you think, you think you're never going to get it done. But I really, you know, I, I enjoy that sense of like achievement and those little moments of, and I'm good at recording those little moments. Vikki: Okay. Amazing. Because lots of people aren't. So that's a real strength. Laura: I don't have to do lists, but I am good at two. I am good at things. I've done lists. I love that. Vikki: In fact, I have a whole episode about done lists as well. So if anybody's interested in that, it's called why you shouldn't have a to do list. Um, so yes, that can be enormously important because so many people rush from what I need to do next, but as soon as it's done, it's forgotten and they're on to the next thing. So that's a huge strength. So you're someone who gets stuff done and you're somebody who gives themselves credit and sort of recognizes those achievements of getting stuff done. Laura: Yeah, I like little milestones and I do, I, you know, I think I am good at recognizing the, you know, the fact that PhD, it's not all about the end result. It's about everything you do along the way. Vikki: So you're someone who has milestones? Laura: Yes, I suppose I am. I suppose I am. Vikki: You're starting to sound a lot like somebody who plans a little bit more than they give themselves credit for. Because you can't achieve a milestone if you haven't got a milestone. Laura: That's very true, isn't it? I'm a I'm a, I'm a planner that can't recognize the fact that they plan ahead. Vikki: Who at the moment doesn't believe that or doesn't spend time thinking those thoughts? It's not that you can't. At the moment, you don't spend time thinking about the times that you have planned. Laura: Um, and don't, I think, yeah, well, you know, those, if you, you know, to ask me What are you very good at believing about yourself that is a very negative, self limiting belief? It probably would be , you know, I'm terrible at planning. I'm disorganized, I'm chaotic. I, you know, and I probably do limit myself with, with that a lot 'cause I can't stick to a system. Vikki: I mean, I don't think the problem here is the, you can't stick to a system. I think the problem here is that you're telling yourself you should be able to stick to a system perfectly. Laura: Yeah. And I think. That, someone, I had that given to me as a piece of advice once from someone else, um, who was trying to give me some support with getting, you know, getting, getting into good like habits in the PhD, and their advice was, Just pick a system and stick to it, and all will be well. Vikki: Yeah, that's not what, that's not exactly what I'm saying. I, I sort of agree with that. Yeah. Rather than the kind of pursuit of the perfect system. I don't think there's actually anything wrong with switching systems. I mean, switching systems every couple of weeks and spending lots of time researching the perfect system and watching YouTube videos about how to do the perfect system and spending lots of money on planners you never use, yeah, that's probably not ideal. But switching up how you do it every now and again, not a problem, not a big deal. Laura: Or if you're like, if your system just kind of fizzles out, or morphs into something different, then maybe that's okay? Like, yeah, I think maybe I, you know, given myself a lot of, a lot of, of pressure to be like, be like the perfect, like, super organized phD student, because you kind of need to be super organized when you're working in such limited blocks of time. And yeah, that probably is a bit of a barrier to how I think about what planning is and whether I'm good at it and things like that. Vikki: Cause I think one of the biggest issues for want of a better word is the belief that if the planning system fizzles out, to use your phrase there, that the A, that that's a big problem and B, that that means you need a different system. I have stuck to, and I'm going to tell you in a minute what my definition of stuck to is, because it is definitely not the same as what most people's is at the moment. I have stuck to the same planning system now for probably 18 months, something like that, which for me is revolutionary. This is, you know, my previous best was about two weeks, genuinely two, three weeks. And the reason I've stuck to it this time, it's because I have completely changed my definition of what sticking to it means, okay? And when it fizzles out, I don't take that as a sign that this is the wrong system. I just notice that it's fizzled out and start doing it again. Laura: Yes, rather than thinking, oh, it fizzled out, therefore it can't have been working. Yes. I need to invent a whole brand new process for doing it. Vikki: Because when it fizzles out, the habit can be to make that mean something about the tool that you're using, i. e. that it's the wrong system, you haven't come up with the right way of doing it, or that it says something about you. That you can never stick to a system and that you are somehow flawed. Often, we make it mean both, which makes it a whole heap of fun. We have both the wrong system and the wrong brain and we're screwed and we'll never succeed. Laura: Yeah, that sounds so familiar. Like, it's me. I, um, I am not good enough to, you know, To do this planning, why, why am I not good enough to be a planner? And I think maybe one of the, I suppose one of the big fears might be that, you know, I'll get towards the real end of the PhD and find myself in a place where I'm thinking, Oh, if only you'd stuck to, if only you'd put more effort into following that Gantt chart, we might not be in a in a, in a mess right now. And of course, I don't know I'm going to be in a mess in like a year or so's time, but I have that fear that I might be, and it could be my fault for not planning well enough. Vikki: Do you know the best thing about that fear though? That fear is a fear of a thought that you might have in the future. You can decide that you're just not going to think that thought, or you're just not going to believe and give it lots of airtime. You can decide that no matter what happens between now and then, you're not going to spend lots of time telling yourself you should have done it differently, and you're going to choose instead to focus on things that are also true. That you've made progress that you've got through, you've got stuff done, et cetera, et cetera, you know, you've already said you're good at recognizing the things you've achieved. You can decide I'm just not going to, if my big fear is that I'm going to tell myself I should have sorted this out earlier, I could just not do that. And of course it will still come up. I'm not saying we can't just, that we can just delete these thoughts from our heads, but we can decide. One of the phrases I really like, that I use with myself a lot is the, We don't speak about ourselves like that. And I have to remind myself of that. I'm going to do a podcast episode. In fact, by the time this one comes out, it will have already come out. So check it out, guys. It's great. I haven't recorded it yet, but I'm sure it will be. About the things that I'm still doing wrong in inverted commas and how I've learned to be okay with it. And so I do still have these beating up thoughts that come up in my head. You should have done this. You should be further along. You should be more on top of this, dah, dah, dah. But I'm also increasingly better at reminding myself we don't, we don't talk to ourselves like that. We don't have to think those thoughts and if we can build that into a planning system where it doesn't matter if we stick to this plan perfectly or not. The point is that we make a plan from good intentions. We attempt to stick to the plan for good intentions. And when we notice it's not quite what we thought it was going to be, or we're not quite doing the things we thought we can be. We can either realign or compassionately nudge ourselves back, but that none of these things mean it was a big mistake or a waste of time or a huge failure. It just means we need to realign ourselves back to what we were talking about and what we were doing and that that's okay, because that readjustment is part of the planning process. Laura: Yeah. And kind of, you know, when you asked What are you good at? And again, I do think I am actually very good at responding to, to those difficult moments. Probably partly thanks to my kind of professional background and the amount of kind of reflective practice we do in teaching and in librarianship and things like that. I do feel I've got this really good skill of being a very reflective and reflexive practitioner, which I think of as a strength in other respects with the PhD, but perhaps I've never really thought about how it can be a strength when it comes to, when plans don't go to plan. Vikki: So tell me just briefly what you mean by reflective in this context. Laura: Um, so it's like, taking those moments to think, okay, what, what's been going on, what's happened, how did that make me feel, what could I do differently. So when we're teaching in my job, you know, if we've done a teaching session, it might not be a formal thing of, you know, sitting down and writing about it, but generally always taking those, you know, those moments to think, how did that go? What didn't work? What am I going to do differently next year when I teach this particular workshop or this particular class? Vikki: It's almost like you're planning. Laura: It's almost like you're planning, isn't it? Vikki: Yeah, I'm terrible at planning. I'm really good at reflective practice. I think about what I've been doing and I work out what I need to do next. But yeah, terrible at planning. Awful. Laura: Awful at planning, good at, good at thinking back on how things have gone. Vikki: Thinking about how it's gone and deciding what you're going to do differently next time is literally planning. So you are telling me at the moment that you have an overarching structure for your PhD where you know roughly when you'll be data collecting and what bits you'll be writing up during that and things. And you have well developed skills at being able to think about how things are going and decide how to do them differently next time. Laura: Yeah, yeah. I'm guessing my, uh, my actual problem is just, not, um, not being able to recognize a lot of this. Vikki: It's what happens is people think that someone who is good at planning makes a plan, does the plan, And then makes another plan. And that it's this very linear, I decide it all in advance, I just implement it exactly how I intended, and then I do it again. And people have this perspective, but that is not how planning goes for anybody. There are people who are much more highly structured. I get that. It used to, I was head of education in my old role, and so I'd oversee all the modules in my school. And it would baffle me sometimes where people were like, but I'm teaching this in six months, Vikki. I needed to know this two months ago, cause it's all planned out. I'm like, how is it all planned out eight months before you start? I don't understand. So some people are much more highly structured in how far ahead they do these things and stuff. But no one just plans it out, does it exactly as they say, and then goes on to the next one. It's an unrealistic level of perfection that we're asking of ourselves. When we can see that the process of planning helps us to make some decisions now rather than later. And then we get to kind of work through the plan and some bits of it we will do and other bits that we don't do, and then we can readjust. And if we see that readjustment as an intrinsic part of the planning process, then suddenly we haven't failed at our plan. We're just assessing where we are, we're retweaking and going again. And that doesn't mean, you know, I was the queen of remaking my revision timetables because I'd color coded them and then I hadn't stuck to it or whatever. It doesn't mean just cramming, cram more in. It, readjusting can be going. Oh, I'm planning too much, aren't I? I'm not actually putting a realistic amount of stuff in here. Um, I need to get rid of some of this or I need to postpone some of this or whatever it can be that. It can be noticing You know, you are constantly telling yourself. You need to start work at 7 30 a. m You never do so How about we just tell ourselves we're gonna start working at 8 and then we are sticking to what we wanted to do Let's not give ourselves sticks that we just never ever stick to So that readjustment is part of the planning process, whether that's a sort of three, six month planning process, or whether it's a what we do this week process, readjusting is part of it. Laura: Yeah, it really is, isn't it? That kind of, and yeah, I would say, you know, I'm, probably a good strength of mine, that reflection and on the flip side, not be afraid to deviate from what I thought I should be doing, because something is telling me that that's not the right thing to be doing right now. Vikki: You get to be reflective then and think about, do I like this thing that's telling me to deviate? Because sometimes our brains tell us to deviate because it feels hard, or, you know, we can't be bothered at the moment, or it sounds boring, or we don't think we're good enough, or those things. So sometimes we hear those gut feelings and we can listen and go, You know, I don't like those reasons for deviating from the plan. We need to just stick to the plan. Or we listen to them and go, they're actually telling us, you know what, you put too much in this section of time. Or, you know what, I'm not actually interested in that study we designed. I don't know how we ended up over there, but it's not what I want to be doing and so we readjust. And so, When we can take some of the emotion away where we're not telling ourselves that readjusting means that we're big failures and our plan was a failure and we're rubbish and our system's wrong. We just tell ourselves that, okay, that's interesting. I'm deviating from this a bit. I wonder why that is. Is this actually the wrong route? Have I set it up in a way that doesn't work for me? Or do I actually need to develop my, my sort of skills in doing the thing I intended to do a little bit more? And we can have a mixture of those things, yeah? We can, we can have a mixture of It's partly sometimes I just fap about on my phone when I should be starting work, and I just need to get on with it. But other times, if it's something that I'm constantly setting myself up for fail because I never do it, well, let's just I obviously don't want to right now, so let's just not plan it. Laura: You know, it's so interesting to hear somebody talk about Like planning as something that has that ongoing kind of reflection and questioning. What's going on here is, you know, rather than what you often hear when you go on course, you know, you get sent on all the courses, you know, project management courses and time management courses and it's all, you know, it is all very structured and if you do this, this, this and this, you'll get to the end. And I don't think, I, now when I think about it, I don't think I've heard as much kind of emphasis on That, you know, that importance of like reflection and thinking almost, you know, you know, on a regular basis, what's going on here? Does this, is this working? Do I need to change something? And I quite like thinking about planning from that perspective now. Vikki: Why does that feel better? Laura: Cause it, it kind of makes me think I can be in control of everything in a way that feels very comfortable and like natural to how I go, how my brain works and how I, how I approach things rather than planning being something that It's like something I've got to learn, like this brand new skill that I don't already have. Vikki: Yeah. I want to take you back. You said that if you had the right system, you would think, I'm doing it right. I'm doing what I should be doing. And I think what you just described, It's essentially you telling yourself that. that actually if I see planning more as a reflective process, more as something where I am going to wander off, but then I'll nudge myself back, or I'll choose a different way, or whatever it is, then I can be telling myself, I'm doing this right because I'm adjusting my plan. I'm sticking to the bits that I really want to and the bits that are really important. And I'm recognizing that some weeks are going to be different to others and some days are going to be different to others. But on the whole I'm, I'm doing this and, and that's so powerful because then if you want to be feeling secure and reassured, you can make yourself feel secure and reassured by knowing that you've got this iterative, messy sometimes, but ultimately kind of well intentioned system, where we, we figure it out. Laura: Yes. Yes. That's like, I do actually, just from having this, this conversation, I'm like, yeah, actually, like, maybe I do have a lot more control of this big unwieldy PhD thing than perhaps I give myself credit for sometimes. Vikki: You've done four years. You've done four years alongside another job and got yourself here as somebody who believed, you know, through all of that, believing that you couldn't do planning. But somehow getting here, so you were doing planning and you did all these things. And I just want you to think how much easier the rest of this could feel if you know that it's not reliant on you finding the perfect system and beating yourself into doing it perfectly. So I had a meeting yesterday with some people who were interested in doing my group program, which is called being your own best boss and we're going to cover loads of this stuff. And I was talking then about my experience with role based time blocking, which is one of the tools that I recommend. And I was explaining to them, you know, I stick to role based time blocking probably between 50 and 70 percent of what I intend each week, something like that. Um, you know, in better, in inverted commas, weeks, maybe a bit more than that, but there's always bits I shift and not for good reasons. There's always bits I shift because I've been procrastinating or bits because I'm tireder than I thought I would be, and I'm not managing it or whatever. But I've got enormously better at not beating myself up about that. And that makes it so much easier to then just tweak stuff. To then just go, Oh, look, today's felt a bit rubbish. And when I look at it, I didn't stick to any of the things that I put in it. Okay, well, what can I do in this next hour that'll make me feel like I've finished intentionally? And let's just have a look at tomorrow and see, am I being realistic or not? Because what I used to do, right, was just shove more in. It's like, well, I've been rubbish today, so tomorrow I need to do all of today's and all of tomorrow's, so let's just wedge it all in. Whereas now I'm so much better at being like, you know what, that's okay, you know, today went great. Things feel better when I do the things I intend, so let's just try that tomorrow. Let's see what barriers we can overcome. Do that tomorrow. And the response from the people in the group was like, Oh my God, you only stick to it 60 percent or whatever. I was like, yeah, but you teach this stuff. And I'm like, yeah, we know. And I teach it from that place of not doing it perfectly. And they were like, I think I could do this. I'm like, yeah, you definitely could. I think it makes so much difference to know that just because you're not doing it perfectly doesn't mean that it's not a good system. It's not that it's not a system you can make work and you're not someone who can keep this all on track. Laura: Yeah. And that's a really, really helpful, a really helpful reminder. Like, like you said. Before it's, you know, it's not necessarily the system doesn't work and you don't need to just completely get rid of that system just because you haven't been following it as you planned it out or as, as you said you were going to do, but kind of acknowledging that, you know, life gets in the way, you're not always going to remember or, you know, whatever happens. But the system can still be a useful system to come back to. So I think there's actually a system that I was kind of using and I haven't, I haven't opened the notebook for like a week, but I can kind of recognize that it does actually really work for me when I, when I need it to. Vikki: Absolutely. I want to pick up one thing you said. You said when life gets in the way and things, one thing that's really important with this is we're, we're super compassionate to the fact that things aren't going to go perfectly, but we also take responsibility for them. So life doesn't happen to you. You make decisions. Okay. So things happen and then you make the decision that I'm going to deal with that instead of the thing I intended. Okay? And that's not to, like, blame or anything like that, but the more we can recognize that even interruptions are decisions we make, because we decide whether we're going to engage with them or not. Even emergencies are, you know, there are people who would hear that a family member are in hospital and would continue working because that's the decision they make. Other people would go immediately, no questions asked. It's all just decisions we make. And so what we can then do is decide which of the decisions that we stand by, which of the decisions, actually, that was an interruption that was absolutely appropriate for me to drop what was on my plan and go do it. Actually, that was an interruption that just felt a lot easier to deal with than the thing I intended to do. So, yeah, next time I might need to think about that differently. So we just take that little bit of control, um, of it. The other thing I'd say, or two things, so one is I tend to have the same core system for deciding what I'm doing each quarter, what I'm doing each month, each week, and the same core system for how I manage what tasks I have, but I tweak Exactly how I'm doing it that week. And what I found enormously useful about that is I'm not reinventing. I'm not wasting time learning a whole brand new system. I'm not sort of having to move across all the tasks that I put in a Kanban board last week, but now we're going to be in an Excel file or whatever, um, but I do give myself little, Oh, Is it useful for me to put it on little post it notes? So I just have the one thing I'm doing now. This is what I'm experimenting with at the moment. Or would it be useful to take things that were in my electronic diary and put them into my bullet journal instead? Oh, do you know what I mean? These things. So I have these kinds of, I have cores and then I twiddle around the edges and that really helps because I'm not reinventing, I'm just slightly going, okay, would this help? I think this might help. This might make it feel easier. And that, that can be a really sort of positive thing, because I'm not wasting loads of time, but I am constantly just trying to iterate a little bit to make it feel nicer and easier to, to stick with. The final thing, as your like, reflective homework, is you've mentioned a couple of things where you have strengths in other areas of your life that you haven't really thought about. So the reflective practice is one example that you haven't really thought about applying to planning. I'd really encourage you to spend a little bit of time thinking about some of those other strengths. And this is true for all PhD students, but particularly for part time PhD students who've got this whole other bit of their life where often, you know, they're quite experienced, they're quite senior, and all of those things. Have a think about whether there's anything you do in your library life, in your teaching life, that you can take and apply over here. So have a ponder about what other skills you have in your librarian world that actually could be deployed over here really effectively. Laura: Yes, I like that. I like the sound of that. Some reflective, reflective homework. Vikki: Perfect. So what do you think you'll take from this session? Laura: I think the thing that's really kind of like light bulb moment almost is that idea of kind of planning is not necessarily like you say that fixed, like here's my plan and I'm going to do my very best to stick to it. And obviously, you know, whereas planning can be more of a, an iterative ongoing, like, you know, if you're always sitting down and thinking right, what do I want to achieve in this little block of time, that's still, that's still doing. Having the intention of planning something. I think if you use the word, kind of, the intention of it, I think that's something that's really important to actually recognise. You know, not just drifting through a PhD and just seeing what happens. There is a lot of intention there with what I want to achieve. I just haven't thought about it as, well actually this does make you somebody that is doing planning work and actually potentially being quite good at it. Vikki: Perfect. What a lovely thing to take. One thing I always encourage people after coaching sessions like this is definitely spend some time writing down some of the thoughts you've had during the session. Obviously you're going to get this recording of it too, so you'll be able to go back and listen to yourself anyway, but also have a think about what's one thing you could do today. that helps sort of move you forward from where you're at. Okay. So thinking of a sort of something that you can immediately act on, um, can be really useful too. I'm sure for lots of people listening, this will have been super useful. So thank you so much for coming on and being open and honest and willing to share all of these things. People really benefit from hearing other people getting coached. Everybody watching or listening, I want you to have a think, what are you going to take away from this? What are you going to do differently because of the stuff that we've talked about today? And if you're interested in being coached in the future on the podcast, do just drop me a message and let me know. I'm going to make this an ongoing series. So thank you everybody for listening and I will see you next week.
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